We continue the crystal journey - Diving into the metaphysical properties of some popular crystals & stones and learn how they can assist you in your spiritual journey of manifestation and enlightenment.
Pictured: Smoky Quartz points
Some Popular Crystals and their Properties:
There are thousands of crystals and stones out there but I find the following very helpful for working on a variety of real-life situations and challenges as well all the chakras. The following are commonly found in shops or online and I have many of the examples I've listed here.
Blue Lace Agate: Upper 4 Chakras (Heart, Throat, Brow & Crown)
It can help one reach extremely high spiritual spaces by using it on the throat, heart, 3rd eye & crown chakras. Allowing it to activate these chakras, it can help you enter high-frequency states of awareness. It will assist you to speak freely and release any feelings associated with the opinions of others. Emotionally supports you to express your Authentic Self without fear of retribution, fear of judgement or fear caused by old wounds. Works especially well with healing techniques that utilize the spoken word (such as EFT, chanting, talk therapy) or sound (tuning forks, crystal bowls, drumming)
Amazonite: 4th Chakra-heart, 5th Chakra- Throat
Eliminates aggravation by soothing the nerves and dispelling irritating and negative energy. It soothes all chakras especially the throat and heart by enhancing communications concerning love. It can balance the male/female energies, gain clarity of mind and help you to align your speech to your higher ideals. Allows you to speak your truth with confidence and self assuredness from a Higher Perspective.
Amethyst: 6th Chakra-Brow, 7th Chakra-Crown
Another wildly popular stone from the quartz family, it is considered to be an "All Healer Stone". Amethyst is known to be a stone sacred to the Buddha in Tibet perhaps because it is a "stone of spirituality and contentment". Helps to maintain a sober mind necessary to create decisions based on spiritual insight balanced with intellectual reasoning. It can be used to protect against psychic attacks by transmuting the negative energy into a positive loving form. It can control the temperament by imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing energy while clearing away unproductive and unkind vibrations. It is an excellent stone for anyone attempting to find freedom from addictive personalities.
Aquamarine: 4th Chakra-heart, 5th Chakra- Throat
The blue-green color of Aquamarine makes it perhaps the strongest stone for clearing and activating the heart, the thymus (higher heart) and the throat chakras. It is a "stone of courage" for it helps you communicate with the Divine while doing some deep personal work. It invites you to let go of emotional issues from your past that you have been holding on to. It helps judgmental people be more tolerant. For those involved in spiritual development, it enables one to travel deep within oneself, understand the complexities, and simplify the resultant information while remaining centered. It may help you to make positive changes in your life, by assisting you to release anger and reduce stress. Aquamarine helps one take accountability perhaps that is why some people find this an uncomfortable stone to work with.
Smoky Quartz: 1st Chakra-Root
Intense but gentle, it is a highly grounding and protective stone that promotes joy. It gently dissolves negative and discordant energies, allows for mindfulness, and absorbs many forms negative energies from within oneself and from outside sources. Smoky Quartz facilitates moving between alpha and beta states of mind and aids clearing the mind for meditation. Good to keep near electronics as it is EMF protector. A Root Chakra activator and purifier, Smoky Quartz helps to rid yourself of what no longer serves you such as restrictive belief systems and thoughts patterns.
Citrine: 3rd Chakras-Solar Plexus/2nd Chakra-Sacral
Known as the "Merchant's Stone", it not only helps to acquire wealth but to maintain it. Citrine is useful in balancing the yin & yang energies as well as promoting mental clarity and focus. It activates, opens & energizes the solar plexus chakra. Quite helpful in problem solving, it is an excellent stone for smoothing family or group difficulties. Excellent stone for clearing the aura, stabilizing the emotions, dispelling anger and promoting joy. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. Citrine is self-cleaning.
Black Tourmaline: 1st Chakra-Root/ All Chakras
It balances, harmonizes, and protects all of the Chakras. Excellent deflector of and protector against negativity. Protects one from being victimized and returns that energy to the originating source. While providing grounding between the root chakra and the Earth, it increases physical vitality, emotional stability and mental sharpness. Black Tourmaline is ideal for psychic protection for anyone who must work or live in challenging places or circumstances, especially as one fully opens one's psychic and empathic abilities.
Hematite: 1st Chakra-Root/ aligns all seven chakras
Hematite has an excellent grounding and balancing energy so it can help to relieve any spaciness you may feel especially if you have been working with high vibration crystals. This stone is highly protective, and is useful to protect and seal your aura field to prevent intrusion from unwanted entities while undertaking spiritual journeying. It can balance the meridians within the body due to its magnetic qualities. Known as the "Stone of the Mind", it helps one "sort out" things , enhance memory, original thinking and technical knowledge. It helps one realize that the only limitations that exist are those self-limiting beliefs that exist within the mind. Hematite is an excellent female stone, assisting women who lack courage to find confidence and self-esteem. It can be used to encourage a desire for and facilitate the acquisition of peace, self-control and inner happiness.
Clear Quartz: 7th Chakra-Crown/All Chakras
It is a Stone of Power. Crystal quartz is programmable and a good all-around general crystal. Great for strengthening the aura and aligning chakras. Simply holding a quartz crystal, has shown through Kirlian photography to double the aura. Can be used in mediation, spiritual development and healing. Both an energizer and an amplifier of physical and mental energies. Provides purification of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It heightens psychic abilities by facilitating communication with spiritual realm, guides and masters. A healer of negativity associated with one's own judgments, thoughts and feelings. A single quartz point on one's person or in one's environment will assist in maintaining balance, energy & protection.
Pyrite: 3rd Chakra-Solar Plexus/All ChakrasTraditionally referred to as "Fool's Gold", Pyrite has an unique preventive and protective quality that shields from negative energy in its many forms. It draws energy from the Earth through the physical body and into the etheric body creating a defensive shield against negative energies, environmental pollutants, emotional attack and physical harm. Allows one to see beneath the surface or mask, revealing the truth behind words, actions and behaviors. It can be used to stimulate the intellect, enhance memory and information recall. Pyrite’s energy is empowering to the spirit, encouraging one to overcome fears and take action. It increases one’s will to accomplish whatever tasks one sets out to do, and can be used to bring one out of one’s shell, becoming more dynamic and confident.
Sodalite: 5th Chakra-Throat/6th Chakra-Brow
Sodalite aids in the development of psychic gifts by working with the 3rd eye to boost intuition and the Throat Chakra by allowing access to the Universe's deeper mysteries and being able to communicate the wisdom found. Sodalite can also be an aid to those studying symbolism and its role in the greater scheme, by helping one to become aware of the patterns that can occur over the course of one's life, and their meanings and purposes. This ability is fundamental for those studying tarot, runes, and other forms of divination. It can be used to enhance truthfulness in emotions allowing one to both recognize and verbalize true feelings. Sodalite can assist in finding the most efficient way to deal with daily tasks and challenges by providing the wearer the ability to utilize rational thinking in order to arrive at logical conclusions.
Rose Quartz: 4th Chakra/ ALL Chakras
The Go-To Heart Chakra stone, Rose Quartz brings peacefulness and calm to relationships. It has a gentle loving energy that is excellent for healing emotional wounds and opens the heart to all types of unconditional love- love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. It can work on all the chakras to remove negativity, re-balance yin/yang energy and attune each chakra to its proper frequency of energy vibration. Quite effective for healing the emotional body and bringing healing and balanced love energy to all chakras especially the upper 4- (Crown, Brow, Throat and Heart). Allows one to act from a Service to Others point of view that will provide greater inner peace, as well as emotional growth and spiritual enlightenment.
Carnelian: 2nd Chakra-Sacral/1st Chakra -Root
A stone of action, it grants the courage needed to embrace change and see the handwriting on the wall to begin to make one's highest goals happen. By aiding in inspiration and creativity, Carnelian assists in the understanding of how to manifest a concept -bringing it from conception to completion. It stimulates power and stamina as well as the re-kindling of passions. Brings new "fire in the belly" by restoring lost vitality and motivation stimulating creativity for new pursuits. It helps keep you on track to see creative projects to the end by overcoming procrastination or indecision. Cleanse and charge your Carnelian by holding it under running water, and then placing it in the sun.
Bloodstone: 1st Chakra-Root
Used to cleanse and realign the lower chakras with the heart. Known as a protective stone to be worn during threatening situations, it allows one to recognize when to withdraw and when to confront by providing courage, strength and vitality. Medieval legend has it that Bloodstone was formed when Christ’s blood fell on a piece of green jasper that lay at the foot of the cross. Since then, it has become a stone for representing sacrifice, and was worn as a symbol of piety and a reminder of Christ’s sacrifice. It came to represent life and birth, as well as passion and courage. It works to remind us not to succumb to life's difficulties but to learn and grow stronger from them. Bloodstone can be highly comforting during intense struggles, such as the death of a loved one. It can lessen the intensity and attachment to the emotional pain being experienced by sorrow, strife and struggle. Bloodstone has a mothering quality by being protective and nurturing. It is particularly helpful in this regard in easing misunderstandings or difficulties with mothers or mothering issues.
Fluorite: ALL Chakras
Fluorite is a very protective crystal and will restore energetic chaos to order. This can become partially helpful if you are attempting to problem solve or organize a chaotic situation. The possessor of Fluorite can become aware of manipulative or controlling psychic interference and will help you put an end to it. Due to its powerful ability to absorb negative energies, Fluorite should be cleared often. It is a popular stone among energy healers, for its energetic purification and neutralizing properties. An essential crystal to have when you are surrounded by hostile or opposing forces, especially at work.
Herkimer Quartz "Diamond: 6th Chakra-Brow, 7th Chakra-Crown
Known as Stone of Attunement, because it can help you attune to any situation or environment inducing release and relaxation . Use it when faced with unknown situations and strangers to help put you at ease and guide you. Stimulates your clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities, allowing you to hear and see messages of wisdom coming from Spirit, guides and Higher Self. It can also assist in telepathic communications and lucid dreaming. It can be programmed with information that can be retrieved at a later time. The Energy of this stone helps one to remember that there is "nothing to become" ; that one just has to BE. Everything you need is contained Within. You do not need to seek outside of yourself but to just allow yourself to BE.
Moldavite: ALL Chakras
Moldavite is a forest green, olive green or blue greenish glass formed by a meteorite impact in Czech Republic region that occurred about 15 million years ago. It is a type of tektite. Moldavite is a very powerful aid for meditation and dream-work, as well as increasing one's sensitivity to guidance, intuition and telepathy, and the ability to understand messages sent from higher realms. It is a stone of intense frequency and high vibration which makes it one of the best stones to use for psychic protection as negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura when you are wearing it . It raises the vibration of other stones in its vicinity, which creates an overall stronger healing vibration. You have to be ready for Moldavite because once you begin the journey there will be no going back as Moldavite is a stone of transformation!
Selenite: 6th Chakra-Brow, 7th Chakra-Crown
Selenite is one of the most powerful crystals when it comes to healing and protection. It facilitates a connection with the Christ Consciousness and helps to bring High Vibrational Light from the crown and into the lower chakras. Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work such as contacting the Angelic Realms, Guides and Masters. It helps to balance and stabilize your body, emotions and mind. A superb protective stone against any form of psychic attack. Selenite is fundamental for those interested in awaken or strengthen their telepathic abilities or access past lives as well as future ones. On the path to spiritual enlightenment, Selenite crystals can be used for angel guidance, and in working with your spirit guides. When you place Selenite crystals in the four corners of your home, you can invite or establish more peace and serenity into your home and in the lives of all the people who live in it.
Labradorite: ALL Chakras
Helps keep the aura clear, balanced, protected and free from energy leaks. An extremely powerful protector stone, it is excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities providing clarity to "inner sight". A Stone of Inner Transformation and Magic, Labradorite tempers the negative side of our personality. Especially necessary for those doing Shadow Work, that is, facing those parts of ourselves that we'd rather not acknowledge and pretend they didn't exist. Aids to remove other harmful energies brought by other people that you meet or deal with every day. Helps to relieve insecurities and doubt about oneself by instilling faith in our own capabilities and trust in Providence. Allows us to see the greater Light of Humanity and our place in it. Works with the Throat Chakra so we can communicate our ideas, beliefs, and emotions, bringing our personal truth out into the world.
Malachite: 4th Chakra-heart, 3rd Chakra-Solar Plexus/ALL Chakras
A powerful energy protector and absorber, keep near electronics and other external pollutants (EMF pollution, radiation, microwaves or cell phone, fluorescent lighting, noise pollution) to guard against the negative effects of these energies.Known as a Stone of Transformation, it assists in spiritual growth by allowing one to become aware of and overcome old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings that prevent you from reaching your highest potential. By stimulating instinctive and intuitive reasoning, Malachite encourages emotional risk-taking and change, which allows one to venture into new personal territory outside of their comfort zone thus helping you step into your power. Use Malachite on the Third-Eye to facilitate psychic vision, while Malachite held on the Heart Chakra will bring balance and fidelity to relationships with other people- helping us act more charitably, and focus our efforts on service to others. A good talisman for new business ventures, this stone will attract all things good when it comes to money, wealth, and opportunities. ** Malachite absorbs negative energy easily, but holds it within the stone until it is cleaned, so it is important to “clear” your Malachite often - Do not use salt to clear polished Malachite as it will damage the finish.
Moonstone: 6th Chakra-Brow, 7th Chakra-Crown
Known as the "Traveler's Stone", it protects against all dangers of travel, especially at night. Cleanses negativity from the chakras, while instilling confidence and composure. Enhances the feminine aspects of one's nature while providing spiritual and lovingly compassionate support through all life changes. Having a very Librian energy, Moonstone allows one to understand that no situation is so difficult that it cannot be answered with diplomacy. Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. Since it works with the 7th chakra, it is perfect if you are feeling disconnected from a higher power, and feel as if you need some spiritual guidance. Promotes sensitivity, self-acceptance, calmness and balance.
Tiger's Eye: 6th Chakra-Brow, 2nd Chakra-Sacral
It’s a great stone to pair with your favorite quartz or crystal, as it can boost and amplify that stone or crystal's effect on you. Helpful in assisting "earthy people" in increasing their psychic abilities. Helps to discipline sexual and emotional life bringing both into a healthy, practical balance. Can help eliminate the "blues" by bringing brightness and optimism to the user. Balances the yin/yang energies as well as the left and right hemispheres of the brain bringing awareness to perception. Perfect to use when joining or meeting new groups since it assists in facilitating the feeling of interconnectedness of all Earthy brothers and sisters by countering fear and introversion while promoting experiences that are fresh and new. Great support stone for determination and to overcome fear especially when you have "to put yourself out there".
Aragonite : 1st Chakra-Root/ *Plantar -Earth Star Chakra *The earth star chakra, located approximately 12 to 18 inches below the soles of the feet, aligns you with the magnetic core of the earth, and connects you with Mother Gaia.
Aragonite is a powerful Earth healer that will encourage you to recycle and conserve. Aragonite can also be used for clearing blockages of energy in ley lines and for healing geopathic stress. Meditating with Aragonite can help to ground spiritual growth into the lower chakras, raising the overall vibration of the body. Perfect for spiritual exploration while keeping for feet on the ground. Provides centering and calming effects, promotes focus, patience, peace and serenity, discipline and self-control, sensitivity and generosity; especially helpful during periods of stress and anger. This makes it a great choice for anyone finding him or herself in a volatile situation or with a hot headed personality type. Helps one remain centered and in control when faced with an abundance of responsibilities that could ordinarily knock you off-balance and reduce you to anger. For this reason, Aragonite can be an aid for those who lack discipline and self-control.-Patience. Love and Tolerance.
Petrified Wood: 1st Chakra-Root, 3rd Chakra-Solar Plexus
The grounding energy of this stone aids in the elimination of worrying about the small trivial things in life that hold no great importance-"change what you can, worry not about the rest". Petrified wood helps keep people in the room grounded and calm and helps keep people in touch with inner wisdom. It possesses an anchoring quality that promotes feelings of security, stability, and well-being. Provides access to and clear explicit information about past lives. In regards to past sufferings, Petrified Wood can provide insight into the WHY something occurred and helps us learn the lesson of the experience-so it does not HAVE to be repeated. Another "stone of transformation" , it assists one to ascend to a Higher Aspect of oneself and to recognize that all experiences create the pathway to greater realization of the True Self. #Crystals #crystalcare #crystalproperties #chakras #stones #citrine #selenite #crystalgrid #rosequartz #moldavite #bluelaceagate #sodalite #florite #protection #grounding #insights #blacktourmaline #crystalgrid Resourses: The Bible of all things crystal and mineral is the book Love is in the Earth by Melody. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/253102.Love_is_in_the_Earth [Eason, pp. ]Cassandra Eason, The New Crystal Bible (London: Carlton Books Ltd., 2010). [Simmons, pp.] Robert Simmons & Naisha Ahsian, The Book of Stones (Berkley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 2007). energymuse.com