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November 2022 Readings 

Guidance for November 27th, 2022: “Getting the Best Results Requires Effort”

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Surrendering to the change that is happening, you are allowing yourself to shed whatever is burdensome & no longer in alignment with the life you want to live. Just like an ash tree in Autumn, you are very good at dropping away anything that’s not useful, working or needed in preparation for the next cycle of  your life.  However, you may have difficulty relaxing through the great shift happening, reacting out of fear or irritability. You could face moments of trouble trusting that life knows where this is going. Remember that it’s all happening the way it needs to in order is usher in a new way. Additionally, you may be eager for this new start to hurry up & begin, but there’s some messy work that has to be done first. You may be annoyed at having to wait or put the work in. Instead, you’d like to jump ahead to the pretty end enjoying the results without doing the stuff in between. The Floor Scrapers remind us of the hard work involved before one is able to restore, refinish and enjoy the fruits of our labor -the importance of doing the job right. This requires elbow grease to get down to bare wood, preparing the surface & sanding out imperfections. You know it has to happen so there’s no point in wasting your energy stressing & grumbling about it. It’s part of the process and makes for more pleasing results. To help with your impatience, focus on the new energies coming in, bringing growth & new opportunity rather than getting caught in the frustration of the process in between. While working through the process, be sure to take breathers, schedule some time-outs & take your time. Search for someone to talk with to help relieve annoyances that arise.

Strength: Autumnal Equinox-Release

Weaknesses: Volcano -Volatility

Advice: Forest-Breathe

Addition Insight: The Floor Scrapers

Guidance for November 20th, 2022:

“A Free Will Circus”  For the Collective

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Situation: Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando

What worked well: Hex

What didn’t work well: Panacea (5)

Key learning: Detox



What may have been seen as a hazardous, controversial and daring feat by most was a risk many were willing to take. It certainly is a circus out there, and at times, it’s difficult to tell friend from foe. Hex card speaks of the “fog of war” & the questionable intent of those who do not wish us well. In the haze of battle, it’s impossible to know your enemy’s true intent or capabilities, including your own, until more information presents itself. And so, it served us well to stand down in vigilance until we could determine the strength of their position including our own. The Hex 12, reduces to a 3, representing a plan formed in the 2’s moving into action. In other words, the testing of an idea to see if it will fly. Was that the “miracle solution” presented to those being held hostage from life until they submitted to its temptation?  The Panacea wasn’t the end-all-be-all remedy it was touted to be. Those who challenged their “cure” & anchored into position, learned they were stronger than they realized by not succumbing to the feeling of powerlessness when angered by the resistance they faced. Voluntarily holding themselves back, they possessed faith in the truth -that it  would be revealed & a better resolution could be found. Some couldn’t wait nor allow themselves to be held back from moving on with life. Unwilling to be weighted down by limiting circumstances, they were lured by the promise of freedom-seeing this as a burden to be rid of as soon as possible despite not having all the information & drastically underestimating the enemy. It was always a waiting game. Through the conflict & difficulties of the 5 of Panacea, we became acutely aware of the incessant overload of potentially damaging substances we face collectively-the toxic overindulgence if you will, of all types. Not only the potential toxicity of the Panacea but especially the need to cleanse the mind of too much information, propaganda, rhetoric- overstimulated minds & emotional systems due to electronic & media overload. The Detox card warns of mental exhaustion and a need to bring fresh energy & relief from physical/emotional concerns. We learned there’s a need to protect our mental health & overdoing anything clouds the conscious mind making it very hard to discern, strategize or think things through. Perhaps we should all take time to reframe our lives & our perspectives - finding a quiet space to consider our true selves, heal & process life unto this point. Reset & gather those pearls of wisdom we’ve let carelessly go astray and welcome a return to health.  

Guidance for November 13th, 2022: “Not the Only One Who Took a Miscalculated Risk”

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The Nature of the problem: Peasants Planting Pea sticks/Peace

The Cause: The Adventurer

The Solution: The Depleted

What skills: The Healer



You may be having trouble finding, feeling or being at peace these days due to a risk that did not work out in your favor ..and you’re not the only one either. Here we see the Peasants Planting Pea sticks- Representing people collectively working together towards a goal, putting in the work to complete a task which is wonderful however, they also join you in your need for mental/emotional/spiritual ease after traveling outside of their comfort zone/safety zone. Like you, they are also coming to terms with shame or guilt for welcoming something new – overextending themselves and doing something they wouldn’t normally do. The cause of your everyday worry is a consequence of joining others in risky behavior- you took a chance because others were doing the same. It resulted in depletion rather than being a fulfilling, expanding or healing experience. In fact, you are feeling like shit & stressed out. Some may be experiencing a “Dark night of the soul” feeling naked, vulnerable & exposed.  What’s needed is a complete detox, stripping down to bare bones so that you may build back again. To get “back to zero” in a sense & reset your system. The Depleted tells you there’s no more growth or progress to be had here so you need to let that go, recuperate & move on. This new thing did not work out-it has run its course & holds nothing more for you. Others are working to do this as well; taking the time to replenish their reserves & perhaps move in a new direction forgoing anything that is not necessary. All are in need of an “environment of soothing and healing influence” and you will have to enlist the aid of others in your healing. You didn’t get into this situation without the influence of others but you can certainly heal from it with the help of other OTHERS. A qualified healer or medical modality- a team to repair & restore what was lost. A coming back to civilization after “wandering the wilderness” encouraging you to look after yourself & become as fit & healthy as possible.

Guidance for November 6th, 2022: “Jumping ship & Sailing Alone”

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Situation: The Europe bridge/ Raidho (Reversed)

What will help you? Ace of Cups (Reversed)

What will hurt you? The Tower

Unrealized potential: Two of Swords (Reversed)



Raidho in reverse indicates facing a period of crises as your life’s journey has hit a snag and the spiritual darkness that is experienced as a result of this sudden change in direction. It’s extremely disappointing when you realize the person you thought would move forward with you in life isn’t going to go the distance. You can feel despondent as you have to turn your back on someone who has had a strong presence in your life, due to a lack of real connection or disloyalty. As uncomfortable as it is for your paths to diverge, this breakup is not the disaster you think it is and its removal is actually a blessing -a gift in disguise saving you from further trouble. Something had to change that was not working. So, despite the shattered illusions & bruised egos involved, see it for the illuminating or enlightening opportunity it is. The Two of Swords represents the Moon in Libra- Bringing awareness to the imbalance & disharmony you felt on an intuitive level but perhaps couldn’t mentally bring yourself to face the truth of it-that their heart has not been in the right place and you are worthy of receiving the love you deserve. In fairness, this relationship has been feeling one-sided and emotionally unfulfilling for some time but yet you were at standstill as to which way you were going to go. If you were on the fence about the longevity of this relationship, you are now going to feel better as that stalemate finally ends. Tower always reveals the ugly truth, the deceit, the lies-illuminating where we have been in denial of how blind we’ve been; stuck in our minds & in our hearts. Fights are solved & indecision passes because all that’s been denied is now out in the open. The Tower pushes for a choice to be made despite the emotional/mental turmoil & the chaos a breakup brings. After truth of the matter is revealed, you are able to deal with it & make the right decision for yourself. Consider this “shock to the system” as a breakthrough that bringing changes your way enabling you to move forward making room for something better, more balanced, reciprocal, satisfying & harmonious.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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