Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
March 2024 Readings
Guidance for March 31, 2024:
“Like Day & Night: Two Sides of the Same Coin”
The Gilded Cage speaks of feeling trapped under a partner’s control and seeing your relationship as a prison, albeit a beautiful one filled with comforts & nice possessions. There is a seductive comfort to this gilded cage, as long as neither protests nor revolts-all is comfortable & good. “You belong to me and this life”…no one’s leaving unless the cage is opened by the other until then you’re comfortable enough where you are- or are you? There is a realization that perhaps you paid too high a price for security and if you want the door opened, you must open it yourself. That said, it was through relating with this person that you better understood yourself.
The False Halo points to good vs evil polarity and hypocrisy - the need to work on your shadow side, however painful that process may be. What you’ve failed to see here is how you played a part in this. Neither can be the complete villain while the other is the saint. It is time to stop being so biased and realize an eagerness to be virtuous has left you vulnerable to manipulation. The light cannot exist without the dark - if you fell for the promises of one disguised in light, now is the time to remove facades and see truth.
But do you have what was necessary to do this? At this time no. Dreaming Johnny illustrates a stumbling block to freedom - efforts to piece the next step is missing & you will live in suspended animation until you focus on what you’ve been neglecting. Your head is in the air rather than grounded in reality. You do not really want to be free as long as you remain distracted by fluttering interruptions & bright attractions. Like a broken dock, you cannot make the leap to see other perspectives or recognize incompatibility.
The next card illustrates an “expulsion from paradise” and failure to understand the intrinsic incompatibility between two individuals. Each says “stop” when the other says “go” - they are at cross-purposes on the surface. Yet, both parties have equal importance & skin in the game.
Sufficient change comes from trying to adopt the other's vantage point, engage in reciprocity and establish mutual understanding. If that cannot be done, then she needs to reconsider how she feels about being in that gilded cage & determine what missing effort or action is required to complete the bridge toward her desired freedom
What you can see: “Gilded Cage”-Venus/ Taurus & Libra
What you cannot see: “False Halo”- Scorpio/Pisces-Pluto/Neptune
Did you have what was necessary?: “Dreaming Johnny” -Gemini/Aquarius- Mercury/Uranus
Did you have what was sufficient?: “Incompatibility” -Cancer/Leo-Moon/Sun
Cards used: The Symbolon
Guidance for March 24, 2024:
“A Friends Fails You Again”
Situation: Reunion
Action: Doctor reversed-
Outcome: Constancy reversed
Advice: Tao/Tarot: 53 Development / 4 of Pentacles reversed
This week speaks to a positive encounter that results in a possible new beginning. This could mean a reconciliation between separated lovers or estranged loved ones where there were breaks in communication. This smells of second chances here – an opportunity to re-offer loyalty, honesty, unconditional friendship, & give the benefit of the doubt. The reversed Doctor shows a doctor comforting his patient, offering healing & positive change through advice & counsel for the wounded situation. In the reversed potion, there is a need for emotional or physical healing, & perhaps even medical concerns are present. I had said “possible” new beginning because The Doctor’s ability to heal is limited in this reunion since one party is closed-minded to heeding advice. The troublesome issue or difficulty continues, since one is unwilling or unprepared to take advice or make efforts to resolve the situation. The sick relationship drags out without any help or guidance & you are forced to face it alone. This may hint the once trusted partner (in love or work) above may again mislead & damage the relationship which may have very well been the cause for the parting in the first place. Constancy reversed signals a fluid & mutable energy here, as well as non-accountability & unreliability. This person is still not prepared to come through or do what is required despite a second chance. The relationship lacks firmness, too flimsy & shaky, inclined to flake out again. In love or friendship, the ground is fragile & unstable – proceed with caution & lower expectations of them doing the right thing. Consider this a warning to re-evaluate this reunion & question its capacity to develop a new foundation for revival or healing. The 4 of pentacles reaffirms this a lack of stability & insecure foundation to build further upon. Creating a healthy & vibrant relationship involves two equal yet distinct individuals coming together. Moving forward in a shared direction requires both partners to act with a unified purpose. If this union is falling out of sync with that shared goal, it may be best to let go. Release the need to control the progression of the relationship rather, focus on the present moment instead.
Cards used: Gypsy Oracle, Tao Oracle and Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
Guidance for March 17, 2024:
“A Healing Call to Bury the Hatchet”
Theme: The Healer
Challenge: (Town Animals of Bremen) VII- Sheep leads the Cat
Guidance: (Salt Princess) Sad King with Cake
Your role to Play: (Hansel & Gretel) VII- Hatchet Tied Around Tree
The Healer provides a soothing & healing influence in this week’s reading. She shows us how to heal & recover, encouraging us to always look after ourselves & others. Something or someone is unwell but will be on the road to recovery as long as the guidance is followed. Challenges revolve around having independence relinquish itself to conformity-the questioning Cat is shepherded into placid “herd mentality”. The Sheep, representing consensus, takes the lead here ahead of the Cat's independence which ends up limiting choices & self-direction. When its discernment & radar for detecting hidden motives gets suppressed, the Cat's individuality fails to uphold its agency. Essentially, the challenge seems to be acknowledging when to diverge from or align with majority opinion without becoming a blind follower. It’s likely this has already come to pass with remorse, since the King recognizes his mistake. Typically a wise person but in this instance was foolish, as he misunderstood what was truly valuable. He now sits with the consequence of his rash decision that he’s come to regret—a victim of his ego. There was no reasoning with him at the time & he has since realized how wrong he was. Now he’s encouraged to eat humble pie & apologize for his dumb actions. The following card addresses difficult decisions that were forced by unfortunate circumstances. The actions may have seemed callous in the moment, resulting in a sense of betrayal, exile or isolation from family. There is pain that stems from one's inability to shield another from external threats & their consequences. Your role is to decide what you want to do with that hatchet- will you bury it or accept being cast out? Healing can come from finding wisdom in adversity, symbolized by the two 7s flanking the King. Having two 7s in the reading falls under a “misfortune” category, often signifies a need for self-reflection & reevaluating one's path. The 7s represent how our desires drive us & the outcomes we create. There is value in assessing whether you feel satisfied with what your efforts have produced so far & deciding how to respond - by adjusting your approach, making peace with the results, settling differences, & repairing damage. The question is - can both parties admit faults, reconcile differences and repair what’s ill here?
Cards used: Pohádkové Karty (CZ Fairy Tale deck) & The Forty Servants
Guidance for March 10, 2024:
“Flipping Off Fun”
Excess: Queen of Swords
Deficiency:3 of Cups
Key to balance: 9 of Wands
Cards used: Tarot Metal -B Demoncy + Førtifem
This week celebrates your badass self, a survivor, flipping the bird at life. This Queen has been through some stuff, living more in her head than in her heart. However, you’re being challenged for your alienating attitude. With your relentless drive to lay down the cold hard truth, you could come off as being a bit too edgy or candid, in short, an abrasive, confrontational bitch - lacking any fucks to give. There's a raw, vital energy beneath that sarcastic, hostile armor. This Queen represents the punk ideology and aesthetic - the ultimate archetype of teenage rebellion and feeling like an outcast. Her defiance is a middle finger to conformist suburban life and the forced smiles of consensus reality. Her off-putting savage wit is promoting straight-up sorry-not-sorry vibes. The 3 of Cups calls you out for your distinct lack of celebrating your talents and the enjoyable stuff in life with others. There's a definite need to actually embrace life's pleasures - fun, celebration, camaraderie. You're meant to loosen up, let your hair down and share some social interaction instead of being such a goddamn prickly loner all the time. Consider experiencing heartfelt communion, a real connection with others and not be so isolated in your jaded bubble. The 9 of Wands represents digging in, a fortified position that could be shutting out beneficial influences. To regain balance, reconnect with your creativity, your desire for companionship, friends and partaking in the good times. This card is telling you, the seasoned road warrior, to adjust that punk-ass attitude. While it’s great you have grit and determination to defend your knowledge and beliefs, you need to unstick yourself from always having to fight and be in combative mode. Tone down the stubbornness and drop the tough-guy facade protecting your fragile ego or hidden insecurity. Being so arrogantly sure of yourself is limiting your worldview - you're unable to see past your own narrow experiences and philosophy. Once you let your guard down a little, you might actually have a good time.. just sayin’.
Guidance for March 3, 2024:
Collective “
A Delicate Time- Pushing the Limits”
Incoming influences: "Small is Beautiful"- 62
What to concentrate on: Angel of Strength
Best way forward: Ace of Vessels and 4 of Cups
Cards used: Tao Oracle, Energy Oracle Cards, Hieronymus Bosch Tarot, Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
A coming opportunity necessitates close attention to details, as overlooking key things may lead to significant obstacles. We are invited to notice what aspects we are not adequately prioritizing or trying to force an unnatural timeline. There’s an appeal to realistically know & accept our capabilities and limitations. Sensing an excess in pushing boundaries, this card calls for honestly recognizing where the “thin red line” lies, representing a limit dictating the furthest bounds of what is tolerable, allowable, safe or forgivable. There will be a call to slow down and humbly respect how delicate and precious this life is. It is not a sign of weakness but maturity—especially paired with conscientiousness and dignity—to stand down and just wait and watch rather than pushing, overestimating boundaries. The Angel of Strength asks us to concentrate on cultivating inner strength & managing our personal power. A focus on exercising advocacy on one's own behalf, avoiding passivity and having the courage to speak truth. Now will be the time to take greater control to direct one's own life. Big projects aren't feasible now but focusing on small details will still allow good progress. One can do this by facing challenges head-on with resourcefulness & patience especially when making potentially difficult choices. The best way forward would be to recognize the sacrifices made for the common good & understanding the origins of our disappointment. Blessings pour out, enough for everybody, but past disappointments may lead us into apathy unable to recognize these gifts-essentially cursing a blessing. The 4 of Cups urges a reevaluation of offers previously rejected while the Ace of Vessels also warns of overindulgence. One need not expend energy on accepting any and everything fluttering for attention. Pause to reflect and trust your feelings staying with what feels familiar and right finding the extraordinary in the ordinary.