Always intrigued by this bit of dried up paint, I recently sat with this little nugget of Fordite to discover what messages it had for us. It has communicated its properties and it's just what we need to know as we enter into the next stage of human evolution- That we are more than meets the eye!
So one day, my automotive painter fiancé brought home this strange little palm stone.
Jokingly known as Fordite, Detroit agate or Motor Agate these "stones" are actually layers upon layers of old paint deposits from car painting racks that have been chipped off and polished like a stone. What would essentially be disregarded as garbage, it has had a new life becoming components for eco-friendly jewelry and becoming heavily sought after.
Raw Motor Agate
This strange little nugget reminded me of amber, as was fairly light but yet harder, and had many, many striations of color mostly black, white, silver with a dabble of red tossed in. He told me he had broken a chunk of dried paint buildup from a bumper stand that had seen many hundreds of spray jobs over the course of probably 10 years. What would otherwise be considered junk, he decided to play around with it and give it a polish "just to see what it would look like".
He had gotten the notion from another auto-body painter on Instagram and thought he'd try his hand at it as well. He was quite pleased with the results and brought it home. I ,of course, being a lover and worker of stones was quite drawn to this piece. Out of curiosity I set upon the Internet to try to discover what metaphysical properties it might have however I found no results. I have heard of other healers using bits of gravel, pine cones even wood chips in their healing work with clients with the knowledge that everything on this planet as its own properties, vibrations and frequencies that can be beneficial to those who require it's medicine. Always incredibly drawn to this paint nugget, I have decided to connect with it to learn of its possible properties and messages. I have written what i have discovered and would like to share that below. I invite other healers to hold a piece for themselves to add to or even challenge what I have found. I personally believe that messages appear at the perfect time for those ready to receive them. Perhaps the message that Fordite has to relay will resonate with you.
Metaphysical properties of Fordite-
· Aids in resourcefulness and to remain light and breezy during significant life changes.
· Helps one to adapt and accept circumstances.
· Fordite assists in flexibility and helping one to remain open to a new idea or new state of being. This adaptability allows one to make the best of the situation and help bring an end to a previously held belief.
· Allows you to acknowledge that you are an evolving creature that can shift and morph into whatever form you care to take on. You can break societal construct by refusing to be defined.
· Especially useful for those in life career shifts. It can assist you in acknowledgement of inherent talents and attributes that until now have been hidden behind the mask you have either been coerced or had volunteered to wear. There is more to you than meets the eye.
· Breaking the illusion of normalcy.
· Breaking through into your previously camouflaged power.
· Helps you to understand that being different will now be the “new normal” and it will be appreciated.
· Breaking free of previously held beliefs of The Self in terms of how you have defined your place or role within “normal society”.
· Helps to find or uncover a hidden beauty within a once toxic situation. However, it can take some time to discover this but with patience and authentic effort it can be revealed. Supports your journey to uncover the Multidimensional True Self.
. Good for negotiating for it allows one to help others see things in a new way.
· Helpful for issues concerning the Sacral, Root & Earth Chakras
· Resonates to the mutable signs of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini.
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