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September 2021 Readings 

September 26th, 2021: “Moving Past a Bump in the Road”


Keep: Love (Compassion)

Ditch: Whale (Breach)

Reason: Doable

How far are we?



This week may ask you to stay put & work on a relationship rather than giving into the itch of wanting to break free. When situations get too difficult, it might be your inclination to escape. But it seems there’s a greater lesson to be had here; one you could miss or not understand if you did succumb to that urge of turning your attention elsewhere. This lesson, or person that holds the lesson, is the key to a part of your journey, your next stage or advancement. The key that unlocks the next chapter, opening the rest of your life- which hovers in front of you. They could have the “key to you heart” or hold the key to something very close to your heart. Whatever the case, they are an integral part of your journey & perhaps you are for them as well, as there seems to be a mutually agreed upon promise.  And so, your being asked to ditch the impulse to avoid the intimacy that occurs from conversations that can make you feel tense.  Instead, consider their perspective & where they are coming from. Love, compassion & forgiveness are required at this time and will be the keys to successfully navigating the path ahead - your personal road as well as the road you travel together.  Be grateful to those who taught you hard & uncomfortable lessons. Everyone has something (a gift) to leave with you as a result of their interaction with them…all part of your journey together.   Let the gift of learning the lesson of resolve and determination- the strength to push through barriers that will lay in your path as you travel through your life/lives – giving it all you got ….be the motivation of why you stay.  

September 19, 2021: “Time of Reinvention”

Sept19 2021.jpg

The nature of the problem: Choices

The Cause: Resilience (Burn away the Past)

The Solution: Minimus (Commune with The Source)



You may find yourself still reeling from a recent blow up that happened in your life. Perhaps forever altering a significant part of your routine or lifestyle. What was once not only stable & solid but important in your world went up in flames resulting in a lot of confusion. Faced with having to utilize your strength & resiliency, you may be having problems with planning and organizing as to what to do next. Being entangled in fuzzy thinking or brain fog can cloud your judgement or make decision making very difficult. Cognitive or memory dysfunctions or mental fatigue can create an inability to focus or remain calm in the face of disaster.  Just the weight of responsibility of having to make necessary choices in this rebuilding phase of life (new job, career, relationships, residences, life purpose) can be disorientating. Understand that you do not want to be making any decisions on impulse or out of desperation if you want to build something worthwhile. By making better, smarter & more careful choices, you’ll no longer be a victim of circumstance, but someone who has the ability & power to influence a more positive outcome. However,  you’ll need a clear head to sort your thoughts & to focus on what you can control. Only then can you take the realistic steps needed to improve the situation. Minimus is the card of restoration, so take time out for yourself to process your emotions, clear your head and look within. It will be here, in this space of quiet solitude, where you will make peace with the havoc that has occurred & contemplate the choices that best reflect you now. An opportunity to drop “your stuff”, strip away attachments, resentments & illusions & get in touch with your true self/ true essence… and heal from the trauma of the past. It’s been a lot to deal with. Going quiet will allow you to get reacquainted with your creative spark- your truest nature- the part of you that can take inspiration directly from your soul & materialize it into something you can exchange for money or anything else of value. See it as an opportunity to start over & that all this was actually necessary for your evolution- to prune away dead wood to promote new healthier growth.

September 12th 2021: “Are You Selling Yourself Out?”


Opportunities: Abundance (Wild Yam) /5 of Cups

Challenges: Focus / 6 of Pentacles (reversed)

Outcome: Desire/King of Cups (reversed)



Allowing others to give you “the fuzzy end of the lollypop”, will give you loads to feel shitty about.  Rather than getting lost in regret, disappointment & self-pity, pick your head up & turn around- to not only acknowledge the good stuff that remains, but to face where these inequalities lie in your life. Up till now, you may have not recognized how one sided it’s been. You have been challenged to see where you have participating in an emotionally manipulative & unfair power dynamic with some unhealthy people with hidden agendas – all at the cost of your own desires, dreams & wishes. Where there should be a healthy exchange of give & take, you’re making compromises for some ingrate’s benefit only to feel great regret & pessimism later on. Are you getting what you are giving? It’s not always easy to confront toxic situations or relationships with strength & emotionally maturity when you realize that your generosity, good nature or altruism have been taken advantage of. But if it’s your wish to follow your purpose or manifest your dream, you’ll have to grow a backbone. Allowing this to go on will result in trigging feelings of powerlessness & weakness within you. It will be hard to stay clam & balanced when faced with stormy seas & increased pressure from outside events. You can easily be overwhelmed -you’ll just flip your shit. Your full attention & commitment will be needed in order to manage upcoming important concerns that will soon be spotlighted. These matters will have a great ripple effect through your life. Therefore, it will be important to focus on your purpose, the small wins, the value of fair reciprocation, frugality, equanimity and compassion.

Don’t waste your resources where it’s not appreciated.

September 5, 2021: “HA! This Fugazi”


Energy to Release: Contract

Energy to Receive: Attachment (Reversed)

Energy to be mindful of: Lipstick on a Pig



Some person or situation has been trying to "put one over" on you & until very recently, you trusted their advertised image or official story. You were dedicated to their every word. You only wish they had been just as committed. Where once you had been on the same page, thinking all was fair and on the up & up, you now see that was not the case at all.  Although you didn’t see it at first, there was more to the story than met the eye; it’s almost funny that you overlooked it. Possibly you thought something was in a contract, warranty, press release, ad, job offer, business deal, some other official & binding document, when it really wasn’t. Products or people who marketed themselves to tout certain claims, proved to be quite disappointing. Perhaps you handed over trust without reading the fine print. Maybe you assumed contracts were to be honored fairly. (This could also relate to a more personal partnership that has a legal component-NDA, marriage, lease, business contract.) Now finally, after seeing through the façade & the fakery, you are ready to embrace the action of breaking unhealthy patterns. The ones that held you legally or contractually bound to something that was not what it claimed to represent or pretended itself to be. You are now free and able to joyfully move on to something clearly more truth based or seek justice in a more legal setting--To move on from that which kept you bound to that nonsense. It’s almost laughable that you kept with it as long as you did.  The question is why did you stay after realizing your foolishness for complying after realizing the other party was being shady or unfair?  That’s the part to examine so you’re not bamboozled again. Stop listening to bullshit you KNOW is bullshit. Treat it as a laughable idea that you would stay with something that is NOW truly false.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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