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April  2019 Readings 

April 28, 2019- “Flipping Tables” 


Situation: 23 All Tied Up

Action: 10 Storm Warning

Outcome: 38 4th Chakra AA Raphael

There’s a sense of being very constricted right now as if your hands are tied preventing you from acting in the matter you wish. A notion that you have limited choices or that all your best efforts are being thwarted. You could be so engaged with unnecessary dramas, busy work or silly games that you cannot provide attention to the things that matter. This being held up & not being able to move forward is causing some frustration and it’s really pissing you off now. You’re feeling stirred up & tables are gonna get tossed.  What’s inside needs to let loose.

Emotions that have been contained & restricted need to break free. They can’t be denied anymore. Stand up for yourself and take action on your own behalf even if you have to upset a few people.- or even scare a few. Sometime the only way you get help or get heard is when you lose your shit and make a fuss. Try to contain it to a small storm without causing too much damage. Keep a handle on it so it does not cause greater difficulty. Make your point within bounds and without too much collateral damage. Others gain a new understanding of how you really feel. Of how you’ve been made to feel - disrespected, unloved, or ignored.  Perhaps they were unaware of how their actions make you feel limited & restricted. It’s through this burst of energy in the form of sharing of hurts and resentments greater understanding can be made. Acknowledging the need for the mutual respect of each other’s time, needs & desires. Everyone is important and deserves to be heard. This emotional discharge will allow for an opportunity for greater love as well as forgiveness & acceptance.


April 21, 2019- “Head & heart in partnership to problem solve” 

It would be advisable to allow your gut to have its fair say as to how to move forward this week. Your great strength is your analytical mind, there is no doubt, but you are prone to getting tangled in your thoughts and lost in the details. Being too in your head will disconnect your heart-gut wisdom concerning the issue.  You will have detached from the situation when you should be trying to get a feel for it. Over-analyzing & desperately trying to mentally produce an answer can have you feeling so overwhelmed that you just check out & detach altogether. You could be prone to hoping this situation will sort itself out without your involvement at all. Not the case here. This requires your participation.  Step away and take a break- perhaps sleep on it. Come to it fresh from an intuitive place this time.  Feel your way through rather than think your way through. You would better serve the surrounding events/people/problem if you came from an intuitive level rather than an intellectual one.  However, that being said, don’t abandon using your brains! God gave you both ..well actually three.. Head, heart & gut- use ‘em all! So if you start feeling mentally & emotionally overwhelmed- step back, connect & ground, breathe, then use logic & research in addition to intuition when trying to sort out a problem.


Steven Farmer-Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards

The Forty Servants- Tommie Kelly

Strengths: The Contemplator
Weakness: The Levitator 
Advice: The Seer  
Bridge: The Chimpanzee 

April 14, 2019- “Surviving the storm and starting over” 


Relationship Spread:

What brings you together: Rainbow (Blessings)

What pulls you apart: Wolf (Instinct) 

What needs your attention: Rain (Purification).

Together with gratitude & joy, you have made it through an emotionally stressful time with a new sense of appreciation. This may have been a life changing event or ending of some kind. This shared struggle has the both of you enjoying the mutual reward of knowing that you can make it through rough times and come out the other side being grateful for all that you have especially for the stuff that money can’t buy. This crisis is finally over and you are both appreciative for this new state of peace. Even though it has been a challenging time, you can truly see the blessings that have come from it. True growth has been produced as a result and things will lightening & brighten up. However, now that you have come though on the other end of this, your first instinct could be to isolate yourself for a bit.  It may be tempting to spend time alone perhaps to rebalance yourself. You may be playing the role of the lone wolf licking your wounds from past hurts or perhaps feeling the need to defend yourself from future wounds. Taking the time away to right your head and clear your thoughts is a good idea but maybe not just yet. As a result of pulling yourself away, your partner is feeling abandoned and perhaps lonely. What needs your attention now is to let go of hurts & injustices that have been incurred and let forgiveness rule the day. Part of the blessing of this crisis is the opportunity to wipe the slate clean & start over. Let go of what no longer serves together. Allow yourselves to release emotions that have been produced or repressed during this challenge. Air them out in a compassionate way. 


Steven Farmer-Earth Magic Oracle Cards

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