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February 2021 Readings 

Guidance for the week February 28, 2021:“Coming in Hot so get your Ducks in Order”

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Situation: 8 of Wands/8 of Cups (reversed)

Obstacle: King of Swords (reversed)/ 7 of Coins

Advice: Page of Coins

Blessings from Divine Mother

You may be feeling a “hot” push leave a very unsatisfying situation but you need to examine your priorities before making your escape. This rapidly shifting & changing environment can create frustration & impatience, but make sure you’re not hopping into worse circumstances. Perhaps you’re not feeling emotionally strong enough to make the necessary adaptations to this rapid change so you are settling for less than you’d like or deserve. Or you just feel stuck & unmotivated to look for something better so you’re forced to accept a less than optimum situation. Stop a minute to re-evaluate because some things need to be handled before you follow any negative impulses & just bail. Accountability! It requires an honest if not brutal evaluation of an unfair situation juxtaposed to your priorities. You may be tempted to take something that is not aligned with integrity in an attempt to escape a hardship. Seek guidance if you are feeling confused. Sometimes we need someone else to point us in the right direction (with practical guidance) when we are failing to do so on our own. Also, if you are waiting for another to take culpability in an unhappy situation, you might be waiting a long time. We can only be responsible for how we contributed to the condition. That said, we don’t need to stick around suffering abuse either. It may not be apparently clear as to what the benefit was as a result of sticking around, but the reward is there. Once you find it, let it be your focus as it will lead you to a better start. It will require a practical but workable plan with a focus on your talents, values & goals. Take advantage of an opportunity for advancement only if it honestly works for you & not out of desperation. It has to be “value-adding” to your life. This is all about upgrading your standards so wherever you are headed next needs to be in alignment with those in order for it to be rewarding.  

Guidance for the week

February 21, 2021:

“Justice Restored-Effort To Right Wrongs”


Situation: Justice

Avoid: Page of coins

Pay Attention To: 5 of Coins



Wherever you have been unbalanced in your life (relationship, money, or health) is strikingly clear now. Consequently, you now may be paying the price for not paying it proper attention.

Collectively, we are reaping what we have sown. Gotten bad results due to inaction, misapplication, avoidance, laziness and the reliance on others to do “it” for us. However, you/it can turn it around & make it healthier by facing it head on with honesty & effort. But can you handle the Truth? Justice allows the ability to understand the Past but that is only proportional to our ability to bravely confront the bold-faced Truth. The Truth, not only about ourselves but the world at large. You are called to shift your attention to what is conflicted in your life or where you are experiencing a loss of some kind. To bravely focus on the areas where you are limited or facing extreme constriction. Are you trying to hold a bad situation together for fear of change? Pay attention to what hardship you are tolerating while sidestepping novel opportunities perhaps due to pride or fear of the unknown. Collectively, of where we have been failed or abused by a structure we thought would take care of our needs. Perhaps the hard truth is that we cannot rely on others to bail us out or provide the help we desperately need. It’s up to us.   

It will be clear that fair & corrective action needs to be executed to save any relationship that produces little growth or closeness. It takes bravery to understanding that where we are now is due to choices we have made in the past & our future is determined by actions we take now. Actions balanced in integrity with acquired wisdom & new understanding. The answer out of this situation comes in being able to turn that Page right side up. By being practical, self-reliant, industrious, and planning for the long term. There can be no “taking breaks” or dropping the ball right now.


Mundane: Anything lacking in the health or physical fitness department cannot be avoided or slacked off any longer. Truth is, no one is going to turn it around or take care of it but you. Taking our physical, spiritual & financial health into our own hands in steady firm steps with no complaining-just do it.

February 14th, 2021: “Trusted Advisor Provides an Answer to a Prayer”


Theme: Mannaz

Incoming Influence: Guardian Angel

What to Concentrate on: Union

Best Way forward: Discernment



This week may find you feeling lost, insecure & in need of protection or a meaningful connection to provide guidance.  If you are experiencing lack or inadequacy in some regard, Mannaz advises you not to isolate yourself & but to seek communion with another who can give you the direction, support & reassurance you seek. As we struggle to understand human existence through our personal & collective point of view, Mannaz reminds us that all men/women are connected to each other by their deep nature and that none of us function within a vacuum. We all can benefit from each person’s gifts, intellect & cooperation. Remember that we are human & each have strengths & weaknesses as well as biases. These biases can sometimes color the guidance being provided. Mindfully consider & weigh all points of view against your own values & goals. It would be best to lean on an objective but trusted advisor that is most aligned with your principles. Scrutinize everything by first running it through your own checks & balance system. Any counsel should wisely be considered from where it comes from since this is a time for examination; an examination of your motives & aims as well as the motives of others. Before making a commitment to a piece of advice, ask some key questions as to how they came to this conclusion. It will help reveal their true purpose or inclination.

February 7th, 2021: “Movement on the Horizon”


Theme: Laguz (Intuition/ Evolution)

Let Go: Anxiety

Hold On To: Woman holding a Coin

Benefit: Goddess of the Moon (reversed)



A new phase of growth is experienced since Laguz indicates a personal rite of passage, an initiation or a completion in a particular aspect of your life promoting a step forward in your evolution. A profound journey of self-discovery that may not only change your perception of life but how you view yourself & what you have to offer. As events storm & rage outside, you could find yourself completely engrossed in your anxious thoughts or nervous ruminations. Laguz calls for you to be calm about the things you cannot control & do not let disconcerting forces create storms within. Extreme worry are obstacles to accessing intuitive knowledge & can impede your ability to accurately ascertain true dangers. The Number 42 in I-Ching hexagram is composed of Thunder & Wind meaning Increase. It furthers one to undertake something, 'cross the great water'; to advance, to evolve, to succeed. Laguz re-enforces the message from 42 that when the winds turn in your favor, take hold & make the most of it. It promises to uncover a gift, an opportunity to discover an inner power. Blocked imagination can be released to find hidden solutions that you couldn’t find before forcing us to reevaluate what is possible.

Laguz as a symbol of purification works with 42 to cleanse & heal harmful habits. Thus signaling a good time to make a great change in life by re-enforcing good traits.  Are you worried that you have nothing of value to offer? Concerned that your skills need improving? Take advantage of this alone time to grow & develop what you do best. Create your gift by cultivating your unique ability - become a master.

Great progress & prosperity can be made if you can utilize your intuitive gifts, stay adaptable & keep the interests of others in mind rather than yourself. When the atmosphere shifts & situations call for leadership, those who courageously act for the common good will achieve the most long-lasting rewards. You can not only lift up the disheartened or confused, but you raise your self-confidence & competency. Putting the needs of others before our own helps to pull you out of self-serving thoughts & egocentric worries adding to your sense of value & purpose.  Allows you to release the sense of “living your life in the dark" giving you the benefit of reconnecting to your truth and embracing a new faith in yourself.




Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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