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January 2021 Readings 

Guidance for January 31, 2021: “On the Wings of Change”




The time of rest & intention setting is over, change is upon you, so now you must work harder than before. When Change blows in, it can be messy & make you uncomfortable at first. These are the wishes you made long ago to help you travel on your path.  Fulfilled, they have come full circle; will you curse them now? You never know what gifts Change bears and the apprehension can have you wanting to cover your head to deny what is here. Other people’s fearful chatter or our own troubled inner talk can try to convince you to stay put where it’s comfortable & safe.  Question is, will you risk being uncomfortable in order to embrace what you asked for? The little birdies here are challenged to bring you messages of encouragement. For if you would listen, you’d learn a great deal.  What would it take for you to move past the comfortable, catch hold of their wing and sail into a new adventure? It would take willful courage & determination to move forward despite any fear. Yes, there may be anxiety & some sleepless nights to wrestle with, but you can successfully use your self-confidence & resourcefulness to overcome the awkwardness of starting anything new. Both opportunity & challenge offer a way out of your circumstance if you can integrate the best & most workable bits from both to navigate the winds of change for a thankful end. An outcome where you can  face yourself in the mirror without feeling you made a discouraging sacrifice but delightlightly thankful for the opportunity to bloom. You’ll be pleased with what is reflected back at you if you can embrace the awkward and have courage to enact upon your intentions.  

Opportunities: Change

Challenges: Listening

Little Birdies messages: Strength, 9 of Swords & Magician

Outcome: Gratitude

Theme: 1st quarter moon (Take action)

Guidance for the week January 24, 2021: “Fool me Once...."




You may have mistakenly put your trust into the wrong hands when you should have trusted yourself & followed your own counsel. You knew in your heart what the right thing to do was but yet you followed the advice of another who may not have had your best interest at heart. Or perhaps this advice was misaligned to your path or purpose.  Thankfully, nothing very detrimental has happened as a result but you may have fallen into harsh thoughts or judgments for the lack of faith in yourself. Avoid being very critical towards yourself for being naïve or too trusting when you should have checked in with yourself to see if what they were advising you felt correct. That inner connection you have to guide you through life’s ups and downs is good -you just didn’t trust it this time so stop kicking yourself over it.  Apply forgiveness & loving compassion towards yourself for this misstep. You now know you can trust what you feel to be right & allow your intuition to lead you towards the right path for your highest good. Your instincts are good & reliable if you can avoid letting your head seed doubt, mudding the intuitive waters. Rebuild that belief in your own ability to make the right decisions & follow with confidence next time.   

What worked well? Black Tourmaline (Protection)

What did not work well? Prehnite (Trust)

Key Learnings: Emerald (Compassion) / Trust / Mystic circle

Guidance for the week January 17, 2021: ““Bad Changes for Long Term Good”




In life, some events are unavoidable & create such profound change that we are not ever the same. These events show how fragile we are (perhaps even how fragile some of our connections were) and remind us that there’s always something more powerful than us. The best we can do is to surrender with humility, take the lesson and hopefully be transformed by the experience rather than crushed by it. In light of these critical & unexpected changes, you may feel disconnected from those you once shared commonalities with. These old connections, personal or professional, may seem shallow, insincere or simply out of resonance. The focus & spotlight has been on you (personal growth ) these last few months and you see yourself & your life in a different light. You feel born again in some respects as a result & have taken advantage of this crisis to change what no longer suits. Belonging to a group or community is an important part of the human experience, so you seek to make new connections or alliances that reflect the new you. To fit in with like-minded people or other partnerships as a consequence of the reevaluation of your value system & where you feel at home. Crisis can provide an opportunity for corrections & a new start to consider other choices that are a better fit for you now. You’ll feel less like a victim; more empowered to make decisions that bring happiness, strength, motivation & fulfillment. Connections with others you never even considered an option or were completely unknown to you previously will come into view as the weeks go on.  

Theme: Hagalaz (Destruction & Crisis)

The nature of the problem: Community

The Cause: The Sun 

The Solution: Adjacent Possibilities

Guidance for the week January 10, 2021: “Be Remembered As The Hero & Not The A-Hole”


Situation: Page of Swords

Action: 5 of Swords reversed

Outcome: 4 of Swords

"Act like a badass"-Rebel Deck



Can you speak your truth with integrity and not come off as an a-hole in the process? This week’s situation calls for diplomacy in dealing with others that hold opposing opinions as well as having the bravery to stand against challenges to your own. It can be daunting to stand alone for what you believe and hold to be true however some will appreciate your breezy directness & honesty for at least they know where you stand. It will take confidence as well as ingenuity to come up with a novel plan that breaks the contention & resolves an uncomfortable truce. You may have to take the initiative and be the first to start the conversation towards making amends & burying the hatchet. Despite some regrets & perhaps some remorse, there’s a moving away from petty empty arguments.  Parties may finally be open to negotiations. Active brainstorming to find a win/win solution bringing healing to a contentious situation rather than escalating tensions. Peace does not always equal a truce so it may be enough for battling sides to just go quietly to their respective corners to rest & regroup.

You have to pick your battles wisely as not all conflicts are worth it. However, sometimes there are crucial confrontations that define who & what you are, what you stand for and what you’d be willing to die for. Decide which is which.

On a personal level, you may receive insight or explore a new method that allows you to resolve a nagging internal conflict that brings peace & rest to your mind.  Restoring order & stability within yourself.  


Another interp: In the face of unpleasant truths, we may see some people being held accountable for their actions, crimes being uncovered, arrests, shame and public humiliation requiring us to take some time out to think about what all this means.


Guidance for the week January 3, 2021: “Vigilant Camouflage”



Walrus offers his support to help you keep your wits about you, a low profile & your mouth shut! This week requires you to be aware of your surroundings & pay heed to the signs & signifiers that have trying to get your attention. What are they telling you? What are you picking up around you? Walruses are very perceptive creatures and can sense changes to their environment which allows them to act accordingly. Brave & fearsome, they will defend their territory & their loved ones if provoked. Otherwise, they are on stand-by chilling & blending into the scenery. The atmosphere could be a bit electric. People around you could be tense & on edge. So if your goal is to navigate troubled waters & high tension with as little issue as possible, being aggressive & cranky will only bring unwanted attention to yourself. Striking first in a combative tone or manner will surely bring eyes upon you. Being prickly, defensive or straight up antagonistic will bring unnecessary conflicts & confrontations. Like the Walrus, it would serve you to be a bit thicker skinned & not so sensitive to what’s negatively affecting you.  Adapting a tougher exterior also serves as protection from emotional predators giving you the ability to “rise above it all”.  The watchfulness of the Walrus will help you observe without trying to directly influence events & remain untouched by surrounding circumstances. You can then adopt the camouflaging skill of the Chameleon. Going unnoticed will help to foster an environment where you can feel safe, stable and less distressed by the current situation.


What will help you? Walrus

What will hinder you? Wolverine

What is your unrealized potential? Chameleon/ Levitator

Gradient Ocean

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Northern  NJ 07950

Tel: 201-424-9272

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Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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Tel: 201-424-9272

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