Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
January 2023 Readings
Guidance for January 29th, 2023:
“Time to Re-Juice Your Magic”

Situation: Waxing Crescent (Setting Intentions)
What you’re doing: Page of Wands Reversed
What’s better: Empress Reversed
January is a good time to reevaluate & make adjustments to our goals, needs or purposes especially if they have changed from 2022. As we start the New Year, reassess your hopes & revitalize your wishes for the upcoming year…even our tools used for magical purposes are in need of a recharge. Waxing Crescent signals this is a great period of time to lay down the mental groundwork for anything you would like to deepen, expand or commit to. An opportunity to reexamine your focus, motivations & actions in order to be successful in bringing these desires to life. The Page of Wands reversed calls you out on how you’ve been going about trying to manifest these goals. You may be blocking these intentions, ending the journey before it even begins. There’s been an unevenness in your focus or attention; not applying enough of your will to see it through. Perhaps you have lost your enthusiasm or desire along the way. He also suggests you’re being inarticulate in your message. Whether it be in earthly matters or magic work, you’re not stating clearly what you want or hope to accomplish. Here, The Page of Wands represents immature dabbling compared to the full body nurturing the Empress can achieve. The Empress appears to let you know your intentions are suffering from a lack of support and low energy. The grounding element of Earth is missing and is the cause of imbalance, barrenness and lack of results. Perhaps a masculine willful approach burns out to soon because it doesn’t feel natural. It feels foreign, unfamiliar so it’s not surprising you lose focus & the desire to it move along. Try a more nurturing, feminine approach when trying to germinate an idea, set a goal, or starting magic. You’ll have to give it the attention and care it needs to grow & come into its potential all the while being receptive to possible changes that develop responding appropriately. Connect emotionally, nurse it with energy as you would a child…daily. In regard to earthly goals, start small & keep it simple that way it will be easier to stay committed to the process. Nurture your physical, emotional & mental needs first before energy work such as feeding a talisman, sigil, or servitors, creating wards or energetic shielding. Consider anything Venusian for offerings in magic work or home devotions; sensual gifts of fragrant flowers, rose water, incense, honey, grain or fruit
Guidance for January 22th, 2023:
“Your Attention Here Is Not Needed”

Nature of the problem: Dragonfly (Emergence)
The Cause: Condor
Solution: 36 Darkening of the Light
This week speaks to a delay in something making the transition into a better, bigger version of themselves ready to meet new circumstances. There’s a failure to launch and so it’s still stuck in its beginning or nymph stage. Could this be referring to your own nymphs? Your children emerging into adulthood, growing up & coming into their own? Condor suggests that you are too entrenched in their development, too involved in their life when you need to back off & let them establish a separate and independent life as a self-sufficient adult. As they grow, your micromanaging is welcomed less & less. And this is the way it should be but it’s not because you are no longer needed. Your attention is just not required in the all-encompassing way you were when they were very young. So, by babying them, you are stunting their personal growth & limiting their potential thereby doing them no service at all. Try not to take your necessary absence as a rejection or being ignored. Children are individuals that have to come up in their own way, on their own timetable, despite all your incessant but well-meaning efforts. Caution & moderation is advised here. If you have been manipulating their lives behind the scenes in attempt to make life (theirs & your own) easier, you will be caught out. There might be a backlash; angry words hurled at you & plenty of hurt feelings all around. The “Darkening of The Light” suggests you keep out of sight, maintain a low profile, and let them make their own mistakes come what may. Isn’t that how we learn? A bit of adversity builds character & making mistakes helps form wisdom, and gain resiliency. Although this card calls to create much needed space, you are but a short distance away..just out of their spotlight. So, even if mess-ups happen, under the safe shadow of your nearby guidance, they are afforded the space to make adjustments to their plans. Consider using this downtime creatively for self-development & work on your own stuff to enhance or refine your own potential, staying centered & true to your own growth despite the external stressors happening at the moment. One can ONLY live their own life, so let your young nymphs live theirs.
Guidance for January 15th, 2023:
“Cosmic Broadcast”

House of Attention: The 9th House- House of Philosophy
Strength: King Solomon
Weakness: Amaterasu
Advice: Horus
This week’s focus is on the 9th House of the astrology wheel known as the House of Philosophy. This house is concerned with shared ideas, spiritual values, Higher Truths, education, philosophy, and the long-distance reach or widespread influence these subjects have over many people. King Solomon wants you to know your priorities are on point. You have successfully avoided distractions and instead devoted your time to the attainment of higher truths, wisdom & divine magic. You have made the commitment to surrender to the higher understandings that drop in through your crown chakra. The downloads you receive may benefit many people if you shared them through social media or other publications. However, this card usually appears when you are not moving ahead with a self-perceived imperfect message due to self-doubt & insecurity and so you are confused on how to approach its delivery or whether you should even share it at all. The Horus card tells you there’s no need to worry- you have it correct. Additionally, Amaterasu urges you to come out of hiding and shine your insight and illuminations at this time. She appears when we are scared of sharing our ideas & not feeling supported, afraid of being ridiculed or targeted by those who disagree. Share it anyway. I don’t think it’s humanly possible- given the limitations of our humanly form, mental capacities, and earthly parameters to hold the entire light of God or cosmic truth. I believe it’s only possible to capture small fragments and not everyone gets the same piece. Many are not as connected as you are to this particular aspect of higher wisdom or facet of truth. Since Falcons observe from up high, they’re able to appreciate the grander scheme of things so by sharing it with others it sheds light on the bigger picture. Again, realize you don’t have all the answers or the entire picture but that’s why it’s important for us to share what we know with each other. People who are in resonance will recognize how this is the case & be able to discern for themselves if it’s true. This secret idea/download you have been given needs to be shared because it may align you with people who once they hear it they can bring it to life. They will recognize it for truth and where this info fits into the greater puzzle
Guidance for January 8th, 2023:
”The Challenge of Letting Something U Love Go”

Incoming Influence: Death/2 of Swords (Moon in Libra)
What to Concentrate on: 14-Lovaria ( Let Love Grow)
Best way Forward: 31-Solitude ( Alone but Not Lonely)
It will become apparent that you can no longer ignore that something major in your life has come to an end. You’ll not be able to deny a big sweeping change has to happen but you’re not sure how you feel about this impending loss…or what to do next. This could be an end that has been intuitively felt on some level but perhaps someone couldn’t mentally bring themselves to face the truth of it. 2 of Swords represents the Moon in Libra-Bringing awareness to the need to make a fair but harmonious decision in a relationship or between conflicting thoughts. Lovaria appears when you must re-think & re-evaluate the love relationships in your life, whether it be family friends or lovers. A healthy relationship requires two independent people who consciously commit to being the best version of themselves. What kind of expectations do you hold in regard to experiencing a healthy relationship? Relationships with healthy traits based out of trust, accountability, honesty, support & cooperation. Ask yourself, do you need to put some distance or even cut ties with someone who cannot provide any of these traits? Are you expressing these traits yourself? If you want someone who’s secure in themselves & wants a positive mutual commitment, you must embody these qualities also. Perhaps before you make that decision or decide to jump into another relationship, it would be best to spend some time alone in self-reflection. Introspection is important since it gives you the opportunity to pause & contemplate your relationship journey and possible next steps. Consider striking out on your own so you can look inward honestly for answers then follow your own counsel. This change will be something you’ll have to adapt to. You may be more comfortable with your own company as you make adjustments for a successful partnering down the road…whether a resurrection of this relationship or the next one. What’s really needed is some time out, time off & time away- a chance for some soul searching getting back in touch with yourself.
Guidance for January 1st, 2023:
“Death, Healing & Transformation”

Theme: Peace
What will help you? Seagull
What will hinder you? Shark/Spider
What is your unrealized potential? Rattlesnake
We start the year with a need for tranquility and healing on an inner level, the restoration of order and beauty within. This card usually appears when someone’s been through a crisis of some kind & when there’s a desire to return to a time when everything made sense or at least had meaning to it. You may be yearning for a greater understanding of what you’ve been through but there’s a reconciliation to be made before you can attain the calmness you seek. First, you must come to terms with the deep troubling emotions you’ve have been suppressing. Bottled up emotions such as grief and anger are calling to be acknowledged, released & healed in a healthy way right now. Unrealized & unhealed emotional & psychic wounds, can keep us in a constant state of fight-or-flight, numbness & anxiety. The Shark warns it’s hard to discern real danger from your anxiety and so it’s easy to act impulsively striking out any perceived threat. Are you spinning yourself reasons to be in a persistent state of hypervigilance? Spider cautions your imagination could then see danger everywhere. How could you come to a place of acceptance & peace when you are busy weaving reasons to feel on edge? Instead, it would serve you better to turn your attention to processing dissociated emotions from unhealed trauma & unprocessed grief, rather than be distracted by chasing shadows & being entangled in them. On this earth, no one is a stranger to sorrow or suffering but when you heal an aspect to yourself, you have the potential to heal others by showing them how it’s done. The Rattlesnake states these trials you have endured are a preparation, for you to open your heart, learn from the sorrow, gain empathy & understanding for others experiencing the same & be transformed by the experience. Something profound can shift within you. You are no longer the same after this initiation so you are invited to let it transform you into something bigger, better- no longer naïve nor taking things for granted. A potential for transmutation that occurs through your processing & healing, that allows you to be a catalyst for change leading others to do the same.