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Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.
About Me- I've been an Usui & White light Reiki Master since 2004 and an IET Master since 2003. I received my mastership training from Stevan Thayer-the originator of the IET system. I took a hiatus from energy work for a few years while undergoing my own Hero's Journey and healing crisis. In 2014, I heard the call to return to my energy work during this critical time of Global Awakening. I return with a greater understanding of how healing the Self heals the ALL, a greater sense of compassion for those struggling with their own Life traumas and a greater wisdom on how to achieve that sense of peace we all yearn for.
I have also studied with Lee VanZyl (The South African Medium) founder of the Montclair Psychic School, Tibetan Bön Cosmologer Lucky Lynx and Energy Myofascial Release Therapy with Maria Alfieris. It is with my purest intention to be part of The Serve to Others rank and file. All Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are called to action now.
I am an Empathic Intuitive with Mediumship abilities who picks up information through my "other senses": Clairsentience, Claircognizance with some other Clairs sprinkled in. What this means is that I have the ability of picking up someone else's feelings or thoughts as if they were my own. When I am "plugged in" during a session, many times I can actually know what someone else is experiencing because I feel it in my body, hear messages in my head, speak to a loved one in Spirit, or I can gain information about a person, object, place, or event through intrinsic knowledge.
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