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June 2023 Readings 

Guidance for June 25, 2023: "Tough Love with a Velvet Touch"

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Who can I embody to overcome challenges ahead of me this week?

The Wolverine & The Page of Birds with The Lovers

Nature of the Challenge: Prince of Books



This week speaks to the patience needed to support another as they learn, study or improve themselves academically. It’s about giving the space for someone to grow & overcome challenges while restraining the urge to leap up & take over. The figures in the Prince of Books suggests someone more learned taking lead or a dominant role in the situation. A master instructing another master in-training so to speak. Some of us have forgotten what it’s like to be in the place of the student, novice or the untrained. When one knows the material or it’s become routine to us at this point in our lives, one can become impatient at the lack of comprehension, motivation or slow absorption of someone learning this stuff for the first time. The cards suggest adopting the traits of both the Wolverine & the Page of Birds to overcome the challenge of us having a lack of patience while teaching this student. Now, there couldn’t be more opposite methods of instructing than in the Wolverine & the Page of Birds. The energy of the Wolverine aggressively meets this challenge head on, takes absolutely no BS and has no problem saying NO when his boundaries are breached. And while they are seen as respected leaders, their assertiveness can be regarded as scary which will not help your pupil learn any faster. His raw attitude must be tempered by the Page of Birds. (When appearing in readings, the suit of birds represents a family member or another individual extremely close to the querent requiring a delicate course of action to preserve the bond.) The Page of Birds encourages thoughtful contemplation & consideration, making use of pauses to consider next steps. He suggests taking time outs while training allowing you both a chance to get your head straight minimizing mounting frustration levels. Yet too many pauses will delay progress which calls on the Wolverine to step in. Here The Lovers help to bridge the gap suggesting making a conscious choice to use a little of each to take on the issue at hand. A deftly orchestrated dance swinging between the two polarities of approach, all the while remembering that you do this out of unconditional love and not selfishness or coercion.  

Guidance for June 18, 2023: “Risk Paid Off. Now It’s  Finished”

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What message do I need to hear this week in regard to YES?

Journey (2) & The World (21) 



This week we celebrate your success after saying yes to an endeavor, months maybe even years before. You’ve now come full circle returning to where you started after gaining experience or exploring other things and are set to possibly start a new cycle of transition. Here we see the World representing a conclusion of everything that has come before, a completion of plans and achievement of what you set out to do. What started out as a thought, a dream, desire or wish has come to a fruitful conclusion & a “Well Done” is in order. Despite any chaos encountered in your journey, you remained firm in your resolve to see this through to the end. As you look to new horizons, keep this strategy as you travel onto the next leg of life’s journey. Remain unaffected by distractions by staying assured of your achieved position. Congrats on taking that leap of faith & eluding all hazards to get where you are now.  Enjoy the victory a bit before starting a new and exciting adventure.  


The Journey Card can signal a move of residence, relocation or vacation. Take this as a confirmation of being in the right direction or on the right path. You can say yes to taking that trip or making that move. Your plans go ahead without a hiccup.

Guidance for June 11, 2023:
“In the Name of Pride”

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Topic: Pride in both Shadow & Light aspects

How can I overcome this weakness? Petrified Wood (Ancestors)

How can I lean into this strength? Hiddenite ( Gratitude)


This week we highlight the word Pride and its ability to display either Shadow or Light aspects depending on the context, consciousness & intent of its owner.  It can be a charged sort of word, holding the power to be either a vice or desirable quality; a characteristic that many find off-putting or something of value we seek to attain for ourselves.  It can be both a strength & a weakness, a reward or an obstacle, a trait admired or a repellant flaw.  In the Tarot of Oppositions, I can find no other prime example of this dichotomy than in its 6 of Wands. Here we see the positive side of pride: authentic expression, strong self-esteem, possessing dignity, embracing victories to your heart and taking pleasure in these achievements. On the flip side we see the shadowy expression of pride: arrogance, egotism, hubris and attitude. This knight’s success has gone to his head and there’s no one there to celebrate because of it. His pride has become his weakness but Petrified Wood (Ancestors) appears as a way to overcome his grandiosity and lack of grace. Perhaps he thinks he got to the top all on his own steam and is forgetting the sacrifice of others who helped pave the way for his success. He shouldn’t forget where he came from but have some humility & appreciation for those who walked before him. He may be rigid & set in his own way of thinking disregarding their advice as old fashioned or out of touch. They hold a wealth of wisdom gathered from their life experiences & he should be open to guidance from them because in fact, this high & mighty knight does not know it all. If he embraced the advice of Hiddenite he could lean into the strength of pride with gratitude since this is the energetic key to receiving more to be thankful for. This knight recognizes & acknowledges all the beautiful people & blessings in his world giving thanks for how they supported and encouraged him & are now here to celebrate the successes close to his heart. He can honor himself for how far he’s come & forgive himself for any mistakes or wrong choices made. He knows these challenges helped him build character and strengthened his resolve making any victory won that much sweeter.

Guidance for June 4, 2023: "The Colors of Impermanence"

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Rainbows have for long time symbolized a new beginning filled with hope. Usually appearing after a period of emotional upheaval with a promise of better things to come.  In some cultures, this natural phenomenon served as a bridge between the earth & the sky linking the material Earth with the Celestial astral world.  For example, the Greek goddess Iris served as a messenger to deliver communications from the Divine realm to humans and vice versa. She was believed to help in the fulfillment of humans’ prayers bringing them to the attention of corresponding deities.  This week she speaks to the temporary nature of rainbows and the beauty that you can chase but never hold. And so you’re asked to appreciate & acknowledge the transitory quality of the beauty of this moment & allow yourself to enjoy the wonder & sweetness while it lasts-especially in the life cycle of a young child. These tender wonderful moments go by in the blink of an eye so drink them up while you can. Even the stormy toddler or tumultuous teen years will pass as nothing lasts forever- neither the rain nor the rainbow. Once passed, you can reflect on the wisdom or gifts gained from challenging situations and give genuine gratitude for these blessings. Like the Wheel, there are always cycles in life, nothing is stagnant and we learn to ride its rhythm and have faith that it’s carrying us somewhere we will want or need to be. The stressors of this week will not last and neither will the good stuff so learn to embrace the moment and give conscious consideration of how your thoughts are coloring your day.

Topic: Rainbows/ Blessings

What do I need to be mindful of today in regard to The Wheel?

Embrace the Moment & Child’s love

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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