Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
Inspiring websites & resources
*Clive Heatherington : E-Book to Facilitate Self Healing & Improve Self Awareness
This book offers exercises, understandings, advice, real life examples, inner support and effective INTENTS to align and empower the reader to identify, work with and resolve limiting issues, life challenges, traumas and so on.
It is for those whom wish to better understand themselves both as an energy and multidimensional being . . .
. . . . and whom want to learn to work with and align to divine support while aiming to become all that they are in unity.
Testimony of Light:
Testimony of Light is about life after death—and the amazing story of a friendship that endured beyond the veil. Based on the communications Helen Greaves received telepathically from her deceased friend, Helen Greaves, an Anglican nun, it is an inspiring testament to the enduring power of their friendship and offers an important message to us all-that the death of the body is but a gentle passing to a much freer and fuller life.
Bernhard Guenther providing some interesting food for thought in regard to Covid, fear and the collective consciousness - in that the fear virus is more contagious than any disease-virus.
“PIERCING THE VEIL OF REALITY” is a wide-ranging collection of Bernhard Guenther's articles, webinars, films and interviews/talks, ranging from spirituality, shamanism, psychology, self-work, esotericism, history, politics, to the occult and hyperdimensional realities.
Here you will find articles and resources that push the boundaries of fringe knowledge:
Steps to spiritual awakening
How your mind influences reality
Deja vu and synchronicities
Alien agendas and disinformation
Nonlinear nature of time
Hyperdimensional entities
The Matrix and its agents
Earth as an energy farm
Probable cataclysmic futures
Scalar physics and orgone energy
Take only what resonates with your inner sense of knowing and correlates with your observations and experience – leave the rest. Enjoy the site!