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December 2023 Readings 

Guidance for December 31, 2023:“Pluto’s Transformative Influence Continues” 

Collective reading:

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The main Lesson of 2023, represented here by Kenaz, brought lessons around illuminating the truth, burning away confusion and seeing things more clearly - teaching us the value of insight and realization. By exploring paradigms and exposing “the hidden” in an attempt to educate oneself and not remain in ignorance, Kenaz brought revelatory wisdom, a fire of new understanding that could change your very being, dissolving your old state and reconfiguring you into a new higher one. One of the blessings it bestowed was the acceptance that there are things you cannot change while highlighting the ones we do have influence over, and giving the wisdom to know the difference. Events happen that we may never know why they had to occur. Some people will never change despite our love and best efforts. Bad things happen to good people and justice eludes the guilty. We are powerless to change what is outside our control and we have to be good with that. The main vibe for 2024 will be a year of rebuilding structures and systems that have failed or become corrupted. (Jeez, that means pretty much everything). There will be a need to dismantle flawed approaches (Reversed Raidho) in order to reconstruct and reorient plans towards greater integrity. A radical renewal – this speaks to a major reversal and overhaul of the status quo, where weak or unstable elements of society are addressed. Outdated methods give way to new strategies built on strong foundations and moral principles. We could see finally some sound leadership in the face of adversity and a call for peacekeeping. There’s a move to right wrongs, to claim justice where injustice was served in light of new information from 2023. Tiwaz brings hope for a successful end to a conflict or dispute. 2024 promises to have us weighing the cost and determining the value of actions taken. Exchanging Gifts speaks to trade-offs, and to a “delicate dance that brings a surprise compromise”. However, these things wished for come with a price, hopefully one that is not too high and is mutually beneficial to all affected.


The Main Lesson of 2023: Kenaz

The Blessings 2023 bestowed: The Fates (17)

Main energy for the New Year: Raidho reversed with Tiwaz

The Blessings 2024 promises: Exchanging Gifts

Guidance for December 24, 2023: “From Sacrifice to Stability and Freedom”
Personal Reflection:

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This Year's gift to me is represented in The Hanged Man, signaling a change in perspective regarding money and how it plays a role in my life. This means having to let go of limiting beliefs about my worthiness to accept abundance. I now see the energy of money as neutral and able to be used in an empowering way. To be fair, its status has been a bit stagnant, due to me having to make some sacrifices for the benefit of my household and those in a more vulnerable position. After years of plodding along working hard, results are finally coming in - not only for myself, but for others in my household. 2023’s coal in my stocking is embodied by the 9 of Wands, indicating money still feels challenging or blocked in places, requiring perseverance. Constantly having to play catch up with increasing costs and financial demands has left me more than a little weary - possibly in a vulnerable position myself. This last push has me questioning my ability to keep this going much longer as inflation continues to climb. However, I shouldn't let past setbacks or cynicism deter me from pursuing income potential. The Spirit of Christmas' message contained in "New Beginnings" with the Knight of Pentacles tells me that my situation will be shifting and changing as those whom I've sacrificed for make moves to obtain their own income and gain stability. Yet the 9 of Wands signals that while "I'm almost there," continued effort on my part is still required. It may take longer than I'd like, but there's a shifting of responsibility off me, allowing some reprieve - much to my relief. It also signals that some changes in how I've been spending will need to occur, as some situations are not sustainable. It may be time to reassess ROIs, purge whatever has been holding me back, and choose better investment options moving forward. Though weary, I must press on with courage by managing my finances wisely. Overall, the cards point to this being a powerful reset point regarding my finances. Healing old money beliefs allows a shift to new approaches and habits that better serve me.

Theme: Money

This Year’s gift to me: The Hanged Man

This Year’s coal in my stocking: 9 of Wands

Spirit of Christmas’ message:  New Beginnings

with Knight of Pentacles

Guidance of December 17, 2023: September 10, 2023:

“Reflective Realignment of Priorities”

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What you learned this year: Messenger

Where you are currently: Waiting

What you still need to Learn: Service reversed


This year has been about heightened communication, learning new modes of connection & fielding an influx of information. There may have been opportunities to expand your perspective through new ideas, beliefs or avenues of learning. Staying curious & open minded has allowed you to grow this year, while also carefully considering and discerning the information received before making moves. However, after an active year of learning & engagement, you now find yourself in a transitional period of waiting & uncertainty. The Waiting card in your present signifies a period of pausing, patience & anticipation. Things may feel in limbo but you are advised to trust in the unfolding of events & not try to force outcomes. Recognize the value of taking breaks & introspection rather than action. Look to the future with confidence allowing clarity to emerge at its own pace. Service in reverse suggests you still need to learn to set boundaries around helping others & focus on your own needs first. Be cautious of depleting yourself in the service of others or neglecting your own well being. Prioritize self-care & say no when required finding the balance in meeting the needs of yourself & others. Examine your own motivations for helping. Is it driven by true care or a need for validation? Moving forward, you need to develop discernment around service & caring for yourself before attempting to fix or save others. Some people do not want to be helped but are in fact, working at cross purposes to your efforts.  Notice when assisting others causes resentment or exhaustion. When this occurs, your energy maybe better served on preserving your own well-being rather than waiting on others to finally help themselves.

Guidance for December 10, 2023: ”Reaching the Big Cheese”

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This week focuses on the 10th House of Social Status, governing your public life, career, and drive for outer world success.  It’s where we strive to make a name for ourselves and gain power or status.  It’s here where we gain insight on managing success or failure in achieving these ambitions.  The Mantee’s challenging position suggests you may be too accepting of the way things are. Going with the flow presents a career challenge, making you unwilling to make waves and go against the status quo. This docile approach may not serve you well, as it can tempt you into giving up your aspirations when things get too challenging. The Manatee's placid nature weakens your drive for success by having you silently consent when change is needed. The Mouse, symbolizing the power within small acts and subtle influences, urges you to burrow in without fear. It’s cunning cleverness & adaptability allow it to thrive in unpredictable environments. Capable of squeezing into tight spaces undetected, the Mouse makes the most of its environment. Its stealthy nature helps you move steadily yet quietly toward your aims, darting at the right moments to avoid hazards. Though your goals seem lofty, the Mouse says success lies in details. Pay close attention to nuances and minor steps supporting your dreams. Stay curious to explore uncharted opportunities overlooked by others. An inquisitive attitude, meticulousness & perseverance will chip away at any large undertaking, exceeding vulnerabilities. Your innate wisdom far outsizes your doubts. Follow this clever guide to discover your enormous potential.

Goal:10th House

Obstacle: Manatee

Tool for success: Mouse

Guidance for December 3, 2023:
”A Blending Of Fate And Free Will”

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Wyrd, the Rune of Unknowable Fate, urges us to accept rather than resist life’s twists & turns -submitting to that which is destined to be. We trust the path will unfold as it is meant to, having faith in the meaning of events and challenges encountered along the way. Keep in mind that as you find an unfolding of destiny through a blending of fate and your free will, be ready to leave something that stopped being true long ago. Nothing lasts forever, and when it’s time to move on, you’ll have to. As long as you've reevaluated that you are not prematurely walking away from gifts yet to be revealed, take brave steps to leave a dissatisfying situation. And when venturing out there, don’t lose touch with your own vulnerabilities & need for allies. Avoid a lone wolf mentality & admit when you need support. Steer clear of knee-jerk defensiveness that casts those with contrasting views as antagonists, potentially blinding you to valid alternate viewpoints. Pushing your will against any challenge or opposition, refusing to compromise, will not win you any friends on this unfolding path. Standing up for yourself is healthy, but beware of ego-driven defiance or aggression against others. Holding your ground should come from inner resolve rather than ego or insecurity. Don’t get your feathers ruffled when butting up against challenges. Instead seek equilibrium & inner calm. Nurturing patience and reliance on a strong core to maintain balance-like a stork adeptly standing on one foot- you have the grace under pressure to adapt to changing circumstances.

Theme: Rune Wyrd

What to keep in mind: 8 of Cups reversed

Traps to Avoid: 7 of Wands

Advice: The Stork

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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