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July 2020

July 26, 2020: “Truth is found somewhere in the middle”




You find yourself plagued with a preoccupation of an unpleasant situation. Your mind may be thinking the world is no longer safe nor kind thus causing you to be unable to move forward to the detriment of yourself.  And so, you find yourself bound to the memories of past joys & kindnesses thinking the best days have happened & we may not see them again. Essentially, spoiling your future by giving too much unhealthy attention to the past where you felt safe & secure. Some of that which haunts you may very well be propaganda created intentionally to throw you off balance leading you to believe you have no choice in life. Inaccurate stories, know-it-all’s or those who lashing out in self-righteousness may leave you unable to access logic or think rationally.  This can have you anxious to share your viewpoint in fear of leading to arguments or misunderstandings and so you’re not able to find your voice at all. This ends up draining life from the potential of Transmutation resulting from this experience. The gift gained from going within, knowing yourself & gaining knowledge as well as tolerance. The key out is to accept what you can’t control and avoid extremes --essentially taking the Middle Way. Taking a balanced break allows you to keep your cool & not get hot headed while getting your life together in a healing way. Having the faith it’s all coming together well and knowing something else is being created to take us to the next level. Focus on your purpose & offer guidance where you can to bring out the best in yourself & others.

Excess:  Devil/ 6 of Cups

Deficiency: Page of Swords reversed

Key to Balance: Temperance

July 19, 2020: “Getting Creative with Self-Care”




Now is the time to look after yourself & do whatever it takes to put yourself back together. Feeling frazzled, worn out and scattered will leave you worn out & in danger of getting sick. You’ll have the opportunity this week to get yourself right, away from the noisy detractions that have been knocking you off your center -if you can work around the roadblocks. Your options may look very limited. Accept the fact that external forces will be pushing against your attempts to seek out your usual methods of rejuvenation. As a result you will come up with some creative solutions to clear up what you have attracted in your atmosphere. Somethings are bigger than you are at the moment and discretion will be advised. You will still find a way to take care of yourself while staying in your own orbit.

Opportunities: The Healer -Tortoise

Challenges: The Opposer -Mantatee

Outcome: The Planet -Spider

July 12, 2020: “Simplifying our lives to see a way forward”




Release yourself from the need to make a major life decision right now. Instead, focus on letting go of the past before committing to any aspect of your life needing re-invention or resurrection. You may be putting too much expectation on yourself in trying to determine which way to go next. How could you with so much on your back? There’s a need to strip down and get back to basics; to take a minimalist approach in order to know which direction to go to recreate your life. The pressure you are putting on yourself is burdensome & is not allowing you to see your purpose with clarity. The only action that should be taken is to “clean the slate”.  Simplify life a bit to understand a way forward unencumbered. Do you need all that “stuff” that you have surrounded yourself with? Do you want to carry all that into the new version of your life? What’s really necessary and what’s just stuff you can live without? What aspects would be truly fulfilling in this new beginning? Have you discovered you had just complicated your life unnecessarily so? Embracing the shedding & minimizing process will help gain clarity for  considering your options and clearing the way for next steps. Benefit of greater vision & perspective.

Let Go: Judgement  

Hold onto:10 of wands (R )

Benefit: 3 of wands/ The Monk

July 5, 2020: "The Magic is in the Little Things"




You might be feeling a bit spacey this week & in need of tethering. Some people can float off to outer space when things in their environment get too difficult or frightening -They just check out. You know when you are ungrounded when you feel discombobulated, incapable of keeping a coherent thought in your head or stay on task. The more you can be fully rooted to Earth, living in the now moment, the greater your capacity is to fully experience life. When centered, you can pay greater attention to the small things and appreciate the little joys that can be easily missed if we are detached or detracted. If we are lost in the ethers, we can overlook the subtleties, nuances & magic that can bring enjoyment to this earthy life.  Sitting in the garden, hiking in nature or walking on the beach can anchor your energy to the Earth but so can any physical activity that brings the focus on the body. It also de-stresses the head allowing for calmer nerves & rational thought.  

Situation: Tree (Grounding)

Avoid: Milky Way (Perspective)

Pay attention to: Fairies (Earth Magic)

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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