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January 2025 Readings 

Guidance for January 26, 2024:

“Focus on Today. Tomorrow Will Come”

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Situation: Hexagram 53-Development

What You’re Doing: Maximus

What’s Better: Resilience



Hexagram 53-Development heralds a time of new beginnings. intertwined with the transformative energy of the number 7—symbolizing spirit and vision. This moment invites you to expand beyond current boundaries and transcend personal limitations-to become something greater than what you are presently. This unfolding must occur naturally, never rushed or manipulated, to establish deep roots that might endure beyond this lifetime Your wish is to create a coordinated & cohesive effort towards this goal. When fixated on the finish line, we often miss the rich, unique experiences of each moment. This is why your attention is on your current steps. Maximus signals what you are presently doing in regard to this situation; taking care of the things in your life necessary to nourish everyone else, including feeding your ideas for a future harvest. Recognizing your own value and needs. Staying true your ideals. However, a critical warning emerges—you may be spreading yourself thin, with your life force becoming depleted, symbolized by the blood on the table. When giving continuously with little reciprocation, apathy and resentment can emerge, potentially delaying progress. Remember things of lasting value develop gradually, and the journey demands a delicate balance of pacing, adaptability, and unwavering dedication to this long-term goal. Distractions and chaotic demands can drain. You must learn to ration your energy, understanding that sustainable progress requires periodic rest and self-nourishment. Replenish to build resilience, which will become your guide. By focusing on the present moment rather than fixating on distant outcomes, you create space for necessary recalibrations without getting defeated. Missteps and setbacks are par for the course—cultivating a robust resilience will help you navigate unexpected challenges without losing momentum.

Guidance for January 19, 2024:
“Like Mind Connection”

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This week explores the dynamics of human connection—examining how & why people come together. The question is whether these connections serve higher purposes or merely perpetuate conflict & further stupidity, including your own. For example, wasting time on foolish pursuits or prioritizing self-interests while disregarding others' welfare. Is it not more constructive to connect with intelligent, innovative individuals who strive for ingenuity rather than associating with those of weak character who might traumatize your sense of normalcy? This may not be the best time to solidify a relationship or business partnership. Instead, it's a period of exploration—understanding why people connect, or don't, in the first place. Are they driven by honest attraction or self-delusive temptation? The ultimate goal is to assemble teams aligned with integrity, free from ulterior motives, power struggles, and pessimism. To navigate this, concentrate on understanding ignorance—both in your immediate sphere & within yourself. This requires seeing things objectively, recognizing not just the obvious but the larger, more complex forces at play. Seek a balance between sensory information (5 senses) & what you intuitively perceive. When forecasting outcomes, the Astronomer suggests a Uranian approach: breaking past the familiar (7), applying ingenuity from those matching your intelligence, allowing their ideas to guide you without being bound by them. As for the less wise than yourself, they respond well to your influence. Your keen observation has an empowering & protective effect over the ignorant, allowing them to see the possibility of something bigger-beyond their 5 senses.

Incoming Influence: The Attraction of Opposites

What to Concentrate on: Ignorance

Best way Forward: Six Senses, Astronomer & 7

Guidance for January 12, 2024: “Liberation & Rebellion”

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Theme: Liberation & 11 dice (Rebellion)

What will help you? 4 of Wands

What will hinder you?  Death reversed

What is your unrealized potential? The Twins



This time speaks of Liberation & Rebellion-11 indicating that something can suddenly change, coming as a great shock. Human nature seeks stability & resists change, yet major change is sweeping in, ready or not. We are all “birds of a feather”, each sharing a common struggle to be free & rebel against oppression in whatever form. There’s joy when we break free from bindings that impede our growth, but to have freedom, you’ll need discipline & new structures. The 4 of Wands welcomes an opportunity to establish a new sense of stability, putting down new roots—IF one can let go of what has been. There's a true connection to this community, built on caring support. Collaborative efforts & dedication towards sovereignty have paid off, & now it's time to celebrate. One author calls Death "the card of revolutions"-"indicating the overthrow of a former authoritarian regime & the ascension of a new power.” This sweeping change is being met with great resistance from those unwilling to face the reality that the community wanted this change & are unable to let go & move on. Disappointed & indulging in their suffering, they did not expect this transition & are blocked by their pain, insisting on dragging this "dead body" around. To be liberated from the source of this pain, will they fly off in a different direction? Our potential, represented by The Twins—2 birds that look the same but couldn't be more different, heading in opposite directions: One bird flies towards liberation, rejoicing with friends over this happy event, finally able to move onto a new period of growth & happiness. The other is strapped with feelings of inadequacy, dogged by life's injustices—perhaps the injustice of this celebration? For this rebelling bird, change brings strife & conflict, a transition filled with uncertainty. Rebellion without purpose merely disrupts. Worthy rebellion requires motivation—breaking free to become something more. Past traumas & resentments currently block synchronization. However, once a change in direction begins in the flock, it then spreads in a wave-a murmuration - swooping in unison. In an undulating group of thousands, predators struggle to target one bird

Guidance for January 5, 2025: “Thunderstruck- Justice is Coming”

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Nature of the problem: Tao 59 (Dispersion)

The Cause: Justice

Solution: The Scholar reversed



Can the most hardened heart be transformed or the most closed mind be persuaded when true reconciliation requires flexibility, openness, & genuine willingness to dissolve unnecessary boundaries? The hexagram 59 suggests using gentle, persistent influence to create change & dislodge obstacles preventing unity. Deep-seated tensions & unresolved conflicts have fostered alienation & disharmony, both in your environment & within the self. Communication breakdowns have created an emotional impasse—an icy standoff that can only thaw through diplomatic, patient, & delicate efforts to spark incremental reconciliation. But first, there must be a willingness & a sincere effort towards setting things right. Heavy-handed approaches, blame & reactive responses do nothing to rebuild trust, only intensify resistance. However, as long as either side suffers from emotional chaos & wounded egos, attempts at reunification will impotently miss their mark.  The situation cannot be truly resolved until the root cause of division is directly addressed & justice is restored. Some parties have, consistently overtime, manipulated circumstances to their advantage, metaphorically placing "thumbs on the scale" to tilt outcomes in their favor. Zeus, the supreme dispenser of Justice, weighs the actions & behaviors of cities & their inhabitants. His judgement comes from “on High”,  doling benefits to the just while punishing those who stray from the path of “Divine Justice”. Like a righteous wind clearing out what has run its course, there's a need for dispersing justice to those who have suffered from abuse or unfair rulings. The Scholar reversed suggests no immediate solution exists presently. Especially, if one refuses to personally investigate & research. This is crucial to understanding the underlying dynamics. Frustration stems from the opposing side's obstinate refusal to acknowledge wrongdoing or engage with legal & factual realities-insisting to remain fixed to their perspectives. If you’re not willing, then division remains. The Higher Laws at play will ultimately right those scales. Some will welcome this retribution & others will not understand. Those who did wrong are held accountable while those unfairly abused receive compensation

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