Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
July 2024 Readings
Guidance for July 28, 2024:
“Lord, Give Me Strength”

What do you need to stay silent on? Justice-assigning responsibility, settling old debts or making a decision. While you may be deliberating and weighing out all sides of an issue, the execution or the handing down of that decision may need to wait. It would be better to keep this decision to yourself for a little longer. Understanding the cause and effect of a decision is crucial here. Once it said or done, you cannot take it back and will have to live with its consequences. Just wait and hold your tongue for now.
Where do you need to be of service? Strength reversed- Virgo is an inward directed thought process- of self-analysis & self-correction. It overcomes by finding the weak spots and improving what’s already there. With the Strength card reversed, we find mental, emotional or spiritual weakness. Might does not mean right. Careful not to force a result or use brute strength to right a situation. Being led by urges-especially your urge to tell someone they are wrong or be self-righteous will not persuade one to your way of thinking. A gentle subtle, more intelligent- I dare say, craftier approach would serve the situation better.
Who would be the best partner? 9 of Wands- Another Librarian energy-the perseverance of harmony & balance. Equanimity speaks to the cards above where one seeks mental calmness, composure & evenness of temper in a difficult situation. It may take several attempts for you to keep your resolve during this headache but it may just be the best course of action to maintain this partnership. Holding your tongue, calming your wild self & drawing on your inner stores to hold it together (only through a pure force of will), can see you through this week.
What do you need to stay silent on? Justice
Where do you need to be of service? Strength reversed
Who would be the best partner? 9 of Wands
Guidance for June 21, 2024:
"Secrecy is a Powerful Tool"

Berkano, a rune of becoming, speaks to the exciting, fresh & unknown. It signifies an incubation period, a time to nurture a new beginning not yet ready for its debut. At this stage, whatever you’ve been investing your energy & time into requires nourishment & secrecy to prevent spoilage and to ensure viability. Your strength is demonstrated by the Octopus. These fluid, unpredictable, and highly intuitive creatures reveal your remarkable ability to multitask and adapt to shifting circumstances. Skilled and efficient in various roles, you use resourcefulness and cunning advantageously to overcome obstacles and navigate tight spots. Given the delicate nature of your project, the octopus advises discretion to preserve its integrity. Disguise your true intent to advance your goals. Despite pride in your progress, now is not the time for showboating or overconfidence. Detach from the need for validation or ego-stroking as you proceed. Exercise humility: there will be time for a public victory lap once your creation is ready to emerge. The Peacock in this position discourages bold actions. Instead, play it safe and keep your cards close. Like Berkano, the Condor symbolizes new beginnings, life, death, and change. It urges you to stay vigilant of your surroundings and address issues promptly. Condors clean up messes, so clear away anything dead or dark, such as past hardships, before this new birth. While you may not control ultimate outcomes, you do control what you reveal before the due date. Discretely incubate this egg until it's truly ready to hatch, for in this secrecy lies your strength.
Theme: Berkano ( Fertility, growth)
Strength: Octopus
Weaknesses: Peacock
Advice: Condor
Guidance for July 14, 2024:
An Unlikely Pairing- “That Would Be Something”

Hidden gift: The Sun- Jerry Garcia
Hidden trouble-Temperance-Paul McCartney
The cosmic energies this week shine a light on an unlikely pairing, revealing a hidden gift and a hidden trouble. The cards speak of a connection between two seemingly dissimilar souls mirroring a real-life appreciation between musical legends Paul McCartney and Jerry Garcia. Just as Paul McCartney, the melodic talent of The Beatles, found kinship with Jerry Garcia, the psychedelic pioneer of The Grateful Dead, you may find yourself drawn to someone who, on the surface, seems your polar opposite. Apparently, there was a mutual fondness for each other as artists & musicians. Paul remarked on his appreciation of Jerry as a painter & Jerry particularly liked Paul’s song “That Would Be Something”. This serves to remind us that true artistry transcends genres & personas. This week be open to connections that defy conventional expectations. A collaboration or friendship with someone from a different walk of life could yield extraordinary results. The Sun, represented by Jerry Garcia, whose eclectic style of music encouraged others to let their unique light shine, reveals your hidden gift today is the ability to bring light and warmth to situations that seem cold or hopeless. As Jerry once said, "We're all just bozos on the bus, so we might as well sit back and enjoy the ride." Embrace your groovy quirks, your far-out passions, and your ability to make others smile. Your Sun has the ability to turn on the light within their mind & illuminate the dark corners of their human experience. Your authenticity and joy are contagious and could be the catalyst for a transformative experience for someone else. Temperance, symbolized here by Paul McCartney, suggests a challenge in finding equilibrium and combining these opposite forces seamlessly. The message here is to practice moderation and focus on the positive contributions to your collaboration. You are very different people but share a similar appreciation for creating something unique but yet cohesive & harmonious. It's not about perfection, but about finding that sweet spot where all elements complement each other. Compromise & cooperation are vital. It’s not unlike Paul’s song, "That Would Be Something, Really Something." It's an invitation to see the extraordinary in the ordinary, to find harmony in discord and meeting people where they are. Like the unexpected connection between Paul and Jerry, your journey together may take an unforeseen turn and produce something remarkable. Embrace it.
Guidance for July 7, 2024:
“Embracing Reinvention with Responsibility”

This week in Rock we have achievements, unrealized endings, & debuts. In the Classic Tarot, the King of Swords, embodied by Elvis, speaks of confidence & being completely in your element. With the seductive power of his voice, Elvis could move audiences to his perspective. Like him, you may have recently achieved success by using the persuasive skill of your communications to influence others. Blessed with a talent for seeing situations clearly, you naturally assume an authoritative role when needed, staying rational while others falter. However, unexpected endings can force us to start anew and reinvent ourselves. The 2 of Wands, represented by John Bonham, signifies having established success/achievements as we plan to execute new creative ideas. Yet the 7 of Swords (Robert Plant) and Page of Swords (Jimmy Page) warn of an impending loss (one you didn’t see coming) that will require a new path forward without a core part of your team. The prospect of this debut can breed worry. Going from King to Page can seem daunting, gripping the mind with paralyzing anxiety (8 of Swords - David Lee Roth) as if you are losing ground. The loss can feel like a betrayal, overwhelming us with fear of reinvention. But we cannot shut down indefinitely; a new plan must be created. Despite the loss of drummer John Bonham, both Robert Plant and Jimmy Page – as well as David Lee Roth with his solo projects – boldly embarked on marked departures from their work with Led Zeppelin and Van Halen respectively. Though experiencing a loss of individual power, they accepted the need for originality to regain greatness. It is only your own fears, self-pity, anxiety, and limited mindset that can truly hold you back. Recognizing the established support around you, rather than succumbing to feelings of powerlessness or defeat, will allow a successful path forward. Adaptability and a fresh, innovative perspective are key.
Achievements : King of Swords: In 1957, Elvis scored his 1st #1 hit in the UK with “All Shook Up.
Unrealized endings: 2 of Wands: In1980, Led Zeppelin played their final show with John Bonham in West Berlin.
Debuts: 8 of Swords: In 1984, David Lee Roth released his debut as a solo artist with “Eat “Em and Smile” reaching #4 on the charts Kerrang magazine declared it album of the year in 1986. A quintessential 80’s over the top, raucous, living cartoon of pure Dave-ness.