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May 2021 Readings 

Guidance for May 30, 2021: “But for the Grace of God, Go I”

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Situation: Ubuntu

Action: Paradisiacal

Outcome: Translucence/ Full Moon: Complete full circle understanding



This week brings a need to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and listen with compassion & patience. Quite naturally, you can recognize yourself in a similar situation & may ask, “If that were me, what would I do? Would someone help or be there for me?” Ubuntu embodies the idea of community, connection & mutual caring.  It talks about the human family but it starts with our own (natal or created). And so, this request for kindness & empathetic understanding could come from those whom you have struggled with in the past, especially family or close long-term relationships. Dysfunctions in family or couple relationships can go on for years. Sometimes, it can take a crisis to break up that bitterness and allow a reframing for healthier relationships.

You may have decided long ago to give up that struggle, to concentrate on blossoming & becoming, and to shed what kept you suppressed-old grudges, toxic dynamics, outdated definitions of self. At this point in your life, you’re in a space of loving self-acceptance & confidence that old issues or triggers don’t affect you as they once did. You know how blessed you are so welcome a chance to start a new chapter here. It’s from this place of understanding (but for the Grace of God are you not in that same situation) can you put differences aside, step in & do your best to help.

Paradisiacal suggests operating from a higher ideal to bring Heaven here to Earth. Spirit recognizes how much you’ve grown as a person that you’d now be so willing with an open heart and generosity of spirit to ease the suffering of someone who maybe didn’t do right by you previously or whose behavior towards you was less than admirable. Of accepting people’s faults including your own & being there anyway because it’s the right thing to do. Or you may be reflecting on how far they’ve come. Perhaps you’ve sown some seeds in them & you’re both reaping its rewards. You’ve done the personal work but you know you’re not done yet because this assistance may bring up more for you to process & accept. What might come to light is some less than honoring behavior patterns you’d like to change with compassion & understanding. By being of service & coming to the aid of another, you can come to a fuller understanding of another’s (as well as your own) insecurities, flaws, failings & fears. Perhaps you come to a greater awareness of why you/they behaved in such a way in the past or how your relationships are affected by your own dark history.

Putting ourselves in another’s shoes, seeing the world through their eyes, or living life through their experience can be eye opening & in turn possibly healing. You may also discover new ways of incorporating forgiveness & acceptance. It will require self-honesty & self-responsibility, however.  But know, only we can work on ourselves, on our issues, our trauma, dark side & non-honoring attitudes & behaviors. That said, sometimes the only effective way to help someone face their own darkness is to present them with darkness as a mirror.  

Guidance for May 23, 2021: “Finding a Match”


What do you aspire to?:Union & Harmony

What is standing in your way?: Purification (Burdock)

How do you get there?”: Eihwaz (transformation, renewal) Life & Death 



This week brings another reminder that life is full of ups & downs and best we can do is power through any disappointments despite our urge to give up & walk away rather than fight for change. In your quest for completeness within, you would like nothing more than to feel at peace and safe within structure built of  harmony & resonance.  You believe it would literally be an “answer to a prayer” for you to find a new situation or relationship that encompasses the thoughts, values & exchanges you wish to cultivate for an authentic expression of how you want to live your life. A certain thing that or person who you believe once you get this, everything will be alright. Burdock asks you to reconsider this belief as this is a time of contemplation & consideration. An opportunity may pop up promising this sought-after harmony, but first do a little research and find out some more information rather than accepting any offer handed to you.  Any slight obstacle or minor problem will not cause too much trouble so don't be too eager to move ahead. Eihwaz is a rune of minor delays but one of protection too as it may very well prove beneficial. It recommends that you be completely sure of your decision to accept.

Your life will not stop despite this delay-but will give you the opportunity to effectively deal with any  problems from your past that were not handled before- so they do not return. Perhaps these issues tie back to your search for inner peace, harmony or completeness & the looking outside of yourself for them to be satisfied. Eihwaz reveals this secret truth that despite life’s inconveniences & discomforts growth is still encouraged.

Eihwaz is also the rune of Life & Death. It seeks to set us free from the trauma of death that prevents us from truly living and aids us when we are in fear or doubt thus giving us freedom of the mind. It leads to spiritual endurance-to be able to face dark aspects of life by gaining endurance through hardships rather than looking for the quick fix. Sometimes it takes us to come so close to it (Death) for us to appreciate this Life we are given. The time we have in our hands between Life & Death is the decision that empowers us.

Guidance for May 16, 2021:” Are You Cursing A Blessing in Your Life?”

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Opportunities: Caring Connections

Challenges: Platypus.

Outcome: Progress ( Elecampane & Perthro)




This week brings an opportunity to become more intimate or connected within an established couple connection or it may signify the beginning of a new partnership. Either way, a true, loving & supportive relationship can be an extraordinary find nowadays as well as one we sometimes take for granted or get irritated by. Platypus asks you to take inventory on the blessings in your life & to feel gratitude for the unique connections that come very rarely these days. These are the people who have your back, celebrate your weirdness and are comfortable getting deep -so what are you griping about? Complaining about what’s disturbing you can feel good in the moment, but it is a detriment in the long run, and it may be taking a toll on this connection. All relationships take work to maintain & nothing in life is ever guaranteed. Perthro is a rune of chance (Fate & Destiny) and it’s here to remind us that a future together is never a done deal & that life can change on a dime. Fate often brings people together in ways that defy our understanding and destiny is a direction not a destination.  It depends on how you work with it or against it. However, you have more control than you realize. Perthro asks you to utilize the Law of Cause & Effect: how things progress or regress depends on the commitment & dedication you apply although unexpected gains and surprises are indicated. Invest in the follow through with the best of intentions because if they are good, you’ll generally get the best results.  

Elecampane foretells a stronger commitment as a result of serious dedication for improvement and returning to what works- going back-to-back to basics (respect, keeping your word, signs of affection, being supportive & encouraging). Small changes in direction could have big impact.

In regard to a new connection, you may be focusing on how it’s inconveniencing you at this time instead of focusing on the rare appearance of a possible blessing in your life. Change your thoughts & decide to enjoy whatever’s happening at this moment. Taking a risk & doing the uncomfortable (being vulnerable) will have huge payoff. Leaps of faith could lead to results better than expected. You’ll have to let go to see where this connection will take you. Remember these forces are beyond your control, just focus on putting in your finest efforts & hope for the best, make room for the unexpected.

Guidance for May 9, 2021: “Picking your Battles Wisely”

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There’s more to the situation than you are presently aware of. The raw & uncontrollable power of human emotions may be at play this week, so tread lightly. People (or it could be yourself) may react from an unconscious place either out of habit or due to bottled-up feelings that can no longer be suppressed.  There is more than meets the eye when dealing with others so avoid reacting in an overbearing or hostile manner. If things get a bit volatile, back up, retreat and maybe even pray on it. There are Higher Forces here …encouraging a more sympathetic and empathic approach; challenging you to draw on your transpersonal powers. You have a quiet power to influence others through your ability to blend rational & emotional intelligence with integrity. Consider taking a break to calm your thoughts & regroup if things get heated.  This way, you can take advantage of this opportunity to execute leadership by acknowledging that understanding and cooperation would be a better course of action than aggression or intimidation. Laguz speaks to evolution, of moving towards mature tactics when challenged by conflict rather than resorting to behaviors that create more division or hard feelings. You might have to have to ask yourself, if a fight is really worth losing a friend over or creating discord? What’s more important to you? Mutual progress or winning? Reset, inspire & elevate your values to full consciousness, to improve your judgment and lead beyond the ego. Let that be your single point of focus.

Do this: 4 of Swords

Don’t do this: 5 of Swords:

Theme: Laguz

Guidance for May 2, 2021: “There’s Success After Some Struggle”  

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The Nature of the Problem: The Gate/8 of Wands (R)/The Fool (R)

The Cause: The Hand of Fate/6 of Swords.

The Solution: The Sun (R)/The Serpent/The Chimera



Due to forces beyond your control, an unavoidable obstacle stands between you & a new goal. You’re not happy about this change but it’s out if your hands now.  This setback may have you losing your focus or determination. You may not be feeling confident you’ll get get the success you deserve but it’s just a temporary dip. Don’t let it get you down. Because despite any frustration at the lack of movement or perhaps not finding what you desire, a delay can actually be a blessing in disguise. Life has a habit of moving in mysterious ways. Divine intervention, something unknown or unforeseen by you, could be moving you to a more desirable place. It could be a move of residence, situation, mental state, or a necessary change of location. You’ll get what you want eventually but with some modifications.  This slow down allows a moment to thoroughly investigate or research any opportunity fully before jumping in headfirst. The Serpent warns things may go unnoticed until it’s too late, so remove your rose-colored glasses & look at the situation truthfully; know that things may not be what they seem. Be careful of hidden agendas, misrepresentations or anything that looks too good to be true. Take nothing for granted.

The trick here is to be realistic while trying to maintain optimism & excitement, to be patient & not rush forward, and adjust your expectations since something wished for may be impossible to achieve.  Inspect any opportunity with a wary eye so you do not get taken advantage of & avoid risky situations in order to minimize any potential damage. You may have to wait a bit longer to get what you deserve so remain pragmatically focused on what you are striving for.  Temper your expectations but remain hopeful.  You may have to work a bit harder but once these setbacks are removed, you will be on your way.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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