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July 2023 Readings 

Guidance for July 30, 2023:
“The Skills for Directing in Your Favor”

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Goal: Ehwaz:

Obstacle: Strength

Tools: Prince of Skates



Ehwaz, the rune of Death & Life, is indicating a gateway of sorts where we say goodbye to some aspect of our lives in order to welcome something else.  This initiation process will empower us and lead to long term benefits even if you have to be uncomfortable for a while. The goal here is to institute a major change marking the shift into a more profound state of being or to be set free from trauma, obsessions, limitations or anything that is preventing us from truly living. Essentially, a struggle to have freedom of the mind. However, there seems to be a fierce adversary you may have to face. What you wrestle with is having the perseverance to overcome the beast- the addictions or lower habits that keep you anchored in the old life you’re trying to leave behind. These will have to be tamed through compassion, patience & kindness as you go through this process. It cannot be forced. But above all, success is accomplished through the persistent use of your inner wisdom & virtuous strength of character. Tame your impulses- the lemniscate above her head symbolizes balance is found in her mind. The obstacle here could indicate a struggle with confidence knowing you’ll be successful while having to keep a cool head & calm demeanor through the process. It may be hard to believe the cloying & very overused meme of “You got this!”  right now. You do but you just have to want it bad enough. In some systems, The Strength card represents desire. Desire is a great motivator to create determination & need is the most powerful motivator of all. How bad do you need this new thing in your Life? The Prince of Skates tells of your ambivalence & your heart lacking a true love for being in this unstable state. No one enjoys the feeling of not knowing what they are doing as they strive to get their bearings. Although, this is a new spot you find yourself in, focus on where you wish to place your intention and let that be your goal as you  cross into this new state of being. Narrow down choices to avoid being overwhelmed or paralyzed in fear of taking another step in the direction you’re heading. Consider options remembering why you are doing this in the first place & keep heading towards your desire. 


Guidance for July 23, 2023:

“Giving Kindness to The Past”

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Focus for ease: Star Reversed

What leads to failure: Fool Reversed

How to successfully navigate: 6 of Cups



These last three years have been incredibly difficult for people & it’s understandable if you are feeling pessimistic or not mentally well. An uneasy coolness has set in. Leaving many to feel disconnected, alone & apprehensive doubting God’s hand in any of this as if there’s no hope or no future. The Star in reverse illustrates your need for help in healing from anything that has deadened your spirit or traumatized you in some way resulting in being overwhelmed by life perhaps feeling like a victim. It implores you to focus on strengthening your health & well-being recapturing that spark for life, feeling healthy, happy & whole once more. When one is feeling this way, there’s a tendency to think only about ourselves and not for others. To wallow in a pool of self-pity ruminating about how perhaps you have been taken advantage of, been overly trusting or displayed a reckless disregard for the consequences of your actions. The Fool reversed speaks to you needing to exercise wisdom, maturity and greater caution in the future and yet not fear change while moving into the Unknown. Take this as a warning against being ignorant of those around you. Being of service to others removes us from the demons in our heads for a while. Many, like you, feel they haven’t a clue how to move on and feel just as uncertain & insecure. The people of this world could use some consideration. The 6 of Cups speaks to a return to simple, sincere kindness that is severely lacking right now. It would be very helpful for your own state of mind if you sought out those who share a similar need for graciousness, who give with an honest heart without expectation and who appreciate Life’s little pleasures. It would be good for the Soul to spend time with those who share common interests, or who truly care for you. Even returning to something familiar may be very comforting encouraging a playful lighthearted attitude. It just may be the perfect medicine to turn around your glass half-empty perspective, so you may see the hope or the beauty that still abounds which would help release effects to this past trauma.

Guidance for July 16, 2023 

For the Collective: “Empowerment in Our Lives & The Ability to Make Positive Changes”

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The force of this Sun rune melts the Ice of Isa giving us the vitalizing power to go forward & be successful thereby achieving our goals. What good is this enlightenment if we can’t apply in in our daily lives to undo damage done or create a better outcome?  Utilize its warm, guiding energy to keep your heart, mind & spirit focused on a newly found, developing purpose knowing “you’ve already won”. Perseverance will pay off and it will provide a shield-like protection from the harmful opinions of others; their negativity will not enter.  Also known as the Rune of “poetic justice”  those who have done us wrong will gain nothing but an appropriate punishment for their wrongdoings as the truth is revealed.


Many are using the energy of this time to rest & reflect, patiently waiting for the right time to act. Ingwaz, the rune of gestation & internal growth, represents the developing potential power we gather inside where we plan our future actions, develop purpose & plot objectives. By turning inward, we review ourselves from a critical perspective, evaluating where we need to gain more knowledge, where we lack skill & the places where we want to improve. All things become possible if these seeds of thought can be sown, grown & nurtured. This slow, incremental building of male energy of Ingwaz invites us to fully realize this potential by creating life altering change not only for the individual but for the overall human condition. Collectively, this is where our strength lies. This rune represents the true meaning of sacrifice, when one is called upon to die, for a cause or an ideal such as freedom, so that a newly evolved form can begin to grow & thrive. Isa is also a contemplation rune but the internal action is very different. Problems can occur if this introspection, instead of a quiet but active burn, grows cold & freezes still in a state of numbed passivity. Instead of internal building & conscious examination, there’s a standstill, emotional frigidity and we are paralyzed. There’s a lack of change- nothing seems to evolve and we fall for illusions instead of building real things. This rune of Ice is treacherous- like hypothermia it renders you inert before it kills. Its stillness can control the quiet emotional distress but will do nothing to eliminate the root cause of this unpleasant circumstance. The harsh reality is if we wait for conditions to improve before taking action, it will be far too late. Victory is achieved through individual will & Sowilo, “the Breaker of Ice”, gives us a leg up on any opposing force by moving us from passivity into action. Applying the boundless and counteracting energy of Sowilo fills us with strength, focus & radiating clarity illuminating the darkest places of ourselves making them known & conquerable. 

Our Strength: Ingwaz

Our Weakness: Isa

Advice for Growth: Sowilo

Guidance for July 9, 2023: “Making a Move for the Better”

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What blessings are coming for me this week? Meadow-Vulnerability

What’s the cost or catch? Knight of Skates

How do you benefit? 6 of Swords



This week invites you to step into an unknown opportunity that speaks to the expansiveness you have been feeling recently. If you’ve been looking for a reprieve from the great limitations of your current condition, and all your options have run out, this maybe be the escape you’ve been looking for. Not only are you ready for anything that will allow you to move away from whatever is causing mental distress but you are ready for more. However, this promising gamble comes at a cost of taming an internal fear. Requiring you to let your guard down & vulnerably put yourself out there. It will demand you surrender whatever you’ve been clinging to out of security.  You’re not purposefully an irresponsible or careless person but up till now, you’ve been playing it safe until you feel more confident.  The Skates serve as a metaphor for unseen dangers & potential mishaps, but with all its risks and despite the emotional angst that may arise- you are encouraged to do it anyway. For if you do, it will result in a physical change of circumstances or at least a change in perspective that will then lead to an improvement of a life situation. You will find yourself being more receptive to making this sorely needed transition, leaving troubles behind & moving on. One must look at things as they are and not as you’d wish them to be. So, trust that life will support you as you step out & explore what the world has to offer knowing it brought this new experience to you as an opportunity to turn your back on the past. A chance to head toward calmer shores, where there’s order & peace of mind -coming mentally to a better place with acceptance & a greater understanding of all that came before.

Guidance for July 2, 2023: “The Greater the Growth, The Greater the Cost”

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What’s holding me in the past? Sacrifice

What am I missing in my present? Eunoia

Focus for a more positive future: Tangibility



This week speaks to being trapped in a consuming emotional/ mental loop of what or who you had to give up in order to stay true to your integrity although you did grow a lot as a result. Perhaps you saw through the person or situation for what it was truly asking from you & you were not willing to compromise your ethics or sell yourself short.  Whether it was your self-respect, a vision, your morals or best interest, it was just not worth it. Nevertheless, you were going to pay for it in a way you didn’t see coming, and that still stings.  Perhaps wondering, “Is this what I get for trying to be a good person?” Eunoia tells of your present want to extend goodwill, of being friendly & wanting to help. The thorny truth you may be missing is, some may not have wanted that help from you & you’ll have to just let that be. Let that desire go & die so to speak. Unfortunately, some relationships have an expiration date and things don’t last forever.  So the question is “What must I do to be at ease so I may live peacefully in the present?” Forgiving those with their heads in the clouds & having feet of clay “for they know not what they do” or did. These last three years certainly illustrated the weakness or character flaws in people who were otherwise admirable. Carry on without falling into martyrdom broadcasting to an audience your wounds, of how you suffered for love, or sacrificed affection. Of course, acknowledge & honor what has been lost but graciously allow things to die gracefully in their own time knowing rebirth lies on the other side. Understand that everything in life, both the good & the bad, has a beginning, middle & an end and avoiding any kind of death is essentially futile. Instead of focusing on what you have lost, look to what you’ve gained & appreciate what or who you have presently at hand. The cards show you moving from a dark place to a much better one. So, look at how far you’ve come, of how you’ve bloomed or metamorphized into a new state of being.  Don’t let past failures, or losses get you down. Tangibility is here to remind you are still a work in progress so it encourages you to stay flexible and be adaptable. Its dreaminess also speaks to how things or situations, like clouds, can shift into a form you never saw coming. Things could still come together in mysterious, whimsical ways.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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