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October 2020

October 25th , 2020:"Open up to Faith"


Where you stand now? 4 of Coins

What you aspire to? Nature

How do you get there? Childhood ( Innocence)



This week may have you feeling a bit uneasy about things that threaten your status quo.  It’s all about fighting to preserve your place in the world yet wishing you weren’t as closed off & afraid of losing what you still have.  The challenges of Life tend to shape our personality & character as well as the beliefs we hold close to us. Even though you aspire to be in a more balanced state, free from the restrictions of worldly cares, recent disappointments & loss may have added to existing layers of resentment or fear.  On one hand, you yearn to feel freer in spirit & less careful yet the overwhelming pressures of daily life leave you resistant to change and trapped by your habitual thoughts or behaviors in regard to survival. Nevertheless, you realize these fears are cutting off your ability to be in the flow & are stealing your childlike enthusiasm.  Spending some time reconnecting to nature, may help bring your troubles or worries into perspective. Simplifying life a bit may allow your intuition to reveal inspiration that would benefit you moving forward.  You may recover all the wisdom & knowledge you have accumulated so far as a result of this illumination. Remember the of times when you received proof of faith; that despite the chaos, the clouds broke & something came through to shine a light upon your path.  Hold on to your sense of childlike wonder and strive to return to a time within when you weren’t feeling as burdened or bogged down as you do now. Lighten up and let go of some guilt or shame that may be holding you back from expressing who you truly are. Revisit that state of purity & see the world with fresh eyes. Be more childlike – play, dream, imagine. Things may be not as bleak as you act like they are.

October 18th , 2020: “Standing Up for a Cause”


What worked well? Elk

What didn’t work well? Goose

Key learnings: Blue Heron



Despite feeling as if you are struggling against life, you courageously followed your heart & took a powerful stand for your beliefs. With dignity, you stood tall against another’s disapproval or judgement and commanded the respect you rightly deserve. You have done what you felt was just & right without any outside prompting because you answer to your own authority. Even if you take grief for it, you learned you could trust yourself & follow a unique path even if it’s not popular. You now have a clarity of purpose that may feel like a Higher Calling and it fills you with strength & power. You may have been very busy fulfilling this noble cause but be mindful not to react to a false sense of urgency or immediacy. You may have not given yourself a break or a time out before feeling you had to stand up again. You don’t have to answer every “fire drill” so to speak -doing so will drain you of your power. If you slow down and be present,  you will be able to make a stronger impact on others when you are in your physical & psychic fullness. Taking the time to disengage & recharge will help conserve your resources to stay strong for the long haul because you will be called back into duty soon enough. For example, turn off the electronics & stay off social media for a bit to restore & restock before reporting to your post again. Stay energetically strong & powerful, by taking periodic time outs of rest even if you are on a productive roll to avoid burn out & feeling overwhelmed. Pick your battles wisely & keep your eye on the prize.

October 11th , 2020: “Believe in Yourself”


What can you change? Ace of Cups

What you can’t change? 7 of wands

What you may not be aware of? Magician



This week offers a promising new beginning for fulfillment. However, you’ll have to take determined confident action to win it. This fresh find stirs up inspiration so have to have faith in your own abilities & trust in your connection to Spirit to bring in a miracle, if need be. You are just that powerful this week. The Ace of Cups represents “Purity of form & purpose containing the fundamental intensity required to successfully manifest something from nothing”. Which is all about assuming the role of the Magician who brings into tangible creation by the application his will & his belief in himself.  So you will be called  to step into your talent & sell yourself despite the competition or push back you will receive. Take a stand knowing you are just as good as anyone else and are not deficient in anyway. There’s no need to add another skill, connection, tool, or resource to move the needle- you are ready & fully equipped now. Use this challenge to grow. Understand you will not be able to appease everyone but you every right to claim the gold ring as anyone. In fact, even more so because you have the ability to deploy mastership & make the very most of your resources to bring about success. You may not have realized the power you have to do something about your circumstance or how to make the most of this new opportunity that calls to your heart. You have the passion & motivation--You have the communication and problem-solving skills--You have the connections & maybe even the bankroll.  But above all, you have the trust & faith in Providence, as well as yourself, that you will get what you desire. You got it all, so don’t be intimidated by anyone.

October 4th, 2020: “Listen for Healing”




Two opposing aspects need to be brought to a state of peace through reason & earnest effort so the healing process can begin. Fear and perhaps defensiveness would be the only obstacles that would prevent the complete restoration of health keeping the two at odds. In some cases, it still may be necessary to keep your guard up to protect yourself & loved ones since it is not entirely safe yet. However, The Sword of Truth must be raised to cut through illusion (and delusion) in order to bring clarity & understanding. Less talking & more listening is in order right now. Manjushri, the bodhisattva of Wisdom, calls for quiet retreat away from distractions to be able to hear Spirit speak as to how to move forward with true healing. If we are caught in chaos & noise, how can we hear guidance for mending what’s broken?

On a more personal level, you may receive a message from an outside source. Perhaps, Divine Guidance sending wisdom in the form of a A-HA moment, in regard to your healing process. The only obstacle is your fear to follow it thinking maybe it’s not safe or correct. 

Manjushri helps to increase your ability to receive Divine wisdom and to understand the Divine messages from those communications. Mentally ask for guidance or answers from your healing guides, ancestors and your own body wisdom especially. Then, be quiet & listen for the answer. Listen to your body, those aches & pains, will tell you what you need to know. Pay attention to subsequent signs & synchronicities for addition insights or direction.

Current State: The Caduceus

Obstacle: You are Safe! Archangel Michael

Advice: Manjushri (Listen) 

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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