Angel Ariel “The price of admission to a human life is before you leave and go back home again, you are to make a powerful positive, permanent impact on another human soul. That pays for the journey.”.

Oct 2025
Week of Oct 5th thru 26th 2025

Nov 2025
Week of Nov 2nd thru 30th 2025

Dec 2025
Week of Dec. 7th thru 28th 2025
Guidance to 2025:
“Go Forth Without Fear”
Guidance For the Year 2022
As Neptune transitions into Aries, we see "The romanticization of Action". The Marlboro man returns. Cowboys, army men & camo come back into our fantasies. Gone is the eroticism for the boys who wear dresses. Harry Styles looking at you. We dream of those who act with ambition, passion & change.
The Matrix will do their best to overstimulate our minds keeping them distracted & overwhelmed. Focus on your creativity & kindness to others in your community to shift your mindset since we can't change what we can't change- aka what's outside our direct influence.
There's Divine Protection for those who stay true to the principles aligned with Divine Will, Divine Love, Divine Wisdom & Divine Truth. Let these be your guide in whatever you do. Faith will start to become important, mainly because things will defy reason & we'll have no other choice that to trust there's a Higher Plan to it all.
Also note: Whatever fear-mongering event happening around March 2 is a blatant lie -don’t fall for it. March, April & July are predicted to be the most volatile months of the year. In fact, the first 6 months will feel intense even painful. Very much like childbirth, -the birth of something new. The rest of the year will provide the time & space to healing & recuperate. There will be losses for some & rewards for those who have done the work, a job well done. Water & fire will continue its purification phase. It's being said that the structures of the earth itself will change, shift & become something new.

Theme for 2025: Peace
Current state: The Fool/Mannaz (humanity & awareness)
Obstacle: Island (solitude) Ace of Wands/Hush up
Advice: 9 Taming Power of the Small
Outcome: 9 of Swords/ 10-Treading
Dice: North Node, Aquarius, 7th house or 7- The Unknown

Guidance For the Year 2025:
Dice for 2025:
North Node: Symbolizes the Unknown, our fate, and what we’ve come here to learn. It represents evolution, our soul’s purpose & our present lessons.
Aquarius: Sign of innovation, technology, original genius, & humanitarian ideas. Progress requires honest & progressive thought.
7: House of partnerships, of agreements, peace & reciprocation between lovers, friends & enemies.
The energy of Aquarius will help stimulate our individual wills towards finding associations, we can partner with (7th house) in harmony. We need to learn to dissolve old affiliations & recreate new ones. This process could be chaotic and disruptive but invigorating.​​
Theme-Peace: 2025 will bring up themes of peace; of it being disturbed, and of how to maintain or restore it. Highly valued & sought after, it can be the most fragile of things to keep.
2025, a dynamic year of endings (2+0+2+5=9) & initiating new paths (The Fool)-It’s possible we will experience a rebellion of prior contracts & a creation of new agreements of independence globally. All intended for the betterment of humanity

Current state- Fool/Mannaz: As we step out into uncharted waters, The Fool represents potential for either reckless expansion or courageous innovation. While irresponsible actions have led to conflict, may cooler heads prevail this year. The Fool highlights our apparent folly—our "anything goes" attitude—while Mannaz asks us to contemplate consequences & risks to others when pursuing our goals. We see that one cannot spontaneously follow impulses without understanding their global impact. Much of this type of behavior can be attributed to our individual unconscious & past trauma-Uranus (The Fool). Explosive disturbances occur when we fail to consider how careless or reckless actions affect all things. This includes our connection to the Collective Unconscious & its influence on humanity (both attributed to Mannaz). What are we contributing to it, & how? Our unique talents that could benefit all or more disempowering fear? Mannaz is human stuff- our motivations & interactions with each other. Many opportunities will present themselves, including a more positive manifestation of The Fool's energy to expand the horizons of human existence & potential. Much is changing; don’t let it not change you too! Cooperation is necessary to forge new paths for humanity toward a common purpose. Receiving valuable help from others who shape our collective/individual existence, destiny, & evolution reinforces the adage: "No one's coming to save you. We are the ones we've been waiting for."
The Fool is Dionysius, the god of indulgence, pleasure & madness. The Dog is a Virgo-representing common sense, service, humility & skepticism.

Obstacle: Island (solitude),Ace of Wands/Hush up:
A question emerges, "What can one person do?" revealing a deeper tension between isolation & action, silence & speaking out. While solitude offers valuable space & time to reflect, regroup & center, prolonged isolation can prevent meaningful exchange with others. No one exists in a vacuum– our actions & voices ripple through our communities, creating wider impact than we might realize. To withdraw from the human community is to lose sight of what’s essential, & further feeds our distrust & hatred of the other. Obstacle arises when faced with two opposing forces: Of knowing when to speak up & when to show restraint. Some voices that should be quiet are amplifying global anxieties while others who should speak up with messages of restraint & responsibility remain silent. Could also be an attempt to single out & silence one who attempts to act independently. The Ace of Wands exists in the world of archetype-energy without form-a will to action but yet hangs in limbo. There’s a struggle to know when we should act, & when should we observe? When should we speak, & when should we listen? Our voice & actions matter – we have to choose wisely when to use them.
Side notes:
Could we be facing another attempt of global quarantine?
Ace of Wands-Around the time of the June solstice, will a man be sequestered & pressured to remain silent for having the ambition to bring something exciting or constructive into manifestation for public reach?
Something original & experimental?
Perhaps partnering with another to bring revolutionary force -Something that shakes-up all the pieces on the board?
Any delay will be but a minor impediment-Sooner or later, it will break free because this is a part of our collective destiny, our path, our future.

Advice: 9 Taming Power of the Small
Here again, the web reminds us of the interconnectedness & uniqueness of humanity. How if one pulls on a single strand, it could unravel the whole thing, affecting us all. Each web is original- reminding us we each have our weaknesses & strengths, gifts that are unique. Humans have a finite time here to get things done, & it’s folly to focus mainly on our differences. No one is superior to the next; we are one & the talents of each other are needed to create something delicate. And yet a tangle web we can weave of lies & misunderstandings that can disconnect & leave us stuck, separated from our identities & each other when equanimity & consideration fail to lead the way.
The advice is to act with discipline, self-restraint & awareness for mankind, considering how one is connected to the other & could set off a chain of events having a global effect. While it may seem you have very little influence to change the recklessness happening on a global scale other than letting it play out, you are not powerless. You have direct effect on & authority over your home & immediate surroundings. What can you do that's within your realm of responsibility, working within the parameters of this world? Like a spider quietly attending to her web, poised to act when opportunity flies in, pay attention to what is going on with passive attentiveness, without being dragged under emotional waters or succumbing to high anxiety & fear. That said, there's no need to be asleep at the wheel—in indifference or complacency either. Quietly prepare your home, assist the people you care for with needed resources, supplies, & basics—staying adaptable & ready to react when the time calls for it. This situational awareness will provide peace of mind & harmony in your community. The best approach for you will depend on your individual circumstances. Some may call your preparations crazy or excessive, your innovations genius or "out there." Learning to rely on your own preparedness means embracing unconventional preparations, projects, or inventions—reimagining the old way. Change is here & demands that you get yourself in order despite all the insanity. Yielding to fear will only steal your attention from tending to what you need to influence

Outcome-9 of Swords/ 10-Treading:
Know that they want you afraid & disempowered. Your creative energy vampirized via the cruelty of fear & dread, but The Fool's message of "Stop thinking about it & just do it" frees us from these oppressive fears. That it's better to be your authentic self than to live in fear. None of it makes sense anyway. This is "the fruit of sorrow" -the results of aggressive decisions executed long ago. Their pattern of reckless, impulsive attitudes adds to collective anxieties. A nightmare of disquieting thoughts, of wasteful worry rather than laying aside conflict. Not to say it's imaginary, but these thoughts are easily amplified & exaggerated, and without correction, make situations worse. Increased focus on worst-case scenarios will have us acting in ways that support fatalistic expectations. An astute & honest assessment of the true nature of the situation will be crucial. There will be calls for self-restraint & conservations of reason that support humanity & humanitarian efforts. To hang up the swords of conflict & respectfully “meet others in the tent” to develop strategies, or ways to correct mindsets towards caution, responsibility, & different perspectives. It will be a "tightrope trick" requiring a calm & cool demeanor to traverse rocky seas & egomania. Despite difficult & stressful circumstances, competent people will carefully navigate & make progress through the application of measured, diplomatic behavior rather than reactive responses. Pushing with a reckless force will just inflame tension, increase suffering & invite disaster. There will be greater sensitivity to potentially volatile situations, so those who wisely want to advance their goals will proceed gingerly with caution, sensitivity, humor, & responsible behavior. Bombs can be defused & fear alleviated if one does not aggressively & recklessly try to force their way. Being an example of correct, considerate, moderate diplomacy can positively influence others to further temper conflict. A soft touch outweighs a heavy hand.