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Image by Aaron Burden

Jan 2022

Week of Jan 3rd thru the 31st  2022

Masquerade Close-up

Feb 2022

Week of Feb.7th thru 28th 2022

Stacked Wooden Logs

March 2022

Week of March 7th thru 28th 2022

Almond Blossom

April 2022

Week of April 3rd thru 24th 2022

Adorable Chick

May 2022

Week of May1st thru May 29th 2022

Wedding Canopy

June 2022

Week of June 5th thru 26th 2022

Yacht Deck

July 2022

Week of July 3rd thru 31st 2022

Campfire Meal

August 2022

Week of Aug 7th thru 28th 2022

Sunflower Field

Sept 2022

Week of Sept 4th thru 25th 2022


Oct  2022

Week of Oct 2nd thru 30th st 2022


Nov 2022

Week of Nov 6th thru 27th 2022

Christmas Pine Tree

Dec 2022

Week of Dec. 4th thru 25th 2022

Guidance For the Year 2022
“Brace for Impact”

There’s no use going back to the past, the only way to do Uranus in Taurus is to move forward and go with the flow whilst examining your relationship to the physical world”

Focus & theme of 2022.jpg

Current State: Wind (Activation)-
A need for action, being stirred or stimulated out of stagnation, Circulation. Needing to move, Rise & shake up

Obstacle: 8 of Cups (Reversed) Forced to deal with the situation at hand instead of escaping. Or needing to move on & refusing to go. 

Focus: Money -representing your "daily bread" & how you make it.

Theme: Hagalaz- representing Big Awakening, disruptions & crisis, bad changes for the long-term good, Combined: unforeseen events concerning money

wind cups.jpg

Outcome: 5 of Wands & Tower (Mars in Uranus)-a display of temper & wrath, A test of will through crisis, fight for liberation, ligation against institutions, Blowups between public & establishment

Moderator: Reflection & “Just Fell off the Turnip Truck”  Learning from what did not work before constructing anew, Be 
Consider your place in the new construct

Guidance For the Year 2022

With Wind, Mountains and Fire highlighted here:
Quick burst of movement creating challenge, frustrations & collapse.

Guidance For the Year 2022:


Laura Matsue from Cosmic Matrix spoke in a recent podcast about this time

“Old Saturn world is being destroyed. You can either identify with that world or be creative and participate in the restructuring. We have a tremendous opportunity to create while being aware that there are many forces looking to hijack & steal our energy. Be discerning about where you are. ..Some may have to leave & that may be the smartest strategy …But you’ll have to deal with your feelings first- people are dealing with a lot. This time is going to test us to the limit. Our limits-that’s the essence of Pluto.

You will be tested so you can realize a spiritual strength within you that you didn’t even know existed”.


Straight off the heels of a transformative 2021, 2022 is poised to become another pivotal year of personal & collective crossroads. The Winds of Change are continuing to blow, further stimulating an already tense & anxious atmosphere. An atmosphere where the common folk cannot seem to make any positive movement financially. Many have alluded to signs that a great economic crash or at the very least an intense restructuring could be in our future. We may get a taste of this in 2022. The year’s focus will be on money set against the backdrop of “Crisis & Destruction” resulting in great drastic change. This chaos is impersonal, quick & sudden, as Hagalaz serves as a reminder there’s always something more powerful than us. This rune shows us our limitations since we will have no power to avert what is to happen and these events will show how fragile we are. This can leave us frustrated & struggling to decide what to do as it can appear like a disaster. Here the shock of the truth comes to light. It’s painful but necessary so, unfortunately, there’s no escape. Collectively we are forced to stay & clean up messes made before any progress is made. Like most things, it sometimes needs to get worse before it gets better. We’ll be called to brave the storm with grit & use some of its energy to our advantage. As illustrated by the Tower card, economically whatever has been built on false beliefs or on shaky foundations will fall away opening a path to rebuild stronger. And so, the big changes to dodgy situations in regard to money may bring unwelcomed stress & difficulty but could lead us to a better position. The 5 of Wands introduces the sparing of ideas & innovative ways of how to interact while Reflection is giving us a lot to consider; of how we could utilize inventiveness & breathe originality into this chaotic situation in order to usher in a better system. If we can corral egos & energies, as genius as they may be, we could organize and build a better mouse trap -one where we honor freedom of thought & expression. But will we be able to come to a consensus using wisdom gained from knowing what we know now?


We can take a deeper dive here:

The Focus on MONEY

The Money card speaks to your income (your daily bread), earning power, pensions, the economy, banks & other large established financial organizations as well as our hopes & fears about money.


  • Our minds are very activated with these hopes & fears about money / the economy / commerce/ trade. Money is security & reassurance and so we can feel unsettled about our financial situation. It brings unrest within us & with each other as there’s a very real threat of (a collapse, not having enough, debt, inflation, shortages, loss of salary, value or other income, banks or large institutions being on shaky ground) There’s a lot of money in jeopardy. The ways of making money are uprooted or where it’s housed or contained could break down. But it’s “a flip of a coin” as it’s hard to say which way the wind will blow and shake things out. It also represents the everyday aspects to our economic world & the daily social aspect of shopping may be affected.  


  • Money has a neutral energy; it’s all how you use it or abuse it. Its power contained in two sides of the same coin. As an empowering tool, it can fortify or be a source of destruction. Therefore in the presence of Hagalaz, we could witness an epic exposure as a result of greed or misuse of the energy of money.



Year’s Theme: HAGALAZ (Uranus in Aqua)

Represents disruptive forces & drastic changes outside your control, TOWER Energy, external, impersonal & unforeseen events that lead to awareness. As much as it has an unexpected Uranian element, it brings in transformative Pluto energy to bring “a death end to a cycle” . Here, it ushers in bad changes for the long-term good.


  • Major economic shift, severe weather events, destruction in order to rebuild, disruptions & crisis, long term plans crushed by difficulties.


  • A crumbling of old structures, patterns or processes in regard to finances or “how we make our daily bread” and its role in the battles of everyday life amongst the people.


  • A transformation forced upon us for our own good. A shake up was inevitable as some have dwelled too long in their comfort zones. Energy forces us to take responsibility for our own lives.


  • The Tower energy of Hagalaz brings a Big Awakening.  Although shocking, the truth of a situation comes to light. We see it for what it truly is which is not necessarily a bad thing. Brings the end of our innocence-Perhaps revealing where we had been led astray, wherever we were willfully blind, ignorant, naïve or completely in the dark -it gets brutally exposed- there’s no putting the genie back into the bottle. 


  • We could see big shake up to long standing financial structures or any institutions that have historically made a lot of money and have had a dominating influence. Cracks in the system will be exposed. Revelations of abuses of power & where money goes or should be going. Facing the ugly truth may be painful at first but serves to illuminate where transformation needs to be focused & put into action.


  • A chaotic & destructive event that will reveal the massive arrogance & ego that perhaps lived within these institutions where money was King resulting in a fall from grace. A scandal in high places. Were they untouchable? Too big to fail?


  • Severe Weather: As Hagalaz announces “chaos beyond what humans have the ability to contain or harness” this could come in the form of a natural disaster that has an economic impact (logistical problems, delays, trouble accessing cash, food or places of commerce, shortages, inability to evacuate). Wrath of the elements & the power of the fundamental forces of nature could overwhelm all else. Competition & clashes over resources could result in hot tempers & failures of systems that we naively depended on. You’ll have no power to avert what’s to happen. Nothing to do but wait for the storm to pass.


  • Although Haglaz represents unpredictable events that bring a wave of unpleasantness in our lives,  it also speaks to the spiritual awakening that comes from times of deep crises. Radical change on our part is called as a response to this chaos. A change of lifestyle or habit may occur. A positive spin would see this as a course correction or a “wakeup call” while on the other extreme, a loss of power and a disappointment to long term plans foiled by these difficulties. In regard to corrupt economic institutions, that would not be such a bad thing for the common folk.



Current State: Wind (Activation) & Obstacle: 8 of Cups (Reversed) 


As I said last month, we cannot stay asleep at the wheel in a dissociative state (which is how we got into this situation & fell into obliviousness) but to be fully present in our bodies & lives. As crisis hits, we are conflicted on the way to move forward and we struggle to come to terms with it especially after what’s been revealed. The Wind card talks of action needing to be taken but 8 of Cups reversed halts that movement. Many have been stirred awake and are acutely aware that now is the time to initiate change for the purpose of continued progress and growth. However, collectively and perhaps personally, we are forced to stay and face a situation we cannot easily walk away from. As uncomfortable as it is, there’s no escape. Messes need to be cleaned up before any progress is made.


  • We may feel prompted to take that action or shake the government’s tree compelling them to take some kind of action or reform. Will it just devolve into a game of finger pointing & blame leaving us to hold the bag for these greater institutions? Abandoned while they sneak away like cowards into the night? The result will be rage & fury at this crisis.


  • Could this be speaking about the increased Money pumped into circulation to stimulate an economy leading to crisis? Stagnation of wages leading to frustration? Perhaps


On a more personal level, there are economic situations we have outgrown and despite it being painful, we stay longer than we should. Stagnation is the only obstacle. If we refuse to believe things can be any different, how can be bring in any possible change for the better?


Uranus is retrograde for 155 days next year from January 1 - 18 and August 24 - December 31, Uranus retrograde can make us less willing and less inclined to change. Despite the “Winds of Change” prompting us to move on, it may not be that easy due to this Uranian influence.


  • Some may still be in denial that situations have turned up-side down, refusing to move on creating unhealthy or destructive behaviors or actions. They can’t seem to let a losing financial situation go despite it not bringing any satisfaction.


  • Some may consider themselves not emotionally strong enough to leave & accept their lot. It will be uncomfortable & some may want to just settle for less than what they truly want. Feeling defeated, there is a temptation to surrender your life to please another.


  • Some, despite being sorry to leave, will ride this breeze into creating something groundbreaking for themselves even if it’s messy, confusing or stressful at first hoping that it will be a new start for them.


It will become apparent that we cannot run when the heat is on, but to find the courage to stand up, fight back. We must stay and face whatever challenges us, pulling on our willpower & inner strength to sort through & consider what comes next.



Outcome: 5 of Wands & Tower (Mars w/ Uranus) 

Interesting that each respectively represent the Solar Plexus & the Root chakra. Solar Plexus: Of exercising your individual will & Root: security, survival & safety issues. Control issues over Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation)?


Essentially, there are two destruction cards in this reading. One, housed in the Rune of Hagalaz, and the other in The Tower. Both shatter our illusions of stability and serve as a collective “wakeup call” forcing us to build again. 2022 will be a test of our will through crisis urging us to work together in order to navigate these dramatic changes. A further indication that things will not go back to “normal” (and really it shouldn’t) but we will have to fight (in a way that does not harm others) for what we want to create. This unexpected event may result in a display of temper & wrath. There could be blowups between public & establishment.  Expect further activism & protests by the people. Increased antipathy for those corrupted in authority. People have had enough -Showdowns.


  • Challenges to corporate & financial structures resulting in them becoming more responsive to public demands or pushback. Clashes with the desires of the everyday people. These will be the people from all walks of life resulting in a establishments reducing in size or scaling back. Litigations against institutions. Forcing a change -creating a groundbreaking event. Diversity challenging the status quo leading to a tumble of the old guard.


  • Anger at the economic self-destruction that’s happened. Fury over the walking away from economic failures. Conflicts or rage over bailouts. Tosses out of offices, positions, or institutions. What was too big to fail does, in a sudden and shocking way. We may see a loss of rulership, dominance or authority of economic structures or money systems but these have to be destroyed or at the very least brought down to its foundations for us to make progress. This change although radical, confusing & disruptive was a long time coming & unavoidable.  


  • Could we see a battle for discovery or transparency? Regular people competing to bring to light things built on lies. Some of these are already on shaky ground, but we could see money scandals involving financial powerhouses, big corporations, agencies, those in power being blown wide open. Whatever “the people in the high tower” tried to complete comes crashing down and fails. A destruction of everything build on a lie. Secrets and corruption exposed.


  • A situation of  “The Blind leading the Blind” leading to a disaster that was just a matter of time before it was exposed- in fact, it’s been a long time coming. This may clear the way for new innovative financial ideas or result in egos vying for dominance while old financial structures crash & burn- or at the very least go through drastic upheavals.


  • Unrest and fighting for freedom & liberation. Despite the stress, Liberation & Freedom is finally had. Be mindful of your personal safety as violence or assault could be present. Have your wits about you.


  • On the positive, 5 of Wands represents our attentions shifting to innovation. As the status quo gets reworked & reimagined, it may appear tumultuous, disjointed & unorganized. As a new plan gets nailed down, it may be chaotic.  


Despite the destructive elements to long standing institutions, 2022 could be a productive year. However, we may not see concrete evidence in ‘22 as the focus will be on discovery & deconstruction analysis before we have reform, especially in regard to economics. In any case, it  may well be the financial tipping point, full of revelations & projected reorganization, the landscape could look much different before ’23.   



Moderator: Reflection & “Just Fell off the Turnip Truck”


How can we mitigate the trauma? Trauma to the ego of how we could have been so naïve? Of how we could we not see what was truly going on? As well as the trauma to what we could not foresee brought by Hagalaz.  


  • It would be advised to reflect where you could simplify your life economically & wait for the storm to pass rather than rushing recklessly into ruin or risk being damaged by the freefall.


  • Consider this as a time for corrections. Rethink long term plans (financial, employment, pensions, housing)


  • Change your priorities. What do you really want?


  • Although this is a time of enlightenment & liberation, it can also cause discomfort by awakening you to your own subconscious garbage that needs to be sorted, reconciled & dealt with. Transformation is forced upon us for our own good, even though it may not feel like it but if we lose our power & inner harmony, it can lead to feelings of being a victim, disappointment, frustration & blame.


  • Wait out the storms- the cards caution against making decisions in a hurried pace- quick decisions costly mistakes.


  • Some of this is new territory outside our realm of present expertise. To step out of the realm of reaction and into reflection. Observe what’s happening from a larger sense. Look at the patterns being revealed & bear witness to the Divine enfoldment guiding you.


  • Think of this as a true learning opportunity. A chance to consider learning new skills. Seek training. Develop an interest or talent- anything that you can carry into the future & can be useful. Learn & Consider what did not work before constructing anew.


Be aware Uranus being in retrograde can throw our balance and judgement completely off so this time will require focus; the awareness of where our focus is and what do we want to focus on moving forward. With Saturn in Aquarius, this focus turns to our connection to something larger, to systems, and to other individuals resulting in the rising power of group movements.



Astrological remarks:

Now forgive me, I can't specifically recall the Astrolada episode she stated the following but I had taken down notes about the following:


  • In 2022, Saturn Squares Uranus .....these aspects were last seen when Kennedy was assassinated.  “America must strive to complete the tasks started under Kennedy 1962-63 if not they’ll not survive the crisis that follows” 

  • Very interesting astrological breakdown & analysis of the Kennedy assassination here: 


  • Colleges & universities focus of dissension & revolt in '22

  • Economic reforms '22- financial concerns & worries will be on our minds

  • Further activism & protests by the people.

  • Saturn is in Aquarius, it’s time to take a critical look at and the simplification of : our social lives, ideals and principles,  associations and group involvement, contributions and community. To clear out deadwood & prioritizing quality over quantity.





Focus: Money

Theme: Hagalaz (Destruction, Crisis) 

Current State: Wind (Activation)

Obstacle: 8 of Cups Reversed 

Outcome: 5 of Wands & Tower (Mars in Uranus) 

Moderator: Reflection & “Just Fell off the Turnip Truck”.

Disclaimer: The information presented here is intended to act as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute to seeking professional advice from either your doctor or a registered specialist for yourself or anyone else. Spiritual healing and energy work or sprays are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment or psychotherapy but it serves as a complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These pages are not to be taken as medical advice but offered with the Highest Intention as spiritual information.  Statements regarding energy sprays have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.​  Readings are meant as guidance only & should not be taken as  legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For legal reasons, I must advise you that the readings are for entertainment. It is entirely your personal responsibility & free will choice what you decide to do, including any actions you take, with the information that I give you. 

© 2017 by GLH

Morris Plains, NJ 07950

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