It is impossible to change the mind with the mind by setting positive thoughts against negative ones since we exist in a universe of duality that always seeks balance. Balance is always achieved somehow. A positive thought competing against an equal negative thought- action will not occur. The status quo will be maintained.
From John Kreiter Manifest Wealth and Prosperity with Thought Forms and Servitors
“When you use highly concentrated and powerful thought forms to get what you desire, you are working with very potent energy that has the ability to make great changes in your life. What is interesting to note though is that, unless you believe in the power of these thought forms to affect reality and to get what you want, it is very easy to short-circuit your own efforts.”
2 ideas to keep in mind while applying an affirmation
Believe your thoughts can alter your Reality. Realize Reality is Beyond the Self-There’s stuff out there greater than you Grasshopper.
You have the Power. This innate intrinsic Divine power that can create powerful thought forms that can & will alter reality.
However, it is far more productive to look and alter your negative belief or thought form first before trying to apply a positive affirmation to it and expecting a drastic alter to your reality. Start questioning those nagging negative thoughts and ask “Is this really true?” “Where in my life have I found evidence to contradict this thought?” Find more evidence that contradicts this belief and start building from there. Hold and sit will these positive contradictions for at least 17seconds every time they appear. This will help build new neural pathways in the brain that you can pull from much easier the next time a new circumstance that resembles the old negative belief, even remotely, and counteract it.
E.g. “People are selfish”. You can search your brain for instances where people were generous and helpful in your life. Build upon one instance after another, holding them, feel into them and expect more of the same to return to you in the future. Are people going to stop being selfish? No but you’ll start experiencing less evidence of it in your life because your perception and expectation will start to shift hence your reality changes.
Affirmations can fail because they don’t fully ring true for us. If someone does not believe in any part of that affirmation or that affirmation is too large and/or outside of their belief system –it will fall flat. You may have to scale down. Choose an affirmation you can really believe in-Mind, Heart & Gut believe - and charge it with the emotions of gratitude and appreciation and maintain a sense of detached expectation. Be open to what comes in allowing the results to appear in whatever form it wishes to take.
Next, prepare to observe in your world (internal /external) for evidence that validates or confirms your affirmation even remotely-no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to be. Acknowledge and express gratitude and do not be discouraged with the results. This takes practice and fine-tuning but know you have to ability to manifest by the strength of your intention and the power of your emotion behind it.