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September 2019 Readings 

Guidance for September 29, 2019- “Take me home where I belong”






When feeling weighed down by anxious emotions and needing encouraging support, you return home. Filled with nurturing unconditional love, home is wherever you can safely recharge, relax & revitalize your mind, body & spirit. There they have your back and there is never a need to speak. Whether it’s reconnecting with nature to feel centered & grounded or returning to your roots, home is where you are free to let it go of all “old energy” heaviness. This is especially needed when you are undergoing a life change that produces fear, anxiety and worry.  Important life markers such as experiencing the loss of a loved one, an ending or beginning of a relationship, or the entering of a new phase in life, can create resistance in you. As you exit one cycle & enter into another, you are birthing the opportunity to let go of yesterday set to integrate new insights into your today. Yes, there’s fear & uncertainty but excitement as well knowing that you are traipsing upon new ground for yourself- unaware of what abundance awaits. Rest easy knowing that you will have the strength & courage to roll with the cycles of change. Reconnect with a “place called home” to pull on your inner wisdom to know all will be well.

Strengths :Diopside (Mother Earth) 

Weaknesses: Citrine (Abundance)  

Outcome: Cuprite (Rites of Passage) 

Guidance for September 22, 2019- “Growth from Crisis”






You may be feeling as if you were thrown into the deep end of the pool forced to quickly adapt to new circumstances & the increased demands of this new step in your life. Faced with a rapid & unexpected shift into a new phase of being, you are drawing on the wisdom of past experiences to navigate through this new cycle. The challenge ahead may seem unsurmountable but you definitely got this. Shed any ego-based illusions of being unprepared or less than. Remaining grounded, non-reactive & steadfast will be the best way to steer through this unsteady time. Draw on your inner resolve & strength with your head held high, taking small steady steps to reach the summit. This is a process that cannot be forced. What you’ll find at the end of this is a great spiritual understanding of what you can create for yourself as well as what you are able to accomplish. You’ll look back one day & be amazed at the amount of personal growth this produced in you. Evidence that you can rebirth & reinvent yourself when required to.  

Situation: Dragonfly (Emergence)

Action: Mountain (Strength)

Outcome: Lotus Flower (Unfoldment)





Universe wants you to fully acknowledge your hard-won power and your ability to be self-reliant knowing you can more than adequately handle whatever life throws at you.  Your steely strength has been developed through your willingness to embrace life’s lessons with wisdom & insight. Own that you can make wise decisions and stand firm. What doesn’t kill you, will make you stronger. You just need to know when enough is enough, cut your losses and move on. This takes calling on that strength to move ahead in the right direction leaving behind the hurts and what didn’t work for you.  You will also have to able to embrace the idea that something better lies ahead- and that you can be a part of it- in fact you belong there. This is about personal change & growth as well as making peace with what happened. Now is the time for reflection, appraisal & reinvesting in you. Reap the benefits of this standing in your own power & moving on process. Periodically you’ll have to step back and assess your progress but don’t give up. Take stock of what has not proven to be fruitful in your life. Be grateful for what you have gained but chuck in the bin what hasn’t worked. Don’t allow your failures to be stumbling blocks in creating what you want for yourself. Make the necessary changes then reapply your efforts for growth but know it takes patience & hard work to see results.

Guidance for September 8, 2019- “Taking Inventory”


What the Universe wants you to be: Queen of Swords    

The personal qualities required: 6 of swords                         

Specific action required: 7 of pentacles                 





This week is about taking hold of new insights & expanding your established perceptions about your life. Having clarity of thought will help to understand what’s going on in your life & why. Would you like it to look different? Focus on what you would like your life to look like. How do you envision that to be? Get clear about what you really want for yourself. Write it down & refer to it daily supporting it with your thoughts & energy to bring it into being. As far as old beliefs or things go, only bring into the future what is working for you & what will support this new vision. If it doesn’t, leave it behind. Fear, unhealthy relationships, & outdated belief systems will bind you to an unsatisfactory state of being keeping you stuck. Gather the courage to cut them loose in order to move forward to a more open, healthy & prosperous actuality. Using meditation & visualization through this building & releasing process will settle your mind & bring you in touch with your heart wisdom. This will also help to reduce confusion & allow your heart wisdom to direct your steps that are in alignment with your new vision

Guidance for September 15, 2019- “I can see clearly now ”


What will help you? 6th chakra AA Metatron 40

What will hinder you? Attachment 5

What is your unrealized potential? Rest & Rejuvenation 19

Guidance for September 1, 2019- “Can I be frank?”






Newly recovered from experiencing a personal breakthrough or a challenging time, you have taken the opportunity to rest & recharge before tackling life again. This rest period has afforded you the time & space to come to the realization that you only want to speak with truth & integrity moving forward. To strictly express your learned wisdom from the heart with clarity & grace. Additionally, this requires an honest look at how you communicate. Clear & loving interaction is necessary for healthy relationships but ask yourself, “Am I being present & open while listening?” “Can I allow others to freely express themselves without judgement?”  “How well do I receive what others are saying?”  “Am I able to listen or be heard without interruption or interference?” “Do I feel the need to challenge or interrupt others while they are communicating?” “How willing am I to listen to someone else truth?” Taking the risk to be authentic requires one to be vulnerable & responsive to how that conversation may open things up between you & them. Give the person space to express themselves honestly without judgement or rejection. Curb your desire to commandeer the conversation and demand the same respect  in return. Reaffirm that this is a safe space to say whatever needs to be said without attack.


Where do you stand right now? Goose  (4 of cups energy)

What you aspire to? Aquamarine (Communication)

How do I get there? Meadow (Vulnerability)

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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