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February 2022 Readings 

Guidance for February 27, 2022: “Reflect on Past Actions Before Creating New Ones”

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Situation: 10 of Swords reversed

Avoid: The Fool

Pay Attention to: High Priestess



Thankfully, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! You have survived this disaster of a time & are now making your way to the other side looking to rejoin the land of the living. Now that you have come through the worst of it, you may be choosing to look at this situation differently as your belief system is no longer the same. However, despite the opportunity for recovery, the mind is still holding on to painful beliefs stubbornly resisting closure. In order to begin the process of moving on, you’ll have to let the pain go while holding on to lessons learned so you can avoid making the same mistakes again. Are you mentally torturing yourself for failures?  The inner critic of your mind feeding those lingering feelings of defeat is slow to agree to the progress you have made -it still carries the wounds of what ended badly. Get off your own back, especially about what would, should or could have been. Don’t make things more complicated for yourself. You can embrace a new day without psychologically beating yourself up. Apply forgiveness and be open to healing. This doesn’t mean painting an artificial bright & cheery face on what has happened. You don’t want to deny the deep sorrow, grief, shame or regret that has occurred. The High Priestess invites you to sit with those feelings, not in wallowing self-pity but in true inner reflection so as to not be destined to repeat the same steps that brought you to the threshold of ruin. Contemplation is not meant to reopen the mental pains of the past but for self-discovery. Consider any worthwhile knowledge you’ve gained from the experience. Have you acquired a deeper understanding about your unconscious impulses, behaviors or self-destructive urges? This means confronting what lies within, the suppressed emotions or unintegrated shadow playing out unconsciously through your temperament. Where could you have paid heed to warning signs or intuitive urgings, the ones you recklessly or naively ignored? The High Priestess suggests you develop foresight instead of barreling headfirst. She encourages you to learn to think independently & tackle obstacles head on this time rather than turning your face away or having your head in the clouds not committing to the follow through. Seek counsel, ask for advice (both earthly & heavenly) and listen to common sense & warnings from well-meaning sources who do not wish to see you tumble face forward again.

Guidance for February 20, 2022:
“Cannot Expect Maximum Results from Minimal Effort “”

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Stop: Stop blaming others for your stuff

Start: Moving your butt

Continue: Now is not the time

Result: Green Man-Synergy



Message is pretty raw & blunt this week so don’t shoot the messenger.

Time to stop blaming everyone else for the situation you find yourself in. It’s not everyone else’s fault, it’s yours so stop… blaming Covid, the government, Biden, Trump, your job, the economy,  the school, your husband, the kids, your neighbors, your parents, your friends...just stop. Caught in a stagnant loop of inactivity & apathy, blame enables people to feel justified in staying trapped where they are. You may be allowing your circumstances to keep you stuck where you are rather than taking ownership of the things you can control and move forward. Being in a destructive rut of prideful thinking has produced little result & done you no good, in fact, it will suffocate your potential. But where to start? Just start small. A small change in perspective followed up with a small step down the right path is all you need to start heading in the right direction. It takes physical effort to move towards your goal, so get cracking and get out there. Take action, exercise, get involved, participate, speak out, take initiative. This truth applies to every positive life change we desire to embrace with our lives. Perspective is everything and being able to control how you look at things is the key to learning how to start over and creating a fresh start. It’s so powerful that just a small change in perspective can completely change everything so continue keeping your mind healthy by not falling back into negative thinking or toxic inner talk. Stay the course and steer clear of taking “the old & easy” when you know there’s a new road to follow or perspective to take. Singly, by taking a more holistic approach & getting your mind, body, spirit on board working together, greater power can be achieved. In other cases, it may prove helpful to join others who can keep you motivated, out of ruts & on track. As the saying goes, there’s power in numbers whether it be the individualized parts of a single person or the individualized aspects of God -aka other humans. Therefore, by collectively combining mental focus, will & action, we can achieve something that is incredibly difficult to do alone. Whether it be an exercise program, mass meditations, neighborhood projects, community programs or building the New Earth, benefits can be found by banding together with others who share a common objective to bring growth & positive change. It’s through these communal efforts we can create something better than what we presently have or have had in the past.


February 13, 2022:
”I Never Promised you a Rose Garden”:

A Relationship Reading:

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Strength: Celebration

Weaknesses: Innocence:

Advice: Awakening

Addition Insight: “Come to Jesus”



It’s often said “Life is Better Together “ and one of your greatest strengths is recognizing & praising the beautiful & metamorphic changes that occurred in your partner’s life or in your relationship together. There’s sweet satisfaction in appreciating simple pleasures & finding joy in the little things. Often these are the things that mean the most and are very helpful in getting through life’s ups & downs. Most likely you’ve handled challenges with grace & optimism because you know that that time moves quickly & we only have a short time to enjoy “the here & now”. Admiring the power of the Butterfly to trust in the process knowing that huge changes often precede the birthing of something beautiful, you seek out the best even in the worst of times. To your credit, you may look to the good in everyone but is there a special someone pulling on your heartstrings or trying to sweet talk themselves out of trouble with you? Are you guilty of looking past their shortcomings & falling for the soft-soap or another one of their sugar-coated stories?  The swallows in the Innocence card appear to warn against chasing idealism and asks you to clean the lens of innocence you’re looking through where judgement, guilt or blame is present. They also appear when communication skills are weak or when what’s being said is not of integrity. Seems like everyone could use a “Come to Jesus” moment, a moment for truthful communication and accountability. Since Roses represent both pleasure & pain, of taking the good with the bad, there’s a call to get to the truth of the matter regardless of the discomfort it may cause. We all make mistakes; learning as we go but is it an honest one-off or is this a pattern that needs to be addressed & rectified? “Come to Jesus” card calls for correcting mistakes and getting back on track. Accountability. Try to remember there are reasons why people do what they do. Awakening asks you to see things from a new perspective – one without having your head in the clouds and everyone being honest. Could it be time to “see the light’ to your own part in the situation rather than be tempted to just blame the other person? Were you only listening to the pretty words you wanted to hear resorting to your habit of doling out the quick & usual wave of forgiveness so they could go on their way without culpability & you back to your illusion of peace? Choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt once again all the while ignoring the pain from the thorn in your side telling you something's not entirely right here. Never said it would be easy, but this is an opportunity to come clean, to tell the truth so we can get right. Reconciliation. To get back to live & let live and share the good times while we can.

February 6, 2022: “Facing the Truth & Deserving Better”

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Theme: The Conductor:

Situation: The Moon

Action: Hanged Man Reversed

Outcome: The 3 of Swords



This week will remind you that there’s a need to take control of your own life by seeing things for what they truly are despite your darkest fears. To live your life for YOU rather than sacrificing your happiness for someone else. You may have been sensing things have been off for some time. Maybe you saw the signs but disavowed what you were sensing because you were just terrified to face the possible truth of it? There’s more to the story that needs to be confronted -if you can brave the truth of what may be revealed. Perhaps, you’ve been in denial or playing possum to this unconscious threat, preferring not to be reminded of some uncomfortable memories you’d rather forget. However, whatever’s been hidden or trying to disguise its true nature is uncovered just enough to warrant a change in circumstances. The mask has slipped & you’ve caught more than an uncomfortable peek. Despite any old fears rising to the surface, can you make an attempt to improve your situation by declaring “enough is enough” and put an end to the insanity by being true to yourself & your values despite the potential fallout? Have you finally reached your breaking point no longer caring to surrender your happiness anymore?  It will take fortitude to face the uncertainty, the lies, your fears- the boogeyman. 

Hangman asks you to create a reprieve -a release from the madness that held you in a place of stagnant suffering. To shake yourself loose from a self-delusion and confront a potentially painful truth. With the Moon here you could be jumping to conclusions & assigning meaning to events based on a feeling. The Moon warns info can be distorted because you just don’t know all the facts. And so, you respond more from your emotions &  perception of reality & not really the facts . You cannot assume people’s intent or what lies beneath unless you decide to confront & uncover these secrets.

Stay rational & true to your new perspective despite any doubts, conflicts or temporary failure. Stand firmly behind your decision to advocate for what’s in your best interest while having compassion for all involved.  Isn't it  best to at least know what you are dealing with so that you may face the worst of it in order to move on?  They may just come right out with it. A confession would bring revelation & insight.  There may be some tears, disappointment or a few choice words but at least there’s no more ambiguity and you know what you are dealing with now. It’s from here you can make the next move - a truce, reconciliation or cut your losses & move on.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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