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December 2021 Readings 

December 26th, 2021: ”“The Darkness has Come Between Us””

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Theme: Isa/ Pot Calling Kettle Black

Incoming influence: Knight of Wands

What to keep in mind?: The Moon

Best way forward: 6 of Cups



Extreme in his desire to save everyone, the Knight of Wands can be overwhelming. Meaning well, he is determined “to take action now” for this week will bring the need to make decisive & quick responses requiring bravery. In his energy, he is rebellious & non-conforming; an open & honest dissident willing to withstand the heat of circumstances. He’s more than willing to defend your honor against injustices fighting for what’s right & good but he doesn’t always take heed. Isa represents the theme of inaction, self-control & maintaining a serene state when being faced with a harsh reality. What the Knight needs to keep in mind is that he may be acting without getting all the info. The darkness of the Moon warns things are so shady right now. Hidden enemies will purposely & purposefully cloud information so that is difficult to understand or decipher…Deception. He may be jumping to a conclusion under the influence a partial truth or an altogether lie. The Knight is being cautioned against ego trips & being so fixed. But rather, be humble because you cannot know everything with certainty. Things are not what they seem. The same two people can see the same thing very differently or in a distorted form and come quickly to their own judgement & act with great fire impulsively.  People are troubled & not at peace. Plagued by anxieties of the Unknown, it is easy to lose your way. The darkness of the Moon feeds our primal wild nature-reacting from a place of instinct & impulse. It is natural to make errors in judgment, thinking or alliances when acting from a place of obscurity or fear. Since that was the way it was presented, who could blame them?

Isa is also a rune of isolation & loneliness because it can seem as if you are the only one challenging the projections & distortions. Resentments blame and projection may have led to icy coolness amongst family, old friends & past associates. Isa warns that instead of bursting forth forcefully, you’ll have to wait for others to wake from their illusion or stop knocking on closed doors. It would be a kindness to recognize yourself in them taking a minute to consider when you were stuck in the same illusion or ignorance. Watching for hypocrisy as you were there once too or else be stuck in a game of blame & finger pointing. Having the generosity of spirit to recognize the uniqueness of each person & their struggle through the darkness of illusion, of denial, of fear before rushing to judgment on how some could be so fooled. Apologize for your fervor and give kindness with a forgiving heart. We end this year with understanding & real love.

December 19th, 2021: ”Can you Stay Strong Enough To Walk Away?”

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Current Situation: 8 of Swords & 3 of Wands (Reversed) with NO

Obstacle: 3 of Swords with the Stranger

Advice: 8 of Cups with The Message



This week finds you standing up to oppression, finding your voice & saying NO to situations that have no future or fail to produce any long-term results.  You finally heeded the warning & are no longer bound by your paralyzing fears nor to bad mistakes. The pressure has lifted and you are more than free now to stop feeling as if you have no choice but to be a victim of your circumstances. Sometimes things just do not work out & you are by no means meant to be married to these failed things; you can always walk away... ALWAYS. And while you should be honored for facing facts, reclaiming your power and finding a way forward, there’s a red-light warning of being tempted once again. Just as you overcame one restrictive circumstance, another situation appears prompting a warning to change course before you revisit another confining environment. Although new, this situation or person has a very familiar air about it. This may be just more of the same you have known before just in different trappings. You have done so much inner work to be finally free, why land in another crap situation? The message of “promised pain, and mental stress” will be yours once again if you do not turn away from backsliding choices.

Decode the clues & recognize the signs before becoming emotionally invested & disappointed. To strengthen your resolve against the obstacle of self-sabotage, it will be necessary to face the unconscious pain, disappointment and lingering regret produced that you may be avoiding. These are preventing you from fully healing & moving on. The Stranger appears to speak to you about your underlying, unconscious and destabilizing issues that need to be healed, reconciled & processed. Allow them to come to the surface & be sorted through properly. Consider why you were challenged in that way & what were the hard lessons learned. Understanding your repeating unhealthy patterns may help avoid a trip back into bondage. Honor the inner quiet whisper cautioning of a potentially negative situation & wanting to GTFO.  Give yourself permission to back away from a course of action that would bring pain & frustration again. You are capable of being strong enough to disconnect yourself from anything unsatisfying – to go and find growth and happiness elsewhere. It’s about taking care of your needs & knowing you don’t ever have to stay in a bad situation again.

December 12th, 2021:
Message for the Collective
“Your Bravery will Save The Unfortunate”

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Theme: Jera (Reversed)

Stop: Page of Cups (Reversed)

Start: Chariot

Continue: 5 of Coins (Reversed)



Jera, the rune of Harvest, appears this week to herald a cycle of upcoming change after a series of hardships and that rewards can be had if right actions are taken. However, we must have the emotional grit, maturity & determination to overcome difficulties & make it through to the other side. Life is going to throw some obstacles in our path in the next few weeks & you’ll have to toughen up a bit and grow a harder shell if things are going to get any better for you.  Jera says “Everything that is happening is meant to happen”. Perhaps this is serving as an opportunity to build some resolve and learn how to power on ahead with tenacity, strength of will and determination. The Chariot echoes Jera’s sentiments by affirming that it’s time to start focusing on self-discipline, resourcefulness & bravery. To claim a righteous victory without having to sacrifice our morals or personal beliefs-To be free and doing it on our terms. Being determined to successfully overcome hardship and strife and keep driving towards recovery….a recuperation in any areas that have been met by loss. This is no time for the emotionally weak & naïve. It’s no longer possible to exist within your magic bubble. You must see things for what they truly are. Seeing the world through idealistic rosy glasses is delaying any kind of improvement. No progress will be gained if we are stalled being wounded & raw, nursing our hurts as if no one has never felt the level of pain we have. We cannot allow ourselves to get overly upset or overwhelmed by drama nor crumble feeling as if our hearts are ripped out by every bit of upsetting news we hear. We must armor up putting aside our insecurities, immaturity & tendencies to be easily offended. Continue to look for any opportunities where we can embrace forgiveness while maintaining forward momentum towards the light at the end of the tunnel; living life bravely, one you feel worthy of.  If we can do this, we can see finances, health & relationships improving or changing for the better. Some have struggled through the hardest of times these last few months but have refused to let it break them- We just have to continue to hang in there. To help with feelings of powerlessness & hopelessness, identify where your energies are being wasted- where you are pouring in your time & energy without any encouraging results or improvement. Whether it’s people, things or situations, cut off time suckers and energy vampires which bleed your vitality, hope & resolve.  When we engage with parasites, we end up giving away our worth, self-respect, self-esteem succumbing into victim mentality. Again, adopting a strong, but not forceful stance, will be necessary in order to put the worst behind us and make success possible.

December 5th, 2021: ”Defending your Honor”

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Theme: The Warrior

Let go: Caring Connections

Hold onto: Man Holding a Heart (Reversed)

Benefit: Community



You may be experiencing a period of difficulty with close connections in your life. This friction is testing your limits as well as your patience creating pain in your heart.   The Warrior appears to remind you are worthy of honor and if you are not receiving a high-quality relationship with anyone who purports to support or love you, it’s time to rethink that partnership. This card emerges when you need encouragement to take bold & decisive action to advocate on your own behalf and consider what healthy action needs to be taken to move on. …despite the unknown.   Your future depends on you remembering “You are the Hero” in your story and having the guts to demand quality, respect & commitment. Keeping true to yourself by holding onto the desire for a peaceful & honoring relationship. The Warrior asks you to face your fears of perhaps being alone and have the bravery to confront difficult, combative or deceitful connections with those who are supposed to have your back. Warrior card also highlights the need for “strength of will” for in order to make a change happen inside yourself, or outside, you’ll need to cut through ambivalence; commit to the decision to save yourself by setting boundaries & refusing to be dragged into emotional chaos. Championing for your heart & your wellbeing by having the courage to take control and be a sufferer no more. To intentionally & purposefully choose to have worthwhile, quality relationships…the kind you deserve to have. Taking this courageous step, will open the space for relationships more in alignment with your principals & common values. Harmonious, fulfilling and fruitful alliances with people who will truly support and uphold their commitment to you.  For some, finding new heart connections with kindred spirits who can perhaps provide the logistical info needed to safely leave a situation as well as a safe place to share emotions aspects that can be created with such endings. Make plans, vent your feelings and remember with every ending there’s a new beginning.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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