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March 2025 Readings 

Guidance for March 30, 2025:

“May the roof above us never fall in. And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.”




"The Roof Check"-What's keeping our metaphorical house standing strong? What sustains and protects our shared space? 

Incompatibility (Cancer/Moon, Leo/Sun)  


This is the keystone of our foundation. The Sun or Leo male energy represents our Ego here. It’s the part of us that look for others to support & rally behind us because we validate ourselves by other’s opinion of us. If we fail to find it, our self-worth is questioned & we retreat inward. If we do find that nurturing support, we can inspire others to greatness. Similarly, Cancer can sulk if they do not feel appreciated. Cancer thinks of those it loves, its own survival & the future- this is where its deep worry comes from.  So, although sometimes as different as day & night, we seem to complement each other. Each providing the missing element the other lacks. In this way, we are the perfect team.  We know that despite any differences of personality, philosophy or natural inclinations, we are connected by our shared history & love for one another. Coexisting side by side, each one aware & seeing value in the other.


“The Friendship Forecast" -What shenanigans might test our bonds:

Matter & Spirit (Taurus/Venus, Sagittarius/Jupiter


Creating new attachments to new philosophies one has bought into warns that someone is buying into a "new religion" that they believe they desperately need to share with others to save souls. One must know that your own insights are only true for you - they have value only to yourself. No one can buy them, nor can they be sold to someone else. They must be crafted by one's own hand, authentically acquired organically.


What preserves the harmony?

Silence (Gemini/Mercury, Pisces/Neptune) 


​Silence is golden. What is holding their awareness right now, may pass in time. Something escaping from all logic, order or common sense is existing in the furthest end of reality. Perhaps you’ll see this vision too or it will pass like a dream. Either way, best to retreat & listen more than you speak. If its uncomfortable now, know that it will not be damaging in the long run.

Guidance for March 23, 2025:

"May your mornings bring joy. And your evenings bring peace. May your troubles grow less As your blessings increase"




You may be discovering a joy emerging in your life. Perhaps it's a new ability to connect to another realm, like a new antenna receiving messages from beyond our existing reality. Whether it is connecting with those who've passed on or communications from guides and helpers, these insights may be warning of an unforeseen experience or providing advice on how to navigate an event beyond your control. This inner sight is awakening within you or comes at dawn when you are in that in-between waking state. Relax your mind and listen carefully to what comes through this week. Now, it's natural to think you might be making up what you are receiving, or perhaps it may have your mind running wild, triggering feelings of panic. Messages may not be literal but symbolic. Focus on the present, write it down, and distance yourself from possible scenarios. It's easy to let our minds jump to false conclusions or make assumptions. Our minds can worry about things we're convinced are true but most of the time are not. Instead, be grateful for this blessing of generosity shown to you from OUT THERE (which is really accessed from the portal within you) because these Beings take joy from your good fortune and want to see you succeed. Firgun is the opposite of Schadenfreude, taking joy in others' success rather than their misery. There are benevolent and protective Beings that communicate guidance to us without expecting anything in return. By sharing this "good news," it impacts how we feel about those around us. We just need to be receptive and tune in to that guidance.

What joy is dawning in my life right now? Phenomenon

What do I need to release to find deeper peace? Flashover

How are my current challenges transforming into blessings? Firgun

Guidance for March 16, 2025:

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. And rains fall soft upon your fields. Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."


You are being more courageous & assertive. The road has opened new opportunities for you to lead & set an example for others to follow in an inspirational way. People are listening & following your lead. But with great power, comes great responsibility & temperance. You are reminded to use your fiery self-expression for useful purposes & not as a means of dominating others or stealing the limelight from their own hard-won achievements. They are doing their own creative endeavors, the same as you. The snake in the King's ear is a caution about the power you hold; let it not become corrupted. Your charm and gift of gentle persuasion can further advance your endeavors if used in a noble way. The Strength of Leo gives you the courage to share your innate talents with the world and show them your best side. Part of your natural kindness is to encourage the best out of people; this force can be very impactful upon your environment. This is a power to be used for good rather than egotistical pride. Keep yourself humble, serving a Higher power rather than glorifying yourself. You will be known and blessed by the fruits of your labor. The 8 of Pentacles represents where we can find God's Mercy and Provision. God sees the application of your talents daily, producing quality even if no one is there to celebrate you. Here in our daily practice, we live to fine-tune our craft or skill. With each work, we are further building stability and inner mastery, as well as appreciation from others. It might not be glamorous, but it's needed and real.

Where The Road Has Opened: King of Wands

The Force to Use to Help Push You Forward Rather Than Hold You Back: Strength

Where Can Find God’s Mercy & Provision:8 of Pentacles

Guidance for March 9, 2025:
“May the grass on the road to Hell grow long for want of us”. 

A Collective reading for US


Our Current Path: Knight Of Pentacles/Hermit

What We’re Wisely Choosing to Avoid: Ace of Wands

The Higher Path Ahead to Stay On? Moon



Time alone has been regenerative for this Knight. Although out of the picture, he has not been idle. Time spent learning, knowledge gathering, planning, & ultimately preparing for victory. He's been building both mental/physical energy to prepare for movement. Knowledge has also been accumulating - from observation on the sidelines & gathered from reliable sources - this information will be weaponized against his enemy. Here he sits, casually lighting his cigarette before getting on with business, the business of the battlefield. Now is the time for sharing with others, revealing the accumulated data he’s come to know during his exile. Surrounded by reliable colleagues, this Knight musters his troops - this is the execution of the Art of War. With wisdom, this Knight will be victorious. An action to wisely to avoid is presented by the Ace of Wands-a creative fire energy that acts fast with brute force. Representing impulsive action, jumping to conclusions, acting first & thinking later, here it firmly seizes opportunities when things feel chaotic, scattered, or unclear-The Moon. The fog of war - how can one confidently wield such fiery energy in this dissolution stage? We have Pisces (Moon) doing its thing, dissolving reality, while Aries impatiently waits to pioneer & construct a new one. Remember that efforts will happen in phases, with untruths brought to light. Things may not look obvious or clear for some time, & we'll have to rely on our intuition to navigate one step at a time. All will be revealed in phases to minimize fear. There is a certain amount of cautious trust that must be surrendered, as we cannot see two feet in front of us. Rational thought abandons us, nothing is certain, but that's the beauty of it. Dreams are shaped by inspiration & our ability to imagine - mysteries exist that can only be perceived in this hypnagogic state. In this nebulous realm, we can perceive things that would normally escape the five senses of our conscious waking state. It's a state where we can magically build & project; the information received has no emotion, just core knowing. Quite the time to be alive.

Guidance for March 2, 2025:

“May you live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.”




This week reminds you that every new day presents new possibilities. At this beginning stage, it can be difficult to discern where the old ends & the new begins. However, if you wish to say farewell to the old, you'll need to release anything that drains your vitality and keeps you in a state of bondage. The obstacle presents itself here as the Vampire, not a light and cheerful card by any stretch. Its power is strong, dark, and parasitic, leaving you weak and dependent. Whether it be an addiction, a harmful attachment, or manipulative person, it has dominated your psyche with a very special power, spoiling or defiling whatever new day you're yearning to enjoy. Understand that these vampiric forces have no loyalty to you. They, by their very nature, selfishly seek to take, conquer, and satisfy their own needs because they are disconnected from the Infinite Source. They wander, looking for an alternate source to offer itself up willingly to their seductive demands. Leeching, they sit back and consume without contributing. What a heavy burden they cast upon you. This possession may have gone on, avoiding detection or acknowledgment for some time without obvious detriment. It may have even been, in a dark way, initially enjoyable, but a new day is on the horizon. Everything dark must be dragged into the disinfecting sunlight. As this fact becomes more visible, doubts and fears may arise, but so too does your fortitude. Your desire for a clean slate is stronger, and you are well equipped to wrestle this monster and win! Working from a state of compassion, knowing that these forces use those much stronger than themselves, you can, with quiet determination, draw on your courage and discipline to cut the head off this bloodsucker. "It's a new day, my friend!"

Your want: Dawn

Obstacle: Vampire

Wealth that already exists: Strength

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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