Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
April 2020
April 26, 2020: “Careful What you Share”
Showing a generous amount of restraint on what you express could save some unnecessary upset. There’s a need to veil or conceal what comes out of your mouth. While it is healthy to release & get out what is bothering you, be mindful on who’s around that could be very disturbed by what you are trying to get off your chest, meaning children or the very sensitive. It may be too overwhelming & confusing to them, so find other outlet for these things or another sturdier individual to confide in. It’s a matter of maintaining a calm, balanced & safe environment while discharging your many thoughts effectively for your own peace of mind. How can you do that? Go into another room to talk. Go chat with a like-minded friend on a walk outside away from the kids. Some conversations are not for everybody and it would do more harm than good to share them (or dump them on) those who need to remain in a safe space right now.
What will help you? Expression
What will hinder you? Release
Unrealized potential: Peace
April 19, 2020- "Standing Tall"
After a period of some darkness, things are slowly being revealed to you that were previously kept under wraps. There’s a sense of a gradual awakening to many things and it will have you surrendering to the process -no matter how long it takes. As much as you would like to force an outcome or “get it over with quick” so you can have peace once again, you’ll have to sit back , control yourself and let things play out. Have faith & know God’s in control. It will have you needing to breathe through your emotional triggers & stay detached however keep your eyes open. You’ll need to observe your surroundings and examine the situation with heart, gut & cerebral intelligence-what are they telling you? You may be called to stay strong & heroic for others even though you would typically be carried away by your emotions. Those close to your heart will look to you for cover & structure when clouds roll in. Keep a steady head and heart as you move through this week. Holding your breath in response to a perceived threat will not serve you. Go back to the breath-it will balance you and help you make wise decisions from a place of love instead of fear. The helping hand you have been waiting patiently for comes though.
Situation: Lotus Flower (Enfoldment)
Action: Stone People & Forest
Outcome: Love (Compassion)
April 12, 2020- “Crawling from the Wreckage”
You’d like to create some distance from troubling thoughts or stressors moving closer to a state of ease & peace of mind. However, you are having trouble letting go & moving on- or being able to move on. The process of rebounding is slow & rebuilding is proving to be difficult. It will not be easy but it will happen. There’s a lot to process & sort through. You are coming through a complete upheaval of everything you relied heavily on & to be honest, you’re a little beat up from it. God, wouldn’t you love to run away from all this! But you can’t- there’s rebuilding to be done but where do you start? You might not even have the head for it at the moment but you can only change what you can. Reciting the Serenity Prayer to yourself will keep things in perspective & your heart/head balanced. Accept what you can’t control & take it day by day- a little at a time. Stay calm and try not to overwhelm yourself. A lot has happened, so be patient with yourself. It will all come to together a bit at a time as long as you don’t over do it. Be resourceful but call in help when you need to. (prayer/ help from friends) Understand that you’ve just undergone a transformation on a very personal level so it’s going to take a little while to find your sea legs again- but you will be stronger for it.
What you aspire to? 6 of Swords
What is standing in your way? Tower Reversed
How do I get there? Temperance
April 5, 2020- “Burning Down the House”
What the Universe wants you to be? Orpiment (Success)
The personal qualities required. Malachite (Healing) &
Amazonite (Life Purpose)
Specific action: Crocoite (Sexuality)
This is a highly transformational time as we accept the truth that we are birthing a new way of being. Although not comfortable, the Universe wants you to know the Light will return. However, you will have to connect with the Warrior Energy within to create strength & courage in your life. Do not waste energy on the how’s & when’s just trust & know that you will have what you need to create success. Orpiment is a protective stone and it brings growth to that which is damaged or harmed as well as providing insights into what needs to be done. Use your intellect & sense of reason to see all layers of the situation. Know there’s always more than what’s on the surface so have the courage to look deeper. Understand you are being presented with an opportunity to address, heal & transform any belief, emotion or habit that no longer serves nor feels right to you. Be willing to let go of old ways that have influenced all aspects of your life that may have held you back from discovering your life purpose. It takes a clear mind free from doubt, a heart full of faith & a commitment to self to recognize that the events occurring now are all part of a plan to realign & reconnect you to your true path. Dig in to discover what that means for you & start constructing it. Tap into your creative life force energy to draw on your resourcefulness & fire to breathe life into that goal. Or at the very least, constructively channel any anxiety into something physically demanding to prevent it manifesting into rage or irritability.
Burning down the House (Trying something new.. leaving the secure shelter.. facing new unforeseen experiences which makes the return to former state impossible)