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November 2023 Readings 

November 26, 2023:
“A Dangerous Lie”

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This week’s reading speaks to being at odds with someone in your circle whom you no longer trust. The Wolf appears when you sense a threat or danger in your midst- a potential wolf in sheep’s clothing. Your instincts have been placed on high alert, calling for caution. You may not be at each other’s throats yet but you’ve definitely turned your back on them. However, this whole thing was based on a lie. A Chimera represents a false story or possibly a fake person, and since the Chimera is a strange, unusual combination of things, this could involve more than two people. This very problem was produced by a complete fabrication; a created fake situation by a set of people allowing imaginations to run wild. Are your fears based in reality or are you just imagining the worst? You are advised to look deeper & decipher the message received. Mystical circle represents spiritual & occult beliefs- this involves looking beyond the surface of events or even utilizing an occult tool, such as runes, cards or a pendulum to aid in revealing the truth. Come out of emotional reactivity and get grounded. Clear yourself & use logic to get to the bottom of it all. You have the ability to successful access your inner guidance system to navigate the ups & downs of life & here’s your opportunity to put it to the test. The Knight signifies truth & justice will prevail. What or who was a lie will be revealed. If amends need to be made, you’ll do so with honesty, humility & honor. If justice needs to be served, you’ll do so swiftly & with self-disciple. Either way, be direct & meet them head-on leading with your values. 

The Problem: The Wolf

The Cause: Chimera

Advice: The Mystic Circle

Outcome: The Knight

November 19, 2023: “A Sh*t Test”

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The Problem: Town Musicians of Bremen: 9 of Goat & Rooster

The Cause: 7 of Salt Princess

Advice: 8 of Salt Princess

Outcome: Gretel



Your attention is being called to the fact that there’s something you need to accomplish but you lack the stability, ambition, bravery, or confidence to do so. Insecurity can lead to aggression -you may be ready to throw down if provoked. All stemming from by being questioned about how much you love another or having your values challenged. At the time, you were unaware that you were participating in a some sort or twisted contest; a competition for love, respect or inclusion solely based on how you respond to a question. Soon you realized it was basically “a shit test”, because if you answered honestly, you’ll lose. If you told them what they wanted to hear, you’ve lied & lost to yourself. The advice here is to prepare to have your true intentions be misunderstood & to be ready to face banishment. Stay true to your answer. They will soon enough realize their mistake, just after the words leave their mouth, and learn how wrong they were. You should also be careful not to take an equally rash action without thinking of the consequences or put yourself at a disadvantage just to prove a point.  Any misunderstanding or injustice faced will make any earlier shyness fade & your bravery will grow. You’ll muster your courage when the moment of action comes & make use of this well-timed opportunity to save yourself and perhaps another.


POHÁDKOVÉ MARIÁŠOVÉ KARTY (Fairy Tale Maria cards) from Czech Republic

November 12, 2023:

“Camaraderie Over Criticism”

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Ideal you are grasping for: Two Peas In A Pod/ The Lovers

What trait needs to be amplified: 3 of Cups

What Trait needs to be minimized: 7 of Wands (Negative)


The Lovers card represents your ideal - finding a deep, meaningful partnership. Lately you may be placing more emphasis on establishing such a connection, whether strengthening an existing relationship or getting to know someone new. It speaks to the magnetic force that draws two entities together into an intimate bond while still maintaining individuality. This union is held in resonance by finding common ground. If your goal is deep intimacy, focus on vulnerability, openness and togetherness. Prioritize connecting on a soul level, beyond surface opinions and stances. With emphasis on understanding over being understood, you can nurture a relationship that resonates in harmony like two peas in a pod. The Three of Cups suggests you should celebrate what initially brought you together. Participate in communal gatherings, relish the good times, and honor life's meaningful events. If you are single and wanting to find love, you need to put yourself out there - accept social invites, join events that bring different people together around a shared interest or cause. Substantial emotional bonds rarely come knocking on your door - you have to get out into the world and connect. Though it's obvious, it bears repeating: joyful relationships are forged by sharing experiences, interests and quality time. Seek out opportunities to do so. The negative aspect of the Seven of Wands asks you to minimize combativeness. Though passionate opinions are admirable, aggressively leading with them can divide you from loved ones. Consider what truly matters - being right or preserving intimacy? Everyone has positions, but directly challenging others may just cause trouble. Pick your battles wisely. In conversations with close connections, temper resistance to their views. Focus on your care for the relationship over needing to be correct. The Lovers, corresponding to Gemini, reminds us communication is key. Use your voice to find common ground and steer toward harmony, rather than criticism. With nuance and openness, you can celebrate what you share in common rather than entering attack mode, minimizing wedge-driving disputes.

November 5, 2023: 
“A Fairy Tale- Awakened to the Power of Love”

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Situation: Town Musicians of Bremen: Animals with Gold

How you Got There: Sleeping Beauty; Prince kisses Beauty

Where you Came: Hansel & Gretel: Hatchet around the tree



It can be a sad realization when you discover that the people who are meant to care for you, will fail you when threatened. It can not only make you feel alone, abandoned or useless, it can cause some real, lasting trauma. Perhaps it wasn’t intentional, as harsh decisions sometimes need to be made in the midst of bad circumstances that seem heartless at the time. However, it has been a priceless gift to discover that despite having an empty cup, sweetness was not lost.  It’s been a comfort to find a new place to call home where all your needs are cared for & who you are as a person, is valued. To once again be appreciated, not for what you can do or what use you can be but just for your presence. This transformation began once you were made aware of the spell you were under. It stirred a desire to know oneness on the deepest level possible, willing to leave delusions & illusions behind. Perhaps it was initiated by the affection of a special someone. Or maybe by an inner prompt made by the marriage between your head & heart when you finally realize what genuine love & union was really about. Finding your own version of “Happily Ever After”, pleased to be fully awake & feeling like a whole complete person.  


Deck: POHÁDKOVÉ MARIÁŠOVÉ KARTY (Fairy Tale Maria cards) from Czech Republic 


Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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