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September 2023 Readings 

September 24, 2023:
“Phoenix Rises"

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Life gets exciting once again. Regeneration speaks to experiencing a rebirth or a new phase after destruction.  This card denotes getting & taking a second chance in life, possibly a return to full power or health in some cases. Opportunities that you thought were dead & gone, come roaring back bigger than before. There’s a rediscovering your “joie de vivre” or being taken by something that lights you up from the inside out. The fire had nearly gone out but you are recapturing that spark for life once again, taking understanding from the ashes and building anew. Is life the same? No, it’s just different & new opportunities await bringing back fun, adventure & interest. Part of being resilient involves you taking the dare & stepping outside of your comfort zone. On the cusp of discovery, you may not have a full grasp on the lay of the land yet. Just be sure your immaturity or impatience does not cause you to leap before you look. Instead, learn from your earlier impulsive mistakes. That said, the details do not have to be perfect, before you follow your new interest or desire with enthusiasm, courage & confidence. Pursue it to the end with conviction despite any doubt you may feel walking this new chosen path.

Theme: Regeneration

What to keep in mind:  Page of Wands

September 17, 2023: “Power of Words & Motive”

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This week questions your intentions and urges you to understand your true motives. Why do you want what you want & why are you so determined to get it? It’s about understanding your power to create & the responsibility that comes with that power. You are in a very powerful position to get exactly what you wish for. What we think about comes about, so proceed with care. The Magician makes conscious the consequences of every word & every deed & urges caution while using that power. He understands that what we focus on, what we direct our will towards with enough emotion, consistency & energy will materialize on this plane. His knowledge, skill, tools & connection shape his reality & has a direct effect on his outside world. Mind with all its virtues & flaws is a powerful generator of wish fulfillment. Trick is to be clear of illusions & delusions that will cloud your motive. Being plugged into the non-physical realm, and having access to thought forms, one must examine their intentions. If your heart desire is achieved, will it satisfy “the why”  you wanted it in the first place? Is there a better, more deeply gratifying wish you could make? Most people operate from emotion, projection & “magical thinking”. They do not think. Magician urges you to use logic or reason when manifesting a desire.  Knowing your “why” is the key here or else you’ll be on a never-ending loop, entering into an unending cycle of filling the void with empty wishes. Once your motive is refined, purified & perfected, create a clear plan using all the tools within your skill set to bring it into being.

Theme: Why?

What to keep in mind: The Magician

September 10, 2023:
“Evidence will Appear Shortly”

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This is a time to welcome & try new things especially ones that provide a life changing amount of value.  These are the things you and perhaps a partner, have been loyally and wisely incubating.  The Loyal Heart speaks to being steadfast in your commitment towards success and evidence will start to take shape shortly. Whatever dreams, hopes & wishes you have being faithfully devoted to, you will see real life proof of that appear in life right now as the Ace of Pentacles can represent a physical manifestation of a wish or a prayer answered. It could be a product of your commitment to each other or the reaffirming of the bond already there. The Ace suggests it’s an excellent time to invest your effort, time, attention or money into a potential or existing partnership that feels like a really good fit.  The Loyal Heart card represents two parties committing in trust & pledging loyalty to each other. A bond full of affection, comfort & harmony signified by the pink in the card. While purple tones speak to honor, dignity & pride, the brown of the barn owls, the bringers of wisdom & insight, epitomize the down-to-earth groundedness & stability every partnership needs to build a foundation for success. Since they possess the ability to keenly see in the dark, they appear here to help you identify things that are unseen. Keep your eyes open to this incoming opportunity to further your potential.

Theme: Loyal Heart

What to keep in mind: Ace of Pentacles

September 3, 2023:
”The Cost of Our Aggression”

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Theme: Come to the Edge

What to keep in mind: 3 of Swords reversed



This week speaks to leaving heartache behind by having the nerve to face the unknown, be vulnerable and take a risk in order to progress. Disconnect from the grief by making a decision to take a leap of faith & connect with the world again. Life gives us plenty of opportunities to move forward once we have the bravery to overcome our fear. It was, or perhaps is still, hard getting past loss & the sting of sorrow. Even though you may still be feeling its painful effects, you have gained a new understanding of the events & are open to having forgiveness enter the equation. As you work through the hurt, your hesitation to get back out there can have you feeling stuck experiencing tension & conflict when confronting your environment. The Swords point that it will be your head that will hang you up from moving forward. Your head & heart are looking for a guarantee that you’ll not find disappointment, heartbreak or betrayal. There are absolutely no promises that you will not find that again in the future but, you can’t let that stop you. The Three of Swords speaks to your need to understand circumstances. One of them being, that a person cannot find the new unless they move into the unfamiliar. We could find growth, sweetness or pain. This is the complexity of life. So in spite of all the danger of pain and having little or no evidence that it will work out,  do it anyway. The Three of Swords in reverse also recommends, if you were the author of this recent storm of emotions resulting in hostility or conflict, to make your apologies & move on in sincere reconciliation. Heartache is not permanent & resolution can be made. If none can be found, and these differences between you & others cannot be reconciled, you must muster the courage to move on somehow.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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