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August 2023 Readings 

Guidance for August 27th, 2023:
“Restraint and Willpower ”




This week warns of an antagonizing opposing force working to hamstring whatever you seek to accomplish and throw you off course. The Devil helps to see the truth of the situation, of where we have been fooling ourselves or others. Here He seeks to illuminate where you need to take responsibility. With the Youthful Folly card, He cautions immaturity may be holding you back, specifically your need for instant gratification. So although, this vexing situation may tempt you to act in a less than honorable way, let it educate you instead. Learn from it rather than allowing it to provoke a less than mature response. See it as a learning experience in resourcefulness whereby you find creative solutions to problems and to maturely persevere anyway when one cannot be found. If life teaches us nothing else is that developing accountability, restraint & willpower, all of which are involved in self-regulation, makes traveling across the chasm of life far more pleasant, effective & with fewer unfortunate consequences. You’re encouraged to curb your impulses-avoid indulging in immediate pleasure. Rather, wait for a larger and greater reward.  Impulsivity just leads to mistakes. But even if we fall prey to our desire for “I want it NOW” , we learn (hopefully ) as a result & walk away wiser than we were before. Nurture & develop fortitude to be able to handle these roadblocks in the future with ingenuity & grace while not being afraid to ask questions from others if you are unsure of the landscape. You’d be better off accepting that you know nothing yet rather than faking that you do. Instead, speak up & ask when you don’t know rather than getting in way over your head.

Theme: The Devil

What to keep in mind:4 Youthful Folly

Guidance for August 20th, 2023:
“Perspective Realignment”




This week speaks to making a comeback after experiencing a bitter end & releasing the pain it has caused you. This may have taken you down, but you are certainly not out -a new dawn awaits.  That said, it honestly still stings to think upon what has transpired and you’ll not forget this betrayal anytime soon. Although the Ten of Swords in reverse advises you to move on & don’t look back, your mind is slow to catch up with the progress of recovery. Instead, you are replaying the pain; entertaining illusions & indulging delusions, allowing it to torture you delaying an improvement of circumstances. You do this to yourself, you know that right? This setback is self-inflicted & an attitude adjustment is in order to not only gain clarity but to relieve you from the burden of those now dead things and to finally heal the wounds of whatever ended so badly. The Taming of Power of the Great encourages you to call on your inner strength to tame your mind that obsesses on all the unfortunate or unhappy reasons that pull you back into reliving this particular low point. It will take consistent redirection of errant thoughts. A re-entering back to detached neutrality in order to stay on firm ground. The trick to pulling yourself together is to remain aware of what is trying to test you while being careful not to turn molehills into mountains. Keeping it in perspective & be ready to embrace a new day. There’s so much to be gained.  It’s only onwards & upwards at this point if you have the courage not to indulge in painful reminders that seek to set you back.

Theme: 10 of Swords Reversed

What to keep in mind:26 The Taming Power of the Great

Guidance for August 13th, 2023 
““You Are What You Eat””


Theme: 7 of Coins

What to keep in mind: 50 The Cauldron


Theme this week is about taking personal inventory and evaluating your level of personal fulfillment. The introspective energy of this card calls your attention to what you have been taking into yourself, of the truths that define you as a person and asks for a review of your process. The highlight is on what’s been growing or cooking inside and getting a return on your investment. 7 of Coins, a card of rewards & results, asks how much satisfaction are you getting from your efforts? If you are disappointed about your harvest, remember you get out exactly what you put in. You can only grow with what you fill yourself. Here we take a look at with what you’ve been filling your pot. The Cauldron, a source of vitality & nourishment contains all your dreams, hopes & prayers as well as being a storage area for transmutational energy. The vessel, connected to the spirit world, holds the power to move, aka transmute, energy from one vibratory state to another. It’s the place where you can change subjective experience into objective truth. As they say, change is an inside job. What’s needed is a self- evaluation or assessment of what you’ve been holding within needing to be transmuted, improved or discarded altogether. What you carry inside becomes you. It becomes a product of you that others can see as evidence of its influence on you. Some of these tangible things are in the process of growing & not ready to be enjoyed as the 7 also speaks about a harvest not yet matured. Although you may be frustrated at the pace of improvement, your patient perseverance is getting slow but steady results. Within you there’s an accumulation of new ideas, percolating, looking to spread, cross pollinate & make a meaningful contribution. As “a work in progress” you may feel as if it’s not ready it’s not worth sharing …but it is. Your unique life, your experiences, your pain and the & wisdom learned is your harvest to be shared with others so they may profit from your growth. One can still be in the process of refinement and still have ripe insights worth sharing. Like a fruiting tree, not everyone is at the same stage of development as you, some are far less along and could benefit from what you CAN offer.  Share your bounty.

Guidance for August 6th, 2023: “When Its Good, Its Good”


Theme: The Lovers

What to keep in mind: 8 Holding Together




The Lovers, speak to relationships that reflect your personal values and being in the sign of Gemini, it’s also where one learns to choose for the betterment of all. This card stresses the importance of communication or expression within the union, as it’s the pillar of any healthy relationship, and you choosing to be part of this alliance will have big changes in your world. These unions may not only be romantic but extend into relationships of all kinds, for better or for worse. Commitments, whether between two people or within like-minded organizations, work in mutual cooperation, each member doing their part, not only empowers the bond but each member as well. This bond is bigger than the both of you. Its binding force is indeed a blessing to both parties providing emotional support whenever faced with danger or difficult obstacles. It’s a source of strength whose integrity needs to be protected from outside forces or temptations that seek to corrupt & destroy it.  Together you become more powerful as a working functional unit at the expense of sacrificing some of your individual will to preserve the union. This is the cost of membership. It doesn’t seem like a sacrifice because you make the conscious choice to join forces for the greater good. This is not collectivism but community. The former, seeking to bring elements down to a common denominator, does not recognize the evolutionary direction of each member while the latter appreciates the individuals innate desire to evolve, and so cheers on personal growth & expansion.  On some level, you have to conform to the rules of the group in order to enjoy the safety, comradery, and benefits of the group. Consider making sure it’s the right fit, dispensing real tolerance and is a place that truly allows for individual expression. Unions will only survive if we have those who are willing to stand by us. Those who treat us or its members as disposable, simply cannot. Question if this is what you want & is it working in communion with your personal values or in competition with them? Watch for those who welcome you to “express your authentic self” only if it conforms to the consensus. Come to a different conclusion than the prescribed directive, and you may find yourself cast out of the Garden with a lack of empathy or at the very least a cold indifference. Sadly, those groups who ooze a social or intellectual arrogance or who have a preoccupation with the group’s image simply cannot tolerate dissenters. It’s just group mind all moving as one.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

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Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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