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September 2020

September 27th , 2020: “Cleaning up our own yard Brings Inspired Growth” 




Taking a clear & honest look at ourselves by letting go of injustices would help you this week. These would include any unfairness directed at another by you or those judgements made unfairly against you.  When we do our part by recognizing and taking responsibility for how our actions may have harmed others, we are rewarded for the growth that is done. However, when making amends, the blessings are not always equally reciprocated. You may seek closure and the case to be done & dusted however, we may not get that apology or they may not accept ours.  Even though you may not get a commitment of forgiveness, it is important for your personal growth & happiness to give them yours- and then leave it there- You have done your part.  Nevertheless, remain open to possibilities after after the unburdening or confessional stage that comes after taking inventory.  There’s always the possibility for forgiveness for a past judgement since people can potentially see things in a new light or from a place of greater awareness at a later date.  In most cases, this awakening comes to be at the proper time & is not anything that can be forced to bloom. A Truth will be known in Divine Time & not in man’s time. In addition, you may find yourself unintentionally delivering a Message of Higher Guidance- sharing a message of truth, support or guidance to another in response to a problem or situation. Divinely inspired, it will hit them like a strike of lightning and it may even surprise you how potent & genius it sounds!

What will help you? Blossoming Abundance/Kyanite Blue (Letting Go)

What will hinder you? Contract/Pink Tourmaline (Forgiveness) 

Unrealized Potential: Fifth Chakra Archangel Gabriel/ Selenite (Spiritual Awakening)

September 20th, 2020: “Breaking the Addiction to Drama”


What to expect? Pallas Athena (Detach from Drama)

What to Do? Serapis Bey (Go Now)

Outcome: Mother Mary (Nurture Yourself)



Fully expect the need to detach from toxic drama this week. Prepare to use your wisdom to cut through other’s bullshit & stop it from laying itself at your feet. Have the will & the where-with- all to know it’s crazy to get all caught up in the fight, conflict or spectacle. Getting caught up in the circus brings you down-ruins your mood, upsets your system & is a weird form of self-punishment, in a way if you think about it. Have the strength to avoid the things that poison your serenity. These could be parasitic thoughts- or anything that makes you fearful, feel defeated, puts hate in your heart or intentionally makes you confused. 

You do yourself a kindness and leave that venomous situation, immediately. You will also have to have the disciple to stay away! Avoid getting sucked back in for that adrenaline rush. It also calls for you to not to lie to yourself but instead be honest and admit to yourself everything you need to.

Serapis Bey helps overcome addictions to toxic situations that do not serve our good. This Ascended Master, who has the energy of a Life Coach, helps to motivate us towards healthier choices for ourselves. No more excuses or stalling. Now is the time to taking care of your needs and do better for ourselves. By refusing to engage, you will direct the loving kindness, you show so easily to others, towards yourself.

Another way to read this is to expect having to defend your truth. Pallas Athena, who helps those who fight for greater causes, calls for you to stand tall & strong in the truth especially in regard to mothers & children. If you have been thinking (a Divine calling) about following a new project that shines the light of truth, now is the time to follow- The Universe will support this move.

September 13th, 2020 ““Harnessing the Power of Thought Forms” ”


Opportunities: Lake (Stillness)

Challenges: Waterfall (Effortless)

Outcome: Creation (Dreamtime)



Take advantage of any opportunity this week that allows you to create stillness in your mind & in your spirit as “the feels” will be coming in fast and furious. We will be blast into a time of great growth & potential. The trickiness occurs on how you handle what’s thrown at you & how well you can navigate your way around the “hard edges”. 

Whether it’s information that will cause a rush of emotions or a series of events that come tumbling in one after the other, you will be pushed to the absolute edge of your comfort zone. Jupiter, the planet of expansion goes direct on Sept. 13th , will demand you take a chance and venture beyond your limits by staying open to what comes next. Maintaining adaptability will be important as you may find yourself wanting to fight against the tide, unable to relax or yield to what is happening. However, if you can pull out from over thinking & surround yourself with stillness, you will be able to rid yourself from enough anxiety, fear or doubt to access your inner spark of creative expression. What do you want to create for yourself moving forward? Gaining control over emotions can help you refine & maintain your creative focus to bring your dreams forth as well as sharpen your intuition helping you navigate life’s rougher spots. Conscious reflection will help recognize & acknowledge past thought patterns that have led you to make choices that influenced your life path.  Conversely, it will also show how amending these thought patterns could shift your way to a future that would be more desirable. 

September 6th , 2020 “Isolation creates Stinginess"


Release: Red Jasper (Healthy Boundaries) w/ 8 of Wands

Receive: Herkimer Diamond (Dreams)  w/ 6 of Coins



Red Jasper is associated with the Root Chakra dealing with safety, security and being an accepted member within the tribe- as well as feeling at home in your own skin. It calls to release the fear & defensiveness that has created boundaries between you & others. The exaggerated concern to stay separate out of fear, apprehension & combativeness has left you battle fatigued & tired of seeing others as a potential enemy. The prolonged act of keeping others at a “healthy” distance, despite your natural urge to seek the support of your community (friends & family), interferes with your ability to feel connected & centered. The chaotic & scattered feelings produced can mess with your ability to discern because you’re not sure who you can trust. Further fueling the feelings of isolation, you may have been battling others in a somewhat self-absorbed attempt to take care of only your needs forgetting there are others that are just as worthy of good fortune. You are also being called to let go of the need to fight in order to maintain or defend your position. Avoid getting “fired-up”. Deal  with conflicts & challenges maturely in a balanced manner.

Herkimer Diamond asks us to open up to receiving & sharing insights and inspirations in order to reach a goal.  It encourages us to have the willingness to consider new & creative ideas to a “blocked” situation which would be the answer to a Collective Wish. To counteract this fear & closed-offedness, look for opportunities where you can share the gift of your dynamic personality, vibrancy & magnificence with others. Look to how you can help another realize their dream to be on the receiving end of what is right, just & fair. Perhaps supporting your community by donating time, attention, resources or wisdom to your little circle. Offer, with a good & humble heart, the very best parts of yourself to those really struggling to stand firmly on their own ‘two feet.’ Maybe it’s you that needs assistance. If so, have the willingness to “drop your guard” and allow someone to offer their help to you. You will get what you need.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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