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December 2022 Readings 

Guidance for December 25th, 2022:
“By the Grace of God, You’ll Get There”

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Theme: The Fool

Incoming Influence: New Moon (Beginnings)

What I need to concentrate on? Mannaz

Best way Forward: Hagalaz



It serves us well for the last reading of 2022 to see the New Moon card here signifying renewal. A time when you can regain the strength needed to clear all that is old & tired and welcome the emergence of something new. This is a very good time to implement plans. The energy of the New Moon fully supports you “going your own way”, pursuing your own form of happiness. A new life path full of potential & with a deeper spiritual meaning illustrated by The Fool. There may be an inexplicable inner push to take sudden action or a forced redirection as a result of external uncontrollable forces. Either way, these are dramatic changes that test your will since you are unsure of how you’ll get to this new phase of life.  It can be a painful realization that the path one has set out on is not the path that one is meant to be on and a change in direction is needed. Such disappointment, however, is a necessary first step in achieving change. It’s through pain a new life is birthed albeit paved with occasional obstacles. To fully appreciate this fresh slate, you must let go of the past. It’s only through the destruction of certain psychological aspects, emotional blocks, & ties to the past can one move forward. Keep in mind that for positive changes to occur, many things that exist now must be destroyed. Often its fear of the messiness of destruction or grief over the loss of the familiar that prevents future growth & the fulfilling of your potential. Mannaz is the rune of intellect, logic & reason so be analytical & assertive to overcome any obstacles that you may encounter. This intelligence consists of not only technical abilities but also the awareness we inherently possess. This is the knowledge gathered through interactive experiences held within our soul’s memory. Both will be needed to navigate these new waters. However, as the Fool suggests it’s impossible to know everything when starting a new experience. A minor seemingly insignificant choice could have consequences to last a lifetime.  Understand how your actions may affect all things & consider the kind of help you’ll need from others to make it a reality. Because at this point in the process, you don’t know enough yet to prevent you from potentially landing on your face. Have the wherewithal to appreciate when you’re in over your head & need the wise guiding advice of one who’s gone before you in matters such as these.  Continue striving for improvement, because you will be rewarded for your effort.

Guidance for December 20th, 2022: “A Different Ship Comes In”

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Excess: 3 of Wands

Deficiency: The Tower

Key to Balance: 9 of Cups/ 9 of Wands



This week cautions against making plans based on future events, outcomes or successes that may not come to pass. In fact, be prepared to embrace chaos and uncertainty while you wait for a plan B to arrive. And that’s ok, because many times, it’s something better than we ever could have imagined. The 3 of Wands represents our “wanting more” and the looking to others to help our plans along. Here we strategize with confidence that all we want; we will indeed receive. However,  there may be some troublesome issues that could bring all your preparation & optimism down. Avoid being too dependent on others to do their part to guarantee your success.  They may not pull through for you or fulfill their end of the bargain. Do your own due diligence since they could overlook serious issues. As for yourself, watch for rushing ahead with plans or projects without confirmation of results. You may be too ambitious or optimistic looking past the obvious cracks in the foundation. You may have to take an honest look at where "it’s all wrong". Recognize when it’s not the right fit & bail despite your wishing thinking & impatience to move onto the next level. You need to embrace a possible change in direction & avoid getting ‘fired up” about disappointments-instead deal with the process maturely & in a balanced manner. This ego check teaches you humility but it also improves your chances for something better in the future. The Tower encourages you to see this disappointing revelation as an enlightening experience rather that viewing it as a direct challenge to your dreams. Exposing the cracks is perhaps saving you from committing to a complete lemon …again know when it’s time to get the hell out. To navigate feelings of confusion & avoid falling into despair, maintain a balance between contentment & persistence. Staying grateful for all that you still have while keeping a watchful eye out for new opportunities- Never surrender in making that dream come true. The 9’s say, “Hang in there you’re almost done, it’s up around the bend”. Hold conviction that you will succeed in finding contentment, joy & happiness. Have faith that what is meant for you will appear & a positive environment will be yours at last. Change is coming for the better.

Guidance for December 11th, 2022: “Making Tight Corners”

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Situation: Berkano

Pay Attention to: The Emperor reversed

Avoid: The Star

Added insight: Just fell off the turnip truck



Berkano heralds good luck in new beginnings or the birth of something that will bring you happiness. Indicating a period of creativity as well as the ability to move forward with projects & bring them to fruition. This is a lesson of self-actualization representing a critical point in your personal development towards rebirth, healing, or growth. Dedication to not only achieving these goals but to protect & expand upon what you have built so far.  The Emperor in reversed asks you to identify where there’s a lack of direction, maturity or incentive on your part. This includes self-sabotaging behaviors where you can have a lack of assertiveness & willpower. Tighten up any unstructured or loose boundaries. You’ll not be allowed to take the easy road or let another to take the lead but to stand firmly in your power & what you want for yourself.  The Emperor encourages you to be your own champion, putting mind over heart like a responsible adult.  Fire energy (ambition, will power, internal committed drive) will be needed to stay on path or resolve any problem you come up against. Pay attention to any weakness or cowardice displayed on your part -not standing up to others to defend yourself & your work. There’s a need to let go of past hardships & to overthrow their oppressive & authoritarian effects on you- having the courage to put a stop to all of that & blossom into this new version of yourself. The Star cautions against going on intuition alone; it will not get you to where you need to be. Unwarranted optimism, wishful thinking, or putting too much faith in the Divine without putting in the tangible necessary work will not bring this dream into the material plane. Aspirations must be realistically solid & practical. Watch for  “I know, I know”  energy because the truth is, you don’t know. Apprenticeship is needed in these early developmental stages so if feeling inexperienced, seek skilled help. Creative efforts must be harnessed & reigned in to build upon what you already have. Make sure T’s are crossed & I’s are dotted, any necessary permits gotten, requirements fulfilled-You will have to do things “by the book”. If at any time the project is becoming unstable or there’s apparent unreliability or carelessness-Stop and re-group before taking further action.

Guidance for December 4th, 2022: “Be Mindful of Where You Place Your Trust”

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A wolf in sheep’s clothing in your midst. You are being warned to use discernment because they are guilty of trying to pull the wool over your eyes. The Wolf is selective yet extremely loyal in matters of friendship but here he warns, “Beware of who you trust”...there are others much more worthy of partnership than this trickster.  The wolf brings awareness to social connections & communications. This dividing figure may be attempting to keep you from the influence of others, preventing the sharing of intel & comparing notes. Are they keeping you in isolation feeding you info only they want you to hear or know?  Life’s too short to be wasting your valuable time with low quality relationships. You didn’t come here to be jerked around like a fool by people who get off playing games. Trust yourself & what your two eyes are telling you. It may not be pretty but it’s better to live in reality by confronting & dealing with things as they really are rather than what you’d like them to be. Once you see this wolf for what they  truly are, there’s a fast & positive resolution to the situation. You’ll hardly miss their absence as you find new friendships & alliances founded in loyalty & real trust.  It will be up to you to make the choice to get out of this situation- to make a positive improvement towards better symbiotic relationships. Quality friends know their limits and respect & honor the clear boundaries you set. Ehwaz indicates a movement in a positive direction with worthwhile people who value genuine people who’d take a bullet for them. Friendships that are built to last.

Theme: The Wolf

Stop: “Don’t talk to anyone, don’t look at anyone”

Start: “You are Loved”

Continue: “Believe what you see”

Result: Ehwaz

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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