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March 2022 Readings 

Guidance for March 27, 2022:
”Rising Despite the Haters”


Theme: Archangel Haniel

What will help? Detox

What will hinder? Liberation

The unrealized potential: Buho



Something or someone has your head swimming making it difficult to focus, find inspiration or simply enjoy the things that bring you happiness. There’s a need for clarity as well as a need to protect your mental health. You may have recently re-discovered a passion & have committed to its further development. As a result of trying to rekindle your creative spark, you may be exhausted, a true sign you’ve overdone it a bit. Overdoing the clouds the conscious mind & shrouds perspectives. So, in order to expand, you need to be clear of anything that taints your frame of mind. This starts by not only giving yourself a rest here & there, but by also removing what is “poisonous” from your environment (Social media, draining situations, toxic talk or people) Recognize who’s lifting you up & who’s pulling you down. It’s time to examine relationships or connections that are disempowering, pinning you in place preventing you from achieving more. Liberation card warns of your co-dependent need for approval from people who don’t get you. These people may never understand nor give you praise but don’t let that stop you from pursuing your passion or whatever gives you cause for enjoyment. Focus on something more uplifting & inspiring; the things that soothe, balance & maintain your peace.  Don’t let them distract you from the happiness you enjoy in your ventures with shame, guilt or scornful remarks demeaning your interests. In fairness, they may not have the awareness to realize they are harming you by behaving this way. Doesn’t matter if they don’t see eye-to-eye or value in what you enjoy, that passion is not meant for them. It doesn’t have to make sense to them as long as it inspires you, lifts you up & brings you happy satisfaction. It’s time to move on.  Buho wants you to know Others see the manipulation & its effect on you but they also recognize your potential & ability. Your deeds & accomplishments are not going unnoticed so you may get kudos or reward for whatever you are doing. Someone appreciates your flair or talent & would like to share their encouragement for you to continue doing you. Follow your bliss

Guidance for March 20, 2022: ”Seeing Hope Rise on the Horizon”

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Excess: 9 of Swords

Deficiency: The Sun

Key to Balance: Hope



You may be experiencing excessive anxiety over things that are beyond your control. Overwhelmed and mentally tormenting yourself with worry over the future or opportunities that have not yet come. This could be getting a new job, becoming pregnant/ adopting a baby, securing the perfect house, a new idea for a project, a cure for writer’s block, knowing your purpose or what God wants from you. You may be desperately feeling so lost & hopeless because it just seems beyond your reach right now. Yet, even in the darkest of times, hope can peek its head through this living nightmare but can you recognize it? Hope like serenity is one of the greatest human emotions you can grasp onto in unsure & worrisome times as it helps to remind us we only have control of what is within our reach to influence. It can change your perspective & generate optimism in what’s to come. It encourages you to use your courage to trust in the Divine scheme of things, that in due time, you’ll get what you need. Sometimes, it’s only when you throw your hands up in surrender, you open up, releasing the binding energy & what’s meant to be yours flows to you naturally. Hope urges us to embrace the concept of receptivity as you await what is coming to you. Much of the pressure you are putting on yourself is preventing you from noticing small glimmers of improvement or reasons to get encouraged for. Head up & look sharp-rather than being closed within your self-pity- but instead be ready to accept it when it appears. Please remember this too shall end & the sun will rise again. The wheel always turns as nothing stays the same. Stay open enough to consciously allow blessings to flow to you. Be poised to receive the bounty making space for miracles to appear.

Guidance for March 13, 2022: “Balance of Sacrifice & Generosity”

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Incoming Influence: Gebo/Trust

What I need to concentrate on? Positive Change/Tiwaz

Best way Forward: Mannaz /Apollo “Focus on Strength”



You will soon have an encounter where you may feel honor bound to help someone out. Since Vishnu & Parvati were brother & sister, this may involve trusted siblings (or similar type of relationship) who value & love each other very much. Often reaching out to the other when support is needed or when either is feeling unbalanced or depressed. However, there’s a question of fair give & take– Perhaps over giving out of duty or guilt to the detriment of yourself. The wheel indicates there’s a past pattern of you providing “generosity of spirit” to this person time & time again. Gebo warns if the exchange or gift is not reciprocated, your energy will be drawn. Concentrate on giving kindness to those who value & appreciate it. Whenever there’s an exchange of energies, time or resources, there needs to be an appreciation of boundaries as well as gratitude. Sometimes, you just don’t have it to give because that energy is needed elsewhere. One has to make peace with oneself and restore before turning outward to focus on friends or family. Paravati means mountain so if you promised yourself you wouldn’t be roped into over sacrificing yourself to a needy family member (yet again) stay strong & true to you. Resentment is the disastrous result of one party not respecting the limitations of the other. It also occurs when the  altruistic party fails to bring awareness of having boundaries encroached upon. Know & respect your limits & do yourself a kindness by making sure they know them too.  It’s unnecessary to feel guilt for saying “NO” if it diverts you from your path or drains time from your priorities.  That said, watch for selfishness because you may be the only support they have right now. You should try and see things from their point of view since they may be experiencing feelings of isolation, anger & helplessness. Confidence may be an issue so you may have to encourage them to pull themselves together & fight for their best interest. Build them up a bit by reminding them of their winning assets or hidden talents.  While giving what you can, provide a message of love, support & healing for this brother or male family member by focusing on their strengths. One of your best traits, is finding the bright spot in the situation & reminding people of their best attributes, so lead with that.

Guidance for March 6, 2022:
“Finding the Right Herd”

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Zebra teaches us that everyone is their own unique individual & so different situations/ people have to be considered as such. Like the Zebra who can survive against all odds out on the plains, you need to surround yourself with people who can watch your back & warn you when something is amiss especially in times of vulnerability- and you for them.  Collect that stripe of people as you journey on.



This may be a time of reevaluating past or present relationships, considering what you’ve learned from them & perhaps what has catalyzed within you as a result. Their influence can impart wisdom but they can also add to your collected trauma coloring how you feel about yourself & how you respond to others. Different types of relationships have a knack of identifying which aspects in your life need attention. They can reveal your insecurities, vulnerabilities, or your need for attention, approval or acceptance. The Camel asks you to focus on the wealth of wisdom & understanding you have accumulated from your past experiences- of what these relationships & interactions have left on you and you on them. Any self-knowledge gained will serve as a resource for getting through any tough times ahead. These will be the abilities you will lean on to be able to discern who to trust or not, who will go the distance with you (or not), who will be in your corner (or not) or who is of “your stripe” (or not). The Spider brings attention to unconscious patterning as there may be a question to how you react to different situations & people around you.  Not everyone responds in the same way to the same approach & not everyone deserves the same treatment you are spinning out. Spider takes aim at the reactive way you are responding to challenges in your life & questions is it unsuspectingly catching the people you care about in the lies you’ve weaved inside your head? I’m reminded of the saying, “Flies get caught while the Wasps go free”, so are you punishing the wrong people while the real threats to you avoid confrontation? Save your judgements & condemnation for those who really deserve it. Here both the Camel & Zebra have the fortitude & the courage to face the unconscious patterns of The Spider who is hard at work spinning webs of nothing; anxious stories & tales of illusion unnecessarily complicating your life as well as using up all of your energy without any type of reward.  But patterns can be broken & the Zebra is here to remind you there’s more than one way of looking at things. It suggests you learn how to assimilate your shadowy aspects, your tendency or habit to spin, and create new patterning.

Theme: Relationships

Focus: Camel

Avoid: Spider

Learn: Zebra

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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