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February 2025 Readings 

Guidance for February 23, 2025:

“Waning Crescent for Surrender & Purging”


What Had to Be Purged: 10 Of Cups Reversed

What Was Learned: King Of Swords Reversed

What To Plant Next: Knight Of Wands



Waning Crescent marks a time of preparation for the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. While some things remain beyond our control & fate must take its course, this phase brings important realizations about life's illusions. You've reached a point where you've realized having the ideal “happy family” may not exist for everyone. There's a hollow emptiness in surrendering to the idea that "having it all" is merely an illusion, & that the dream of having a home & family doesn’t make one complete. The accomplishments feel like mere trophies - "He with all the toys wins" - but wins WHAT, exactly? It’s just become a game you can’t win. All these achievements & possessions mean nothing without genuine happiness, especially when home life is a facade. Though enviable from the outside, the reality tells a different story. With tensions at their limit, something must give. The King of Swords reversed taught us how words can wound and destroy. His desire to spread his own misery through demoralizing abuse illustrates what needs to be eliminated. Abuse is not ok- whether it's meant to cut them down to size, or mold them into someone else's vision of a perfect member. Tyrants & manipulation do not make a happy home. It’s cruel & stupid waste of energy. Knight of Wands urges you to take brave action, create next steps & charge ahead with conviction without having a detailed plan. He wants to burn rubber out of there! Harness your rebel energy & assert yourself to this King if you wish to recapture a new sense of complete fulfillment & contentment. However, be prepared for battle - when reversed, this King can be ruthless in his retribution. But new energy HAS to come into this space. Fire is purifying-destructive most definitely but revitalizing to the Earth. Since Earth is missing here, tangible elements will need to be put into place for the Knight to have someplace to run to.

Guidance for Feb. 16, 2025:

“Waning Gibbous: A Story of Introspection & Gratitude”


Queen of Swords, her wisdom, advice & knowledge have been hard won. She knows a thing or two, because she’s seen a thing or two. Been there done that, she now has the t-shirt. Stronger & wiser today- invincible- no longer the vulnerable & insecure character she once was. Many moons ago, she set out to get sharper & maybe even toughen up a bit, & she’s thankful for the transformation that has taken place. Her ideas are as good as anyone else’s – she is worthy. This came from the merciful realization of what she was mentally doing to herself. Holding her down & holding her back. An internal process of realization that she had built this mental cage of limitation & uncertainty herself & only she could cut a path out. By taking that first step, she effectively got out of her own way, understanding that action cures stagnation. Getting to this point was monumental, making this hard-won victory all the sweeter. She is deeply grateful for the second chances that are now on the table. It was a struggle to find the psychological strength to escape. She knows there's still work ahead. It will take several confidence-boosting actions to elevate that King of Pentacles to his upright position - to find her rightful place among kings, enforcing her will, and staking her claim in the public sphere. For this next chapter, she'll draw upon her new understanding of self-acceptance, her triumph over fears, & her reclaimed power through self-control. She has more influence than she realizes. Her strength comes in offering wisdom gained through her life's trials & experiences to others, forming alliances & being the trusted friend many need - a person counted on to mentor others through paths of life she’s already lived

What has come to fruition? Queen of Swords

A New Understanding That I’m Grateful For: 8 Of Swords Reversed

Where Improvements Are Still Needed: King of Pentacles Reversed

Guidance for February 9, 2025:

“Waxing Gibbous for Refinement & Course Correction”




This is a good time for final steps as we adjust & improve our projects before its completion. The Sphinx, whose strength lies in her ability to remain silent, encourages you to be discriminating & screen for who or what's worthy. Adopt this protective nature to guard your aspirations & what you've worked so hard to build, refine, & master. Think before speaking, reveal nothing, but be sure to carefully weigh others by their responses. No need to let everyone in on what we are working on. Keep your head down, stay on task, and remain mysterious. The less you say, the better. Be wary of those who probe for answers while not showing their own hand. 


Use this time to release feelings of destructive jealousy stemming from restrictive, self-critical thoughts of powerlessness. Resist lashing out at others because you are hurt or suffering from feelings of inadequacy or being stuck. Floundering, feeling victimized or persecuted for something not your fault can make you feel as if you have no real choices & little power. This will lead to downfall & spoil what you are trying to move forward with—something of lasting value. Let that go; it's not helpful.


This message comes from a loving place, reminding you time is ticking. The window of opportunity will not last forever, so don't hesitate to take advantage of it before it slips away. Act on that hunch! If you sense a change has to be made, an element added or subtracted, an apology said, make the time & do it. What started as a dream can be actualized, if you act now. Above all, move to a more self-loving, emotionally vulnerable heart space with those closest to you—life's awful short.

What to let in: The Sphinx/8 of Coins

What to release: Medusa / 8 of swords

Where to go: The Hourglass/ Page of Cups

Guidance for February 2, 2025:

“Waxing Crescent for Setting Intentions & Building Momentum”




This is a positive & hopeful period focused on what one wants to grow & commit to for future potential victories. The 4 of Swords invites recuperation, restoration & the dreaming of next steps. Taking a rest allows one to develop & organize thoughts before executing a concrete plan. In its correspondence with Jupiter in Libra, we are learning how to coexist with others, sharing knowledge & gaining understanding from different perspectives. Libra looks to enlist the aid of others, as it never acts alone. So perhaps this 4 of Swords is contemplating how you are going to diplomatically engage/charm others to support your endeavors & accomplish goals. The Magician, ruled by Mercury, speaks to what you are trying to encourage into being through utilizing your will, skillset, and the power of your mind. Your special brand of magic may lie in your intellect & communicative nature. However, not everyone has the disciple, creativity, resources or connections you possess. While you may have the intention to act constructively, it seems others are not operating at the same level. 3 of Coins reversed predict plans falling apart, suggesting it may be better to “go it alone”,  relying on your own abilities rather than risk encountering incompetence or disagreement. As the adage goes, “If you want something done right, you’ll have to do it yourself”.  Consider revising this collaborative approach, as the project could falter due to shoddy work, ineptitude, or delays in deliverables. The Page of Pentacles shows how the Magician can bring success, by start learning what you don’t know-whatever is crucial to execute your plan. Learn how to do it yourself, the way you want it done. As it stands now, your plan is to outsource to incompetents when it’s better to just do it yourself to achieve the practical results you intended to achieve. Their heart is not in it.

What to plant: 4 of Swords

What to nurture: The Magician

What will blossom: 3 of Coins Reversed

How can the Magician bring success? Page of Pentacles

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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