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December 2020 



December 27th, 2020:“A Promise for Rejuvenation & Regeneration”


Incoming influences: Truth

What to concentrate on? Thought

Best way forward: Sanctuary/Grace



This week we receive a sneak peek into the illusion & mirror magic that has permeated our environment for quite a long time keeping us on the defense. Perhaps we come to a small understanding of how we have been pitted against each other? Maybe this eye-opening truth helps us realize that what we thought was real, were actually mirages this whole time. Truth can be a double-edged force - to be used to liberate or enslave depending on the intentions of the one welding this power. The truth can certainly hurt so it takes wisdom & maturity to not only deliver it with kindness but to also be able to accept it with grace. It can make a cut in our pride but it can also call us to be fiercely protective of what we find solace in. It also slices through illusion & rips at the fabric of what keeps one bound.

Restoring balance & executing diplomacy is what should be concentrated on this week.  Like truth, thoughts are powerful & can be used to harm or heal, so think before you speak and proceed with tact.  We are called to consider that whatever we come to discover may be urging us to reason and resolve a situation in another way. To reflect on another point of view, consider alternatives, or step into another reality.

This revelation may give you plenty to think about so it will be important to maintain your inner peace by cultivating a little distance from a situation that threatens to disrupt it. A retreat with grace so as to come to a better understanding as to what this truth means. Surrounding yourself with simple yet lovely comforts; not to distract but to soothe the cuts that threatened your serenity.  Grace offers miraculous healing when one is so overwhelmed by troubling situations.  Yet this quiet wonder comes at its own pace requiring a receptive heart as its only demand. Once it lands, it spreads hope like a blooming heat restoring gratitude & planting humility-shining a promise of lighter days ahead. We end this year with GRACE.

December 20th , 2020: “Go along to Get Along”


Current Situation: Zebra/Meerkat

Obstacle: Boar/Cat

Advice: Humpback Whale/ Roadrunner



Since we find ourselves traveling into unknown territory, it may be best to keep your circle small this week. Some may feel an exaggerated sense of fear or at least anxiety, so having smaller group of friends and family around may feel more reassuring.  Especially a group with whom you synchronize with and will provide the support you desire. You could be lacking the courage & confidence to face fears & confront challenges on your own without the support of this group. At the same time, being headstrong or defensive will not aid you this week. Now’s not the time to enter conflicts on your own so you will need the power of the pack. Strive to get along and maintain harmony while staying alert yet sensitive to the changing atmospheres you encounter.  

Staying swift & maintaining discretion within the company of those who may or may not share your viewpoint- but are yet still an integral part of your community.

This week also brings the Christmas holiday. Can we find the happy medium to avoid being alone & yet feeling safe enough to join together in cooperation, harmony & humor? Things have been so serious this year, we could use a lighter mood. Music & laughter can add a bit of levity to life right now. Even in the darkest of situations, we can find absurdity & irony and have a laugh at its expense. Aggressive disagreements, discussions about uncovering truths, or casting blame on others will not contribute to the comfort & high vibes you are trying to create for your home. Whale speaks about ancestral wisdom & the importance of the family. Whale reminds us to not only speak from the heart but to listen from a place of deep understanding & awareness. The goal is to have everyone to feel safe & part of the group without the threat of being attacked or put on the defense.

December 13th , 2020: “Doing what’s Best for your House”


Theme of Berkano

Stop: Community

Start: Seventh Chakra AA Uriel

Continue: Happy family 4 w/ Page of swords as clarifier.  



As we move into a new cycle of growth, we are presented with the opportunity to let go of our past hardships & their effect on us. Our focus turns toward the love you feel for your family & your creations as well as regeneration. To bring positive changes for your household or future family, start making decisions with their prosperity, abundance & health in mind. Page of swords calls for you to continue making plans for what’s best for your family & for their future development especially in the face of any unpleasant news that would jeopardize this. With Berkano, it also demands that if there’s anything you are unprepared to deal with, get an expert to help prepare these plans because you have a duty to perform. Rather than falling to defensiveness & argument, we become inspired for mature action. Uriel helps to discourage emotions such as anxiety and anger, which can prevent us from accessing the wisdom of discernment or recognizing dangerous situations. However, to protect the development of these plans, secrecy or discretion would be advised.  Stop listening to the collective, chatter from others, talking heads, or others in general who do not hold the happiness & well-being of your family or house as a priority.  Start tuning in to your own spirit connection, higher wisdom and keeping your own counsel as to how you can “create a new life” where you can breathe easier -reborn in joy & be happy for a change.

On a more mundane level, create a new tradition for celebration that inspires a more meaningful connection. Where you may have celebrated on a larger scale with members of the community or extended family now to be done on a smaller scale to maintain the security of the family.  

December 6th, 2020: “Journeying into the Great Unknown”


Let Go: Seer/Winds Of Change

Hold onto: Hope

Benefit: Cuprite/ Queen of Pentacles 



A major change is forth coming but one cannot see what it will bring in its entirety. Continuing the message from last week – We are still working our way through this initiation, so let go of the need to know which way the winds of change will blow. We are provided no indicator on how a situation will ultimately pan out. What this significant shift will mean in your daily life cannot be known at this time. However, Hope is one of the greatest human emotions we can grasp onto in uncertain & worrisome times. It can change our perspective & generate optimism in what’s to come. A survival tool to carry us through this rite of passage with faith of brighter days ahead. “When the world says give up, Hope whispers try one more time”.

But Hope is not the only virtue to hold close as we embrace the unknown for our mutual world. Joy, faith, peace, temperance, charity, purity of heart & truth can all carry us through this metamorphic phase.  Working with these qualities, invites you to sit with your pain & gather the courage to face your fears. It encourages you to use your strong backbone to remain grounded, down to earth & practical while tending to your own needs as well the needs of those close to your heart. It reminds us that you only have control of what is within your reach to influence and to find comfort in your environment come what may. As a result of this transition, you can come away with a greater sense of your own worth & what you deem as truly worthy of your attention.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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